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Results 53941-53970 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Francis Mitchill of Richmond in Virginia has been recommended for a midshipman’s place by Colo. John Harvie of that place and mr George Divers, gentlemen worthy of all confidence . I saw him myself, & found from his own statement that he had proceeded in geometry as far as the 6. first books of Euclid. William G. Stewart of Philadelphia applies for a place of midshipman. I am personally...
My son in law Thos. M. Randolph has for some time contemplated the establishment of a cotton plantation in Georgia, and proposes to carry thither this fall some portion of his negroes. he has been informed that a law of S. Carolina against the importation of slaves, has been so construed as to prohibit even a citizen of the US. from an innocent passage thro’ the country with his property in...
I have at length returned to the City for the purpose of remaining in it during the rest of the Season. We do not yet pretend to be free from cases of autumnal fever, which have been particularly malignant and fatal; but those, who, like myself, are believers in domestic origin, may return without apprehension. From my brother I have had accounts, from time to time, of the health of our family...
The Secretary of state presents his compliments to Mr. Short, and informs him, in answer to his note of the 19th. Inst. that the vouchers to which he alludes are already at the Auditors Office, and that this Department will cheerfully do all that is in its power, towards the putting of Mr. Shorts accounts into a train of settlement. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). Letter not...
My last which was of Augt 22d acknowledged your two Letters of June 17th and 26. Those since received are of Augt. 12th inclosing the Letter to you from the Emperors Minister and of Sept 3d inclosing your answer to that letter. Your return to your Consular station under the circumstances which led to it, is entirely approved by the President. It was proper both as it secured a temporary state...
I had the honour to write you on the 24th. of September respecting some Bills of Exchange &a. Not having heard from you on that Subject I take the Liberty to Send you this Letter by Mr. Robt. Bethell Junr. of this City and beg as a particular favour that you will give the necessary orders So the fourteen Bills of Exchange drawn by the french Administration of St. Domingo on the french...
We are favor’d with yours of the 16th. inst. and if you will ship your Richmond Tobo to our CRs. address we will advance Ten Pounds Stg. p. Hhd. either in Bills or money, perhaps if so small a sum is wanted by Government the first will answer but for exchange is above par & to make it conformable to the mode adapted by the Bank shall get one of our neighbors to endorse the bill. Yesterday had...
21 October 1802, Cambridge. Regrets calling JM’s attention from official duties to a private letter but feels confident that the writings of “an undignified citizen” will be read with candor and attention. Knows JM must be “crouded with applications” both from personal acquaintances and from those who know his political character. “Stern necessity frequently commands what delicacy in other...
21 October 1802, Annapolis. Introduces Marien Lamar who, believing John Marsden Pintard intends to resign, is a candidate for consul at Madeira. Lamar is from Prince Georges County, Maryland. “His family and connections are respectable & firmly attached to the principles of the Revolution.” He has been “in the Mercantile line” for seventeen or eighteen years at Madeira and in recent years has...
21 October 1802, London. No. 10. “It is impossible for me to represent to you in adequate terms the very distressed State of our Seamen lately discharged from the British Navy.” Has tried in every possible way to obtain assistance for them from the British government but at last has been obliged to provide passage at U.S. expense for the neediest as an alternative to the more expensive...
21 October 1802, Gibraltar. No. 101. “I have only time to hand you the inclosed from Consul OBrien w: Copy of his Letter to me under 3d. Inst. I refer to mine No. 100 [17 Oct. 1802] ⅌ this Conveyance.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Gibraltar, vol. 2). RC 1 p. Docketed by Wagner as received 18 Dec. For enclosure, see n. 1. In O’Brien’s 3 Oct. 1801 [1802] letter to Gavino (2 pp.), he...
It is impossible for me to represent to you in adequate terms the very distressed State of our Seamen lately discharged from the British Navy: after exerting myself in every possible way to procure for them from this Government the assistance to which their Services seem to have intitled them, I am under the absolute necessity o f providing at the expence of the United States, passages for...
I have only time to hand you the inclosed from Consul OBrien w: Copy of his Letter to me under 3d. Inst. I refer to mine No. 100 ⅌ this Conveyance, & have the honor to be, Sir Your most obedt. & most he. St. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison , Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional...
1802. Oct. 21.  present the 4. Secretaries. 1. What force shall be left through the winter in the Mediterranean? 2. what negociations, what presents shall be proposed to Marocco? Answ. 1. the two largest frigates, President & Chesapeake , the time of whose men is out in December, ought to be called home immediately. the two last frigates, the N. York, and John Adams, which are smallest also, &...
M r: Walter who had been in the City several days, while I was absent, called at my dwelling & left your favor of the 5 th: inst t: yesterday. I am sorry, that he proceeded to Washington without my seeing him, but he promises me this pleasure on his return. I have now returned to my old haunts for the season, and though we cannot yet boast of perfect health in the City, there is reason to...
