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Results 53941-53970 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Volunteers of Petersburg entertaining a grateful recollection of the eminent patriotic...
Je viens implorer les bontés et la protection dont son excellence m’a constament honoré, à la...
In the month of September last Standing in need of an aid De Camp in conformity to the resolution...
I am informd by Capt. Virmiller a Very good Man who has been in New York in Quest of his Stock...
“I have just recd. my dr. Sir yr interesting communication by Mrs Fenwick , which only serves to...
53946[Diary entry: 18 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
18. Finishd securing fodder at Riv. Side.
53947[Diary entry: 25 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Very pleasant and somewhat [warmer], there being no Wind.
I Received your letter of the 2d May Informing me of the Receipt of the plank by Capt. Nutter and...
Copy: National Archives ⟨Passy, November 30, 1784: We received from your secretary the extract of...
Since the voice of Liberty has resounded throughout the extensive Territories of Rio de la Plata,...
18 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 4. “By the arrival of the Imperial Polacca La Benevolenza Captn: Luca...
Absence from home has prevented me from receiveing your very interesting letter of the 24th of...
My indisposition was of short duration: Dr Dunglison’s prescription dispelling the fever & other...
I have recd. Sir your letter of the 9th. and am sorry that I cannot give you the information it...
M r Hollins being obliged to be absent from the City this evening, desired me to enclose the...
[ New York ] June 17, 1784 . “Let me know if you please Whether Philip Palmer and Joseph Palmer...
I thank you very sincerely for your letter of the 10th. inst. which I received a few days ago....
I entreat you to accept my grateful thanks for your affectionate Address; and to be assured that...
53959[Diary entry: 11 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. They went away after breakfast—alone aftds.
Immediately on receipt of this you will detach a Serjeant and Twelve of the best of your Men to...
I have just recieved a letter from Maj r Flood informing me that his neighbor M r Duval will...
[ Paris, 27 July 1789 . A letter to “Blondin” is recorded in SJL under this date, but has not...
[ Philadelphia, April 11, 1791. On May 7, 1791, Washington wrote to Hamilton : “I have received …...
You will take the command of the two divisions consisting of the Jersey and York Brigades, and...
Being a friend of the administration, and of the nomination of the representatives of the people,...
Halfway House , 22 Mch. 1781 . Accepts offer made in TJ’s letter and thanks Council for the...
Your Excellency’s favr of yesterday has this moment arrived—The Queries therein contained shall...
I have known Major Penrose a long time—believe him to be a good republican—a man of considerable...
The great Countenance & protection shewn & given to Deserters, by persons in the different...
I have done nothing with Colo. Crohon in regard to the Land you want of him as yeat, as I cold...