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Results 53901-53950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Legion of the Duke de Lauzun is ordered to join the Troops now under your Command in Glocester County—to aid in restraining the Enemy, & preventing their Collection of Provisions & Stores from the Country—This Service, if you are Seniour Officer, you will endeavour to perform, with all your Diligence, without precipitating your Troops into too great Danger. You will be very punctual in...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 5 th July last, with the papers therewith enclosed, were delivered to me on the 29 th . ult o : by Major Franks whom the procrastination of the minister still obliges me to detain . The new commissions ^ with ^ which Congress have honored me, argue a degree of confidence, which demands my warmest acknowlegments, and which so far as it may be founded on an opinion...
MS (Virginia State Library). JM’s file copy is in LC : Madison Papers. JM’s covering letter, if any, to the Virginia Auditors of Public Accounts has not been found. 1781 Pena. Cury July 10 To bills drawn on Mr. R. Morris in my favor by G: Nicholson Agent for Mr. Ross Pennsa. Currency £100. - - By balance June 20th. £  -  -  - Sepr. 20 By Board & Lodging including Liqrs. &C. from June 20...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I should have answered sooner your Letter of the 7th. but that it happen’d to mislaid.— Inclos’d I send the Letter you desire for Govr. Hancock. I have now no Acquaintance left in New York Government, but its Delegates to Congress, to whom you mention being already known. Made. la Comtesse d’Houdetot has warmly recommended to me a M. Crevecoeur who had...
LS : Yale University Library, Smith College Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Five Captains of Vessels from Boston who had been carried Prisoners into England, made their Escape from thence lately in an open Boat and arrived on the Coast of Normandy in France. Being Strangers there, destitute of all Acquaintance, they had the good Fortune to meet with M. St. John, a French...
Copy: Library of Congress It has been a great Mortification to me that I have not been able this last Summer to pay my Respects to my Respectable and dear Friend at Sanois. The Journey has been often talk’d of among us at Madam Helvetius’s, but some obstruction or other has always interfer’d and occasion’d it to be delay’d: I have from time to time enquired concerning your Welfare, and had the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Adieu mon bon ami mon aimable papa, je pars je vous quitte pour bien longtems, mais je ne puis croire que mon áme entiére me suive, une portion voltigera sans césse autour de vous— adieu aimés moi, écrivés moi souvent que vous m’aimés, et croyés que rien n’égallera le regrét que j’ai de vous quittér, que le plaisir que j’aurai a vous revoir:/: Addressed: A...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We your humble Pertationers do Desire your Assistence. We are put here by Capt. Hardwine Commander of the Black Egal Luggar privateteer and for whot we cannot tell for we Shipt with him in Dunkark to Sarv Six Weeks at Sea Which we have Faithfully perform:d and taken A Number of prises. Since We have been here he has Sent offers for Some us to go With...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am Now in a Strang Country & 4000 Miles from home. No frends to Vindicate me in my unhappy setuation Not with standing theire is Every Proof of my Inosance I am now fully Perswaded that without the Asestance of your Exelency will Not be releved of Preson. I Hope your Exelency will do Every thing that Lais in your Power to releve me of my Destrest...
I have just received an act of Congress of the 7th inst. of which the enclosed is coppy. as I apprehend it will be impossible to form any tollerable judgement of the quantity of forrage, without ascertaining the number of horses & cattle belonging to the allied army which were supplied with forrage in West Chester County; permit me to request your order to the Quartermasters of the allied...
It is not improbable that the Enemy have a plan of cyphering their Letters which is pretty general among their Chiefs; if so, Your Excellency, will perhaps reap Benefit from making your Secretary take a Copy of the Keys and observations which I send to General Greene, through your Care. With every Wish for your Success and Glory, I am Your Excellencys Obliged & Humble Servant PHi : Gratz...