I return you "The Messenger" with many Thanks. The Politicks of Europe are written with a Splendid display of ancient and modern Information, and a Studied Elocution: but like almost all other political Writings of those Times betray an Insincerity, a Want of Candor and Integrity, which to me, I own, is extreamly disgusting. In France before the Revolution they had their "Ecrivains des...
This Indenture made the twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two Between William Constable of the City of New York in the State of New York Gentleman and Ann his wife of the first part and Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris of the same State Esquires of the second part. Whereas by a certain agreement entered into and made before Mr. Lewis Fevot...
Every thing here announces that in the minds of the administration the peace cannot be of long duration. This Government, probably alarmed at what it considered a new evidence of the disposition of France to assume the command of all the Nations of Europe, and apprehensive of her succeeding in another important step towards the attainment of this end, has, it is believed, resolved to resist...
I informed you of my intention to join the Court at Barcelona which I effected after one of the most fatiguing journies I ever experienced. The road from Valencia to Barcelona 250 miles at least of it is beyond all comparison the Worst I ever saw. The whole distance from Madrid here is 500 Miles & being obliged to travel with mules in their slow pace & with an Escort I was 16 days coming. The...
20 October 1802, Málaga. Encloses a duplicate of his 10 Sept. dispatch . Transmits a packet for JM received 19 Oct. from Richard O’Brien and a copy of O’Brien’s 2 Oct. letter to him for JM’s information. “The Tripoline, now Moorish Cruizer,… was compleatly provided with Certificates from the different Consuls residing in the Emperor’s dominions belonging to him and only waited for some Seamen...
20 October 1802, Barcelona. Encloses another blank counterfeit register and Mediterranean pass no. 2 [not found]. Is unable to find out anything more respecting “the Plate of the Register Seals &c.” “My Vice Consul Mr. Stirling having disobey’d my orders in this investigation I shall dismiss him tomorrow.” Had Stirling acted as ordered, the other plate “if in this Place would probably have...
I have the Honor of inclosing you duplicate of my last Letter under date of 10th. September, and Come to transmit a Packet, which I yesterday received for you from Richard OBrien Esqr. at Algiers, as also Copy of a Letter which He addressed me on the 2 Instant for your Information and Government. The Tripoline, now Moorish Cruizer, so long blocked up at Gibraltar, I find by last advices was...
I herewith Enclose you another Blank Conterfeit Register and Mediteranean Pass No. 2. I have not yet been able to find any thing more respecting the Plate of the Register Seals &c. My Vice Consul Mr. Stirling having disobey’d my orders in this investigation I shall dismiss him tomorrow. Had he acted as I orderd him the other Plate if in this Place would probably have been found. I have not yet...
je prends La Liberté de vous offrir un exemplaire d’ un ouvrage que je viens de publier en france, et dont Le Sujet forme La Base de toutes Les Sciences morales. au milieu des importans objets qui vous occupent, je n’ose espérer que vous puissiez prendre Le tems de Lire deux gros volumes: mais j’espere que vous Recevrez avec Bienveillance, Cet hommage Bien Sincere de mon admiration & de mon...
On the 12th: September, I had the honor of writing to you, respecting information received of an intended landing, of the French incendiary negroes , on coasts of the Southern States of this Union; from on board the French frigates, which were at New York. Since that time, a false alarm has been given on Waccamaw neck, in the North Eastern part of this State; which occasioned the marching of...
Your name having been connected with the subject of this letter, will, I trust, be considered as some apology for the liberty I take in troubling you with it. Two letters dated in August 1801, signed N Geffroy , and addressed to you, have been published in one of the prints of this place, and charged upon me, on account, as it was said, of “the parity of hands”: Persons desirous of comparing...
There are two persons in this place who according to the information I have recd., have respectable claims to the office in question. The first of these is Jacob I. Cohen , a Jew but sound in his principles, of fair character & much employed in the business of the corporation. the other is Tarlton W. Pleasants , a brother of the clerk of the h. of Delegates , of equally fair character, and...
Mount Wollaston Hutchinson’s Hist. of M. Bay. Page 7. In 1625 one Capt. Wollaston with about 30 Persons began a Plantation near Westons. They gave it the name of Mount Wollaston. It was known by that name some years after, but at length the name was lost in that of Braintree, of which Town it is a part. The particular Hill, which caused the name of Mount is in the farm of John Quincy Esq late...
It being occasionally necessary to answer representations and complaints to this Department on the subject of seamen deserting from foreign vessels within the U. States, the President thinks it proper that the District Attorneys for the United States, should report whether any or what provision may exist in the laws of the ⟨sta⟩tes respectively, by which deserters in such cases may be...
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to mr Barnes for 20. Dollars in five dollar bills. Oct. 19. 1802. RC ( ViU : Edgehill-Randolph Papers); addressed: “Mr Barnes”; endorsed by Barnes; endorsed by TJ: “Barnes John.” According to TJ’s financial memoranda, on 19 Oct. Barnes sent $15 to the president, who also gave $10 in charity on the same day. The following day, TJ made two additional charitable gifts...