Results 54001-54050 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Partial copy: American Philosophical Society Comme j’ai pu remarquer, Monsieur, par les Papiers publics votre attention pour la Decouverte si distingué de Monsieur Montgolfier (que je languis infiniment de connoitre), Je puis vous informer que depuis les Experiences que nous avons faites ici les premiers de la Machine Aerostatique qui ont eu le plus desirable Succés (par le procedé même de...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de fleury desesperé de partir de paris, sans avoir L’honneur de préndre Congé, de Mr. Le docteur franklin, à L’honneur de L’assurèr de son Respèct. Il le prie de vouloir bien Rénfermèr dans son prémiér paquèt pour Le congrès; Les Léttres qu’il prènd La Libertè de lui adressèr pour les faire parvenir en amérique. Comme elles sont tres importantes pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On Fryday last I had the Honour to receive your letter of the 6th. Inst., for which be pleased to accept my thanks. The temporary loss of the Papers gives Me no other Concern, that what arises from the Remembrance that your Illness was the Cause of the Accident. I am glad to hear of your Recovery, & sincerely wish You may never again be afflicted with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the satisfaction to lay before Your Excellency by the Letter I took the Liberty to address your Excellency the 31 July last a Plan of a Glass-manufactori which I intended to Establish in one of the United Provinces of Nord America for Your Consideration; and beg’d most Humbly from your Excellency the Favor to grant me your Skilful Advise on that head,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois, Monsieur, avoir trouvè ici Deux maisons entières qui pouraient Vous convenir; elles ont toutes deux des jardins, mais L’une rèunit a ce qu’il me semble, tous Les avantages et les agrèmens qu’il est possible de se procurer a versailles; elle est neuve, et n’a point ètè occuppèe quoiqu’elle soit bâtie depuis quelque tems; Les embellissemens ne sont...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr: Barclay Consul General laid before your Excellency le Comte de Vergennes letter to the underwriters on the american ship Nancy Capn. Sewell saild from Philadelphia for L’orient the 16. March 1783. In Consequence of said letter of which annexed is Coppy The underwriters have summond us at the Court of Admiralty to pay the premio of...
ALS : Library of Congress; AL (draft): Nationaal Archief Dans l’espérance que vous avez bien reçu, & eu la bonté d’acheminer mes précédentes pour le Congrès, & notamment mon No. 37 du 18e. Dec. au 8e. Janv., & mon Postcrit du 15e., en voici un autre & dernier du 16e., que vous voudrez bien lire, fermer & acheminer pareillement. Je suis avec tout le respectueux dévouement qui vous est connu, De...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd your favor of the 26th Ultimo & have been endeavouring all in my Power ever Since to find out the Value of the two Ships you mention, but hitherto I have not been able to succeed, I find these Ships were released by the Court of Denmark, but so long a Time has elapsed, that those who did the Insurance cannot easily turn to the Acc’t indeed the Union...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous prévenir que je dois couler une statüe en bronze: Si cette opération d’un moment peut intérresser votre goût et votre curiosité; je vous prie de me faire celui de vous rendre à onze heures précises du matin 24 de ce mois au lieu indiqué par l’adresse ci-incluse. J’ai l’honneur d être Monsieur Votre très humble et très obeïssant...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Desirous of doing all in my Power, to Save Mr Morriss Bills, I determined to go to Amsterdam, and accordingly, Sett off, the Beginning of this Month from London, in a Season too rigorous for Pleasure.— At Harwich we were obliged to wait Several Days for fair Weather, whcih when it arrived brought Us little Comfort as it was very cold And the Wind...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having the honour of your Protection to establish the fabrication of woolen Cloth in the United states of North america (and the same time I gave You the patterns of Cloth, Cazimear, Ratteen, &c which I manufactur’d in france) For the completeing of the same, and according to my promis, I take the liberty to give you a detail of what I am Capable of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honor to transmit you herewith a peice written in America against the Cincinnati and a News Paper containing the Institution of that Society.— I pray you when you write on that Subject to Monsieur Gerard to present to him my respectful Compliments. I am affectionately Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant Notation: Paul Jones, Jany. 26....
Transcript, AL (draft), and press copy of LS : Library of Congress Franklin had been aware of the Society of the Cincinnati since at least mid-December, when Pierre-Charles L’Enfant arrived in Paris to deliver George Washington’s letters and begin the work of establishing a French branch. A week after L’Enfant’s arrival, however, Franklin still knew nothing specific about the organization and...