Your Excellency will receive inclosed herewith the copy of an Act of Congress of the 18th instant, respecting retaliation for the repeated cruelties exercised and exercising upon the virtuous citizens of America by the Enemy, hitherto unexampled except by themselves. This Act requires no comment; I wish it may have the desired effect. Last night I received a private account of the junction of...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. Sepr. 21. Duane, Randolph, Matthews, Boudinot & Sherman a Come to receive communications from Minister of Fr. When this committee was named by Congress on 3 September, its members were Duane, Randolph, and Mathews. They were directed to report upon the papers dealing with John Laurens’ mission to France ( JCC...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I inform you that I am an American, and have been favour’d with an academical Education, you will conclude that I am not unacquainted with your political or literary Character. You will not therefore expect that I should attempt to add to the Encomiums which are resounded over every part of Europe, as it would surpass the power of human Invention to...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The enclosed Letters have been put into my Hands relative to the Passport, which I sometime since desired, at the Request of M. de Cornie, for the Passage of Linens from Metz thro’ France for America. I find that M. de Malesherbes interests himself in the Affair, I suppose upon the Recommendation of M....
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Mr. de Veimerange acquaints me that a Part of the Supplies sent to America in the Rusée, have been taken by the Enemy, and that if it is thought proper to replace them, Orders should be speedily given for that Purpose. I therefore beg leave to mention to your Excellency that the Replacing those...
AL : American Philosophical Society M de Castries a l’honneur de faire passer a Monsieur un Paquet et deux Lettres qui viennent de lui parvenir à son addresse. The earliest possible year; Castries had become naval minister and begun corresponding with BF eleven months earlier. Not found.
53918[Diary entry: 22 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
22d. Upon my arrival in Camp I found that the 3d. Maryland Regiment had got in (under the Command of Colo. Adam) and that all except a few missing Vessels with the Troops from the head of Elk were arrived, & landing at the upper point of the College Creek —where Genl. Choisy with 600 Fr. Troops who had from R. Isld. had arrived in the Squadron of Count de Barras had done before them during my...
The inclosed letter for your Excellency and the Copies of others to Count De Rochambeau and myself have this moment come to my Hands. I deem the intelligence they contain of so much importance that I have thought it proper to transmit them immediately to your Excellency by the Baron Closen one of the Aides de Camp to the Count de Rochambeau. I have the honor to be with the highest Respect and...
j’informe Votre Excellence de l’arrivée du reste du convoy, que je fais partie tout de suitte, pour la riviere de james. cette jonction faitte plus vitte que je ne comptois, m’est d’un heureux présage, ainsi que le peu de succès, qu’ont eû les Brulots envoyés d’York, la nuit du 21. au 22., à nos Bâtiments qui blocquent cette rivière. Présument que cette opération a êté faitte de la part du...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith enclosed the propositions requested by Your Exe y . on Wednesday Evening last I have endeavoured to render them as short & simple as possible & I flatter myself that the unreserved frankness with which they are written will be no less agreeable to your Exey than I am sure it is consistent with the desire & disposition of my Constituents As the issue of...
As the Time allowed M r . Jay for offering such Propositions as may become the Basis of the proposed Treaty between his Catholic Majesty and the United States of North America, is very short: he should fear the Consequences of Haste and Inaccuracy, if he was not persuaded that the Candor with which they will be received will secure him from the Inconveniences to which those Circumstances might...
AL (draft) or copy: Carrow Thibault, (Ardmore, Pa. 1955) On the Seventh of this presant Septr. Captn John Manley now In Mill Prison in the presence of Captn John F Williams & Captn Gideon Hanfield Boath Captive did heare Captn Manley prepose his Selling his turn of gowing in the Furst Carteel to me or anney outher person that Would purtches it of him for the Sum of twenty one Shilling paid...
(I) ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; (II) ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Vous trouverez cy joint un memoire dans l’affaire de M. shaffer—si vous vous interessez reellement a lui comme il me l’assuré et comme je crois qu’il le merite, il seroit bon que vous vous donniez la peine de voir demain lundi sur les 7. heures du soir M. Lefevre d’ammecourt conseiller au Parlement...