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Results 5391-5440 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
5391[Diary entry: 6 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
6. Sowed Turneps where the Drilld Wheat was, behind the Garden. These of old Seed. Finish’d...
5392[Diary entry: 7 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
7. Began to seperate the Male from the Female hemp at Do.—rather too late. hemp : Cannabis sativa...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having received yours of the 11th of May, and 8th of June,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I receiv’d yours of June 20. and 22. I have wrote my...
Photostat: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my last I have received your Favour of June...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote you lately that 20 Guineas was demanded by Kirk...
5397[Diary entry: 9 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
9. Abt. 6 Oclock put some Hemp in the Rivr. to Rot.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last Mondays post we reced your favours of the 3d: Currant,...
5399[Diary entry: 10 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
10. Seperated my Ewes & Rams but I beleive it was full late—many of the Ewes having taken Ram.
“IGNORANCE and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind.” This is an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Freedom and Benevolence with which you have Cultivated...
5402[Diary entry: 13 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
13. Finish’d Sowing Wheat at the Rivr. Plantn. i.e. in the corn ground. 123 Bushels it took to do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of writing thee a few Lines on the 16...
5404August 15th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of...
15 Aug. 1765. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L....
5406[Diary entry: 15 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
15. The English Hemp i.e. the Hemp from the English Seed was pickd at Muddy hole this day & was...
5407[Diary entry: 17 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
17. Finishd Sowing Wheat in the Corn field, which lyes over the Run at the Mill 27 Bushl.
In my last which has distanced this much farther than I intended I gave you a circumstantial...
THUS accomplished were many of the first Planters of these Colonies. It may be thought polite and...
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote to you per the Packet, and do not recollect that I have any...
It gives us a real concern that we are not favourd wth any part of thy Crops ⅌ the Hanbury this...
AD : Haverford College Library August 22, 1765 After James Parker had sent Franklin a first...
5413[Diary entry: 22 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
22. Put some Hemp into the Water about 6 Oclock in the Afternoon—note this Hemp had been pulld...
Printed in Lloyd’s Evening Post, And British Chronicle , August 30–September 2, 1765. During 1765...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot let Major Small go without a Line to let you know I...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Committee for examining Mr. Canton’s Experiments On...
ALS not found; reprinted from The Nantucket Inquirer , January 26, 1824; transcript: Harvard...
ALS : The Maria Mitchell Association, Nantucket, Mass. I send to your Care a little Box for our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It pains me that I have so long omitted writing to you; and...
5420Cash Accounts, September 1765 (Washington Papers)
Contra Septr 1— By Thos Bishop in full of Accts £5.14.0 4— By Exps. at Fredericksburg 0. 2.0 By...
I Received yours By Giles and do not hesitate a moment to Say I Gladly Embrace the offer of going...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favourd with yours of the 9th Current giving me an...
5423[September 1765] (Washington Papers)
4. Began to Pull the Seed Hemp but it was not sufficiently ripe. 5. 6. 7. 9. } Sowed Turneps...
5424[Diary entry: 4 September 1765] (Washington Papers)
4. Began to Pull the Seed Hemp but it was not sufficiently ripe.
5425[Diary entry: 5–9 September 1765] (Washington Papers)
5. 6. 7. 9. } Sowed Turneps behind the Garden. Getting of Fodder at Mill & Muddy H.
Printed in Lloyd’s Evening Post, And British Chronicle , September 9–11, 1765. The grounds for...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not had the Pleasure of hearing from...
DS : American Philosophical Society Bot. of Edwd. Nairne £ s D an Achromatic prospective Glass....
ALS : Public Record Office Having just heard that there is a Vessel to sail for Bristol Tomorrow...
Extracts: Public Record Office; also printed in The Pennsylvania Journal , September 4, 1766,...
ALS : Princeton University Library Within these few Days I have received your several Favours of...
5432[Diary entry: 15 September 1765] (Washington Papers)
15. To this date my Carpenters had in all worked 82 days on my Schooner. The schooner, apparently...
Extract: Public Record Office; also printed in The Pennsylvania Journal , September 4, 1766,...
By the Fauquier Captn Nicks you will receive 12 Hhds of Master Custis’s Tobacco which please to...
If you will permit me after six years silence—the time I have been married to your Niece—to pay...
Your favour of the 20th May last, with the Goods pr the Francis, is just come to hand—The Goods I...
It cannot reasonably be imagined that I felt any pleasing Sensations upon the receipt of your...
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. for the use of George Washington—Potomack...
Having wrote very fully to you in September 1763 in answer to yours by Mr Fairfax and heard...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have reseved yours by Capt. Friend and one which was to a...