AL : Library of Congress J’ay vû, Monsieur, Le Sr. Rollin qui a èté très incommodé de sables et de graviers; comme il n’a point ète sondé, et qu’il prètend cette opération fort dangereuse, il n’est point sur S’il avait La pierre en gros ou en détail, mais ce qu’il y a de certain, c’est qu’il est extrêmement soulagé, qu’il peut vacquer Librement a ses affaires et a son service, et que le remède...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: William L. Clements Library I am requested by Mr Dempster whom you must probably know by Parliamentary reputation to introduce to your acquaintance the bearer of this letter Dr Ross who proposes to settle in America as a Physician. I have no other acquaintance with him than thro Mr Dempster’s means but he appears by his conversation to be very ingenious and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I write this at the request of my friend & Countryman Thornton, a Student of medicine, & a young gentleman of fortune from Tortola; who has, like every other person of sentiment & ambition, a fond desire to know Dr. Franklin, & I have taken the liberty to request his delivery of this letter— I think he will make a distinguished character; he has at present...
L : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur de Suede a l honneur de faire bien des compliments à Monsieur de franklin. Il est faché de ne pas pouvoir avoir l’honneur de profiter de son invitation pour demain mais il aura celui de passer chez monsieur de franklin un des jours de la semaine prochaine pour echanger des Ratifications. Notation: L’Ambassadeur de Suede 29. Jan. 1784. Appointed...
AL : Library of Congress Lucet Sre. des commandements de Mgr. Le Pce. de Soubise a L’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Francklin de ses devoirs, et de luy envoier un Paquet Pour luy qui est Venu Sous l’envelope du Prince, et qu’il a Prefferé d’envoier a Passy a la demeure connüe de Monsieur Francklin, qu’a L’hôtel de M. Le Rai de Chaumont qu’il ne connait Pas. The secretary of the royal hunting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We had the honour to address your excelency the 22d. inst. on the Subject of an insurance we effected by order & for account of Messr. Jonathan Nesbitt & Co. of L’orient on the american ship Nancy Capn. Sewel parted from Philadelphia for Lorient the 16. of March 1783. arrived safe, the Conditions of the Policy are that sd. ship arriving without risk of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A few days before my departure from Paris I had the honor to inclose your Excellency a Letter from Mr Cormier relative to the Insurance on the Ship Nancy Captain Shewell.— On my arrival here yesterday I found that the Court of Admiralty had given Sentence against me on the authority of the Comte de Vergennes’ Letter only, without paying, in my oppinion, a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here in September last, with a purpose of visiting France and of paying my respects and offering my Congratulations on the restoration of Peace, and to you for the honor you have acquired in this business, as I cannot now do it personally permit the offering in this mode with my best wishes for a continuance of your health and strength of which I...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I receiv’d duly yours of the 23d past, as well as those therein mentioned, with the Enclosed for the Office of Foreign Affairs, all of which except the last are forwarded, and that will go next Wednesday.— I thank you for the Opportunity given me of seeing the Intelligence they contain. I sent you 5 or 6 Weeks since, a Packet containing some fresh...
