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Results 53911-53960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It is not improbable that the Enemy have a plan of cyphering their Letters which is pretty...
Your Excellency will receive inclosed herewith the copy of an Act of Congress of the 18th...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. Sepr. 21....
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I inform you that I am an American, and have been...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Mr....
AL : American Philosophical Society M de Castries a l’honneur de faire passer a Monsieur un...
53918[Diary entry: 22 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
22d. Upon my arrival in Camp I found that the 3d. Maryland Regiment had got in (under the Command...
The inclosed letter for your Excellency and the Copies of others to Count De Rochambeau and...
j’informe Votre Excellence de l’arrivée du reste du convoy, que je fais partie tout de suitte,...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith enclosed the propositions requested by Your Exe y . on...
As the Time allowed M r . Jay for offering such Propositions as may become the Basis of the...
AL (draft) or copy: Carrow Thibault, (Ardmore, Pa. 1955) On the Seventh of this presant Septr....
(I) ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; (II) ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Vous...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Dès que Vôtre Excellence juge convenable de ne rien...
By the best accounts which we can obtain the Enemy’s Works at York are already more respectable...
Les nouvelles que Votre Excellence m’a fait parvenir par l’Aide de camp de M. de Rochambeau, sont...
I have had the honor to inform your Excellency of my holding the Commission of Paymaster to the...
I received your Favor ⅌ Messenger Kane—I have now to inform you that I arrived at this Place on...
On my Arrival at this Place, I found it would be attended with good Consequences for me to see...
I hold myself exceedingly obliged to your Excellency for your favor of the 15th. The intelligence...
Since the Evening before last I have not been able to procure the least intelligence from York...
Your Letter of the 18th instt came to Hand while I was absent on a Visit to the Count de Grasse...
I had the Honor of addressing your Excellency the 20th since which time nothing material has...
I had the honour of your favor without date this morning. I have a particular Satisfaction in...
Musquetts Swords Bayonets Cartridge Boxes Gun Slings Gun Worms Screw Drivers Brushes and Prickers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will inform you of my safe Arrival at Lyons & of my...
53938General Orders, 24 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
An accurate inspection of the Arms Accoutrements and Ammunition to be made immediately and the...
Your favor of the l4th Inst. has been duly received; the intelligence respecting the embarkation...
The enclosed papers were taken in a Dispatch Boat from Lord Cornwallis by the Brig. Sea Nymph of...
Inclosed is Copy of a Resolution of Congress of the 5th inst. respecting the Conduct of Major...
The constant Attention I have been obliged to pay to the March of the Troops—forwarding...
By endeavoring to gain intelligence for the Baron de Steuben last January, I was made a prisoner...
The Commander in chief instructs me to inform you that the troops now arrived are to be debarked...
I have recd your favor of the 12th. You may be assured that should the proposal for the exchange...
Herewith you will receive my Affidavit with my Certificate agreeable to your Request in your...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Un Gentilhomme Normand qui est depuis 27. ans établi a...
53948[Diary entry: 25 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
25th. Admiral de Barras having Joined the Count de Grasse with the Squadron and Transports from...
53949General Orders, 25 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
All deserters and persons coming from the Enemys Lines are to be sent in the first instance to...
I am honored with your favor of the sixth instant and agreeable to your instruction immediately...
I cannot conceal from your Excellency the painful anxiety under which I have laboured since the...
Jai l’honneur de prévenir Votre Excellence, que j’ai assemblé ce matin un conseil composé des...
Apprehending it to be my duty to inform your Excellency of every movement of the enemy or...
I have received your Letter of Yesterday—It is a fact that, by particular Agreement with Sir Hry...
Your Excellency will receive inclosed herewith copies of two Acts of Congress, one of the 20th...
Jay L’honneur de vous adresser un Memoire Pour Mr Segond mon parent, auquel Je dois le plus vif...
When your Excellency honor’d me with the command of a Regt of light Troops I presumed the...
I have the honor of your Excellency’s Letter of the 23d. Count D’Arotte at the head of Lauzun’s...
RC (Virginia State Library). Written by Theodorick Bland, who also signed for JM. Received in...
Tho’ I have often wrote to your Excellency, yet I have not had the Happiness of a Line from you...