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Results 53941-53970 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Francis Mitchill of Richmond in Virginia has been recommended for a midshipman’s place by Colo....
My son in law Thos. M. Randolph has for some time contemplated the establishment of a cotton...
I have at length returned to the City for the purpose of remaining in it during the rest of the...
The Secretary of state presents his compliments to Mr. Short, and informs him, in answer to his...
My last which was of Augt 22d acknowledged your two Letters of June 17th and 26. Those since...
I had the honour to write you on the 24th. of September respecting some Bills of Exchange &a. Not...
We are favor’d with yours of the 16th. inst. and if you will ship your Richmond Tobo to our CRs....
21 October 1802, Cambridge. Regrets calling JM’s attention from official duties to a private...
21 October 1802, Annapolis. Introduces Marien Lamar who, believing John Marsden Pintard intends...
21 October 1802, London. No. 10. “It is impossible for me to represent to you in adequate terms...
21 October 1802, Gibraltar. No. 101. “I have only time to hand you the inclosed from Consul...
It is impossible for me to represent to you in adequate terms the very distressed State of our...
I have only time to hand you the inclosed from Consul OBrien w: Copy of his Letter to me under...
1802. Oct. 21.  present the 4. Secretaries. 1. What force shall be left through the winter in the...
M r: Walter who had been in the City several days, while I was absent, called at my dwelling &...
I return you "The Messenger" with many Thanks. The Politicks of Europe are written with a...
This Indenture made the twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight...
Every thing here announces that in the minds of the administration the peace cannot be of long...
I informed you of my intention to join the Court at Barcelona which I effected after one of the...
20 October 1802, Málaga. Encloses a duplicate of his 10 Sept. dispatch . Transmits a packet for...
20 October 1802, Barcelona. Encloses another blank counterfeit register and Mediterranean pass...
I have the Honor of inclosing you duplicate of my last Letter under date of 10th. September, and...
I herewith Enclose you another Blank Conterfeit Register and Mediteranean Pass No. 2. I have not...
je prends La Liberté de vous offrir un exemplaire d’ un ouvrage que je viens de publier en...
On the 12th: September, I had the honor of writing to you, respecting information received of an...
Your name having been connected with the subject of this letter, will, I trust, be considered as...
There are two persons in this place who according to the information I have recd., have...
Mount Wollaston Hutchinson’s Hist. of M. Bay. Page 7. In 1625 one Capt. Wollaston with about 30...
It being occasionally necessary to answer representations and complaints to this Department on...
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to mr Barnes for 20. Dollars in five dollar bills. Oct. 19. 1802....