AD : American Philosophical Society When Jacques Finck was hired as maître d’hôtel in January, 1783, he and Franklin made the following agreement: after three months, during which Finck would get a sense of what the family expected and what the expenditures were likely to be, he would no longer receive an annual salary and be reimbursed for itemized monthly statements. Instead, Finck would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honour to inform you that the house of Parlement has Rendered Me Justis on thursday Last, I was Judged at liberty and Discharged of Every accusation, And Conducted to With all the honours of war to the Grand Stairs of Parlement, in order to have the Right to persue those who have bean the Ocation of my Disgrace. My inosance is Now proved...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you in August last in answer to your very kind Note of July 29th. inclosing a Line to you from Mrs. Bache, which I then forgot to return to you, but which I now inclose. This Letter I sent by the common Post which I hope came safe to hand, tho’ I have not had the Pleasure of hearing from you since. I therein acknowleged, and beg leave to repeat...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Vanderhorst with his Daughter are on an excursion to Paris, and their return will be most favorable for remittance, if you should, in consiquence of my Letter and a bill of Exchange enclosed to you a few days ago, have it in your power, you’ll oblige me to send by Mr. Vanderhorst who is directed in that case to pay the money, or transmit the seal to my...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. & Mrs. Jay request the honor of Dr. Franklin’s Company at Dinner at 3 o’Clock on Saturday the 7th. Inst.— Addressed: His Excellency Dr. Franklin / Passy— In the hand of Sarah Jay. The only year during the Jays’ stay in France that Feb. 7 fell on a Saturday. John Jay had only just returned from England; he rejoined his family at the end of January: Jay...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: University of South Carolina Library I ask your pardon for having so long delayed an acknowledgement of your favor of the 6th. December. first occasioned by a purpose of writing by Mr. Jay, whose departure was uncertain & I happned to be abroad when he was so good as to call upon me at Bath to take leave. Immediately after he left us, I was seized by a violent...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I received the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me the 24th past. You have had a terrible Passage indeed, taking it all together from London to Amsterdam. The Season has been, and continues, uncommonly severe, and you must have suffered much. It is a Pity that the good Purpose of your Voyage, to save if possible the Credit of Mr Morris’s Bills...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre poele-cheminée est construit; c’est pour la Seconde fois, la forte Gelée que nous eumes, le mois dernier, l’ayant réduit en poussiere, malgrés le feu qu’on avait entretenu dans l’attelier pour le faire Secher. Je vous prie de Vouloir bien, ainsi que vous avés eu la bontè de nous le promettre, prendre un jour pour Venir chés le poelier, voir si on a...
LS : Bibliothèque Municipale, Nantes Malgré tout le desir que J’ai, Monsieur, de faire quelque Chose qui puisse vous etre agreable ainsi qu’a M. Votre Frere,— Il m’est absolument impossible de faire le voyage de Paris dans Ce moment cy; ma Maladie, et la saison rigoureuse, sont des obstacles insurmontables pour moi— J’ai moi meme fait executer un Poele Cheminée propre a bruler le Charbon de...
D : American Philosophical Society Pour faire du Pain avec la Farine de Maïs, mêlée avec la Farine de Blé. La Farine de Maïs demande plus de tems pour bien cuire, que la Farine de Blé; C’est pourquoi si on les mêle à froid, et qu’on les fasse fermenter et cuire ensemble, la Partie de Blé sera suffisamment cuite, lorsque la Partie de Maïs sera encore crue. Pour parer à cet Inconvenient, Nous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Nationaal Archief Le Sr. Chouquet, après avoir charrié plus d’un mois avec lui le paquet du 17e. Dec. que vous aviez eu la bonté de lui remettre pour moi, me l’a enfin envoyé de Dunkerque par Amsterdam, d’où je l’ai reçu il y a quelques jours. Heureusement les Dépeches de Mr. Van Berckel à L.H.P. ne nous avoient pas laissé ignorer si longtemps...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Liberté des Braves americains vos Dignes Compatriotes Est Louvre de votre Excellence; puissies vous jouir Long tems dans La Santé La plus parfaite, et La plus Constente prosperité du fruit de vos travaux à jamais mémorable. Ce Sont Les veux Bien Sinceres que je feray Pour vous dans tous Les tems de ma vie, et que je vous prie D’agreer a Ce Renouvellement...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lt Colonel Murnan has requested me to give him a Letter of Introduction to your Excellency; which he supposes will assist him in his military Pursuits— I have seen many Certificates from General Washington General Howe & other Officers under whom he has served; & have made a particular Enquiry into his Conduct, during the late War: And it with much Pleasure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je regrette infiniment que la saison rigoureuse ou nous sommes me prive d’aller moi même vous prier d’agréer les assurances de ma reconnoissance. Vous avez bien voulu me faire passer par Caillot la lettre du Sr. Bertram; nous vous sommes redevables, Monsieur, de nouvelles richesses vegetales. Vous m’aviés flatté, la derniere fois que j’eus l’honneur de vous...
