Benjamin Franklin Papers

The American Commissioners to Sousa Coutinho: Résumé, 30 November 1784

The American Commissioners to Sousa Coutinho8

Copy:9 National Archives

⟨Passy, November 30, 1784: We received from your secretary the extract of the letter from Monsieur de Sa of October 24.1 Conformable to the desires of Her Majesty, we enclose a draft of a project of a treaty of amity and commerce to be concluded between our two countries.2 If this project is acceptable and Her Majesty sends you power to conclude, we are ready to sign such a treaty. If your court has any objections or alterations to propose, we will consider them.⟩

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Published in Adams Papers, XVI, 437–8; Jefferson Papers, VII, 551.

9In Humphreys’ letterbook.

1See BF to JA, Nov. 15.

2Humphreys noted here that they sent the same draft as had been sent to Thulemeier.

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