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Results 53911-53940 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society; University of Pennsylvania Library I have lately received from America a Diploma, constituting my late honoured and dear Father Dr. John Perkins a corresponding member of the Royal Society of Medicine at Paris, which arrived there after his decease and which was transmitted to me. Recalling to mind the favors and civilities You was pleased formerly to...
L : American Philosophical Society M. Le C. de Vergennes a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur franklin un paquet pour Mr. le Chever. de La Luzerne. Il le prie de vouloir bien le faire passer à Sa destination par le vaisseau le Wazington. /. Vergennes’ dispatch no. 53 to La Luzerne, of the same date. Vergennes expressed relief that Congress had denied BF ’s request to return home; he thought it...
L : Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Austria M. Franklin a reçu les deux Lettres à l’adresse de Mrs. Le Baron de Beelen et le professeur Marter que Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de l’Empereur lui a fait l’honneur de lui adresser pour faire passer en Amerique. C’est un vrai plaisir pour Mr. Franklin de trouver l’occasion de faire quelque chose qui puisse être agréable à Monsieur l’Ambassadeur et il aura...
LS , copy, and transcript: National Archives; AL (draft): Library of Congress Not having heard of the Appointment of a new Secretary for foreign Affairs, I take the Liberty of addressing this Dispatch directly to your Excellency. I received by Capt. Barney, a Letter from the late President, directed to the Commissioners, dated Novr 1. with a Set of Instructions dated the 29th of October, a...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; incomplete press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society I have received your Favour of the 30th of September, for which I thank you. My Apprehension that the Union between France & our States might be diminished by Accounts from hence, was occasioned by the extravagant and violent Language held here by a Public Person in public Company, which had that...
Copy: William L. Clements Library Before you receive this you will have heard of a total change of the British Administration. It is not as yet many hours since this event has taken place. The Cabinet is as follows viz Mr Pitt first Lord of the treasury Ld Thurlow chancellor marquis of Carmarthen } Secretaries of State Ld Gower President of Council Lord Sidney Ld Howe first Ld of  the...
Press copy of ALS and transcript: Library of Congress I have received your Favour of the 16th October, and am much oblig’d by the Intelligence it contains.— I am happy to hear that your Government has agreed to furnish Congress with the Means of discharging the National Debt. The Obstruction that Measure met with in some of the States, has had very mischievous Effects on this side the Water;...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am desired by the General Post Office of Great Britain to recommend to your Consideration a Sketch of an Advertisement respecting the Packet Boats, which they think it may be useful to publish. You will do in it what you think proper. Perhaps you have already done what is necessary. As I was formerly long connected with that Office, & have Friends in...
ALS : Yale University Library In reading Mr Viny’s Letter when I receiv’d it, I miss’d seeing yours which was written behind it in a Corner. I thank you much for your kind Offer respecting my Grandson. I was fully resolv’d on sending him in September last, and engag’d Mr Jay, one of my Colleagues then going to England, to take him over in his Company: But when it came to be propos’d to him, he...
Reprinted from The London Magazine, new series, III (1825), 479. Our Cousin, Mr. Williams, left London in June last, on his return to Boston. He carried some goods for you. I hope he arrived safe, though I have no Letter from him. I have since sent him a bill of exchange for your account on Dr. Cooper, and signified my desire that the whole might be put to interest to produce a little annual...
(I) AL (incomplete draft): Library of Congress; (II) ALS and transcript: National Archives I congratulate you very sincerely on your Appointment to that very honourable Station, the Presidency of Congress: Every Testimony you receive of the public Sense of your Services and Talents, gives me Pleasure. I have written to you a long Letter on Business, in my quality of Minister. This is a private...
Reprinted from The Pennsylvania Packet, And General Advertiser, June 29, 1784; copy: Bibliothèque de Genève I do not know who is at present secretary of our philosophical society, and therefore I address to you, who read French, a book lately published here, which gives an account of one of the most extraordinary discoveries that this age has produced, by which men are enabled to rise in the...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, La lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire et par laquelle vous demandez au nom des Parens du Né. [nommé] schaffer détenu dans les Prisons de La Conciergerie, des Ordres du Roi pour le faire passer aux Isles.—Je vais en Ecrire à M. Lenoir, et je vous prie d’Etre persuadé d’avance que je ferai tout ce que Les Circonstances...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez-vous, Monsieur, que je vous recommande le paquet ci-joint. Je Supose que la fregate le Washington n’est pas encore parti. Un de mes amis, Monsieur, desiroit avoir une lettre de recommandation de Votre part pour M. le Dr. Price, et je Serois Sensiblement obligé Si vous vouliez bien me l’accorder. Mon ami S’appelle de Chateaufort; il va passé...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Columbia University Library Since we parted I have been so much & so long indisposed as that (except short Letters to Mrs. Jay) I have denied myself the Pleasure of writing to my Friends. The Kindness you have shewn us both, has nevertheless not been forgotten, nor has my Disposition to acknowledge and be influenced by it in the least abated....