L : American Philosophical Society Made. la Comtesse de Chinon prie Monsieur franklin ministre des Etats unis de vouloir bien lui faire l’honneur de venir au Bal que lui donneront M. et Mde. la Marechale de Richelieu dans leur hotel de Lundi Neuf fevrier, Lequel commencera a quatre heures après midy et finira a dix. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin Ministre / des Etats unis / A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En Conséquence de Notre Entrevuë de Samedy dernier, nous nous Sommes Transportés chéz Mr. le Lieutenant criminel: Nous avons prié ce magistrat de Vous Envoyer directement La Traite de 60. Dollars pour en Vériffier la Signature. Le Sr. Schaffer Se flatte que Vôtre Excéllance repondera Sans délais à Mr. le Lt. criminel, en lui donnant Toute Satisfaction Sur...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr & Mrs Carter Request Dr. Franklin to do them the Honor to dine with them on Saturday next. The Favor of an Answer is desired. The son-in-law and daughter of Philip Schuyler. BF had learned the husband’s true name, John Barker Church, in October: XXXVIII , 546; XL , 263–4.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivred to you by my Good friend the Prelate or Abbé Nekrep president of the oriental College at Vienna, a Gentleman much estimed here, a very good scholar and philosopher. He goes for a few weeks to Paris in pursuet of knowledge regarding his profession, and as his particular pride is to know you, I take the liberty to recommend him to your...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Last night I received your obliging Favour of the fifth of this Month. Your Excellencys Sentiment, “that the Foundation of Credit abroad must be laid at Home” is perfectly just, and accords with the General Sentiment of the Money Lenders, Undertakers and Brokers in this Country, whose Universal Cry is “We should choose to see Some certain Method...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The relentless stream of letters from people throughout Europe and Great Britain who sought Franklin’s help in immigrating to the United States finally induced him, in the winter of 1783–84, to write “Information to Those Who Would Remove to America,” which was intended to answer all such queries. We summarize here the unsolicited letters and petitions that...
AL : American Philosophical Society Doctor MacMahon presents his best respects to the Honourable Dr. Franklin, and is very Sorry that a pre’engagement hinders him from accepting the honour of his kind invitation for to morrow. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin Ministre / Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis / de l’Amerique Septentrionale / à Passy One other letter from Dr. MacMahon survives...
ALS : South Carolina Historical Society; incomplete copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 3d Inst. by your Son, with the News papers for which I thank you. The Disorders of that Government whose Constitution has been so much praised; are come to a height that threatens some violent Convulsion, if not a Dissolution; and its Physicians do not seem even to guess at the Cause of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le dérangement de ma santé & l’espérance d’aller à Paris, m’ont empêchée, Monsieur, d’avoir l’honneur de vous écrire plutôt, & de vous remercier de la marque d’attention que vous avez bien voulu me donner: mais mon voyage devenant chaque jour plus incertain, je ne puis tarder davantage à vous dire combien ce que vous me mandez de votre petit fils me cause...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’anxiété d’une Mere, Madame de Hogendorp, pour son fils qui se trouvoit sur le Vaisseau péri près du Cape Anne, ne lui permettant pas d’attendre que les Glaces laissent nos Passes ouvertes, elle espere avec moi que V. Exc. pardonnera la liberté que je prends de faire passer par vos mains l’incluse pour Mr. Van Berckel à Philadelphie, & que le Paquebot, qui...
LS and L : American Philosophical Society; LS : Independence National Historical Park; copy: Library of Congress Three Days ago, I received in a Letter of the first of December from Messrs. Wilhelm and Jan Willink Nicolaas and Jacob Van Staphorst De la Lande and Finje at Amsterdam a Copy of their Letter to you of the thirtieth of November. Enclosed you have Copy of my answer of this Date. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M.M. Quinquet et lange, auteurs de la lampe dont J’ai eu l’honneur de vous Parler, desirent avoir l’Avantage de la mettre à vos lumieres; ils S’Estimeront heureux Si leur dècouverte mérite votre approbation. Je Suis avec un profond respect Monsieur Votre très humble et très obéissant Serviteur In fact, Antoine-Arnoult Quinquet and Ambroise-Bonaventure Lange...
Three LS : Yale University Library, American Philosophical Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: Harvard University Library, Library of Congress I have written to you, under Yesterday’s Date, on a very interesting Subject; and I will now add Something farther which I did not chuse to place in that Letter, as a Copy of it is transmitted to the Houses in Holland. And first I will...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received the three several Letters you did me the honour of writing to me on the Subject of the Aerostatic Machines, and the means of directing their Motion. The Academy of Sciences having appointed a Committee to consider that Subject, I thought I could not better dispose of your Papers than by communicating them to that learned Body, especially as...