ALS : Yale University Library Your two Letters to the Commissioners, dated at Princeton the 27th of October & 1st of November, and one to me of the first of November, came duly to Hand; Mr Adams saw the public Letters in England, Capt. Jones having landed with them at Plymouth. We thank you much for the Intelligence they contain. I am now alone here, Mr. Jay being at Bath, with Mr Laurens, and...
ALS : Library of Congress J’ay reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire au sujet des Catholiques americains. Vous pouvez etre Sur en Cette occasion Comme en toute autre de mon empressement à Seconder vos vües tant par rapport à vos Catholiques dont il est facile d’assurer le Service, qu’en faveur de M. L’abbé de la Roche que j’estime et aime. J’aurois besoin dans le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It has long been my sincerest wish to return you my warmest & best thanks for your kind & affectionate attentions to me when at Paris, but I refrained troubling you with a letter till I could entertain you with something new & worthy your attention. Till the present moment I have unfortunately been only in those spots that you have yourself formerly...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Charretié presents his best respects to his Excellency Dr Franklin he proposed having the honour of waiting upon him but his business at Versailles having prevented him, from whence he is this moment returned, with an express order from the Minister to sett out for London on Teusday morning, this renders his going to Passy impossible, he therefore sends...
Printed D with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous donner avis, d’une entreprise que nous venons de faire, & qui nous a paru jusqu’à présent, aussi désirée qu’utile au Public. C’est de prendre dans la nouvelle Encyclopédie par ordre de matieres, tout ce qui manque à la premiere Encyclopédie par ordre alphabétique, & d’en former un Supplément à l’usage de...
ALS : Princeton University Library You cannot conceive, my dear Friends, how happy your kind Letters make me. To find that thro’ all the unpleasant Circumstances that so long have separated us, you still retain your ancient Regard for me, gives me a Pleasure inexpressible. A Thousand Thanks for your hearty Invitation to your House. I am sure I can be no where happier, than with a Family I so...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As a Gentleman of Science & a Well Wisher to the new erected Empire, I address myself to You on an Improvement, which is now introduc’d into the World, on which a pamphlet is just publish’d, to print with Words entire, instead of single Letters, which will be of the most important Use in the future Conduct of the Press, both for Dispatch, neatness, &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Wrote you a few days ago adviceing that Doctr. Coopers being Sick provented my presenting your Bill, he is now dead, he die’d this Day about 12 oClock, I shall endever to git your Bill answerd, I think the famley will pay it as the Doctr. has left a good Estate for one of the Cloth we think the death of this Ameable man is not only a Loss to his famley &...
ALS : American Philosphical Society I have the honour to send you with a thousand thanks, the book you have been so good as to lend me. I have perused it with satisfaction, notwithstanding I thougt the system of the Author incomplete, sometimes erroneus, often chimerical, and in general treated in a manner rather too superficial. But the importance of the subject, the continual clearness of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am in the last uneasiness Concerning my Brother’s Fate. There is one year Since I receiv’d letters from him. I am afraid he Could be Sick; for I am at a loss how interpret Such a Silence. If by your assistance I could have knowledge of What it is become of him Nothing Could equal my obligations. He Was in the beginning under Secretary in the department of...
Copy: Archives Départementales de la Gironde J’ai eu Connoissance de la Lettre de Mrs. Cripps et May dont il Est fait mention, négocians de Charlestown. Je Crois qu’elle Contient Vérité, et Je ne puis qu’espérer que Le placet du Capitaine Conte, Sera favorablement accüeilli. A South Carolina mercantile firm that owned and outfitted ships, and traded with firms in Bordeaux: XXV , 428; XXIX ,...
LS : American Philosophical Society Depuis la lettre, Monsieur, que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire le Vingt Six de ce mois au Sujet du Nommé Schaffer, j’ai eté informé que ce particulier a eté arreté au mois de juillet dernier Comme prevenu d’Escroqueries; que Son procès ayant eté instruit, il a eté Condamné au Carcan et au bannissement, et que Sur L’appel de ce Jugement il a eté transféré...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si je netois pas indisposé, j’aurois l’honneur D’aller vous Souhaiter au renouvellement de cette année tout ce qui peut arriver de plus heureux à un homme de votre merite; privé de ce bonheur permettes moi de vous faire parvenir Les assurances de mon respect. J’apprens par Les papiers publics que malgré une guerre dispendieuse Les Etats Americains, pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M Le marquis de lafayette me fait demander Les papiers que J’ai eu L’honneur de vous faire passer. Je ne scais si c’est pour vous Les Communiquer ou pour vérifier Lui même. Si je Suis susceptible de Lordre des Cincinati en [ ce ] cas Je vous prie Monsieur, de vouloir bien Les Lui faire passer sur Le champ j’ôse en même tems vous suplier Monsieur, de m’être...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have not words to express, the Pleaseur I had in Receving your very kind leter, which you was so good as to send me by Mr. Lamot, for allthoug I have not seen you for this lage(?) Past, my heart warms when ever I here your Naime mensiend, as does my wife, for She Loves you sincearly. Could wee but have the Pleaseur to Injoy you here, was it but for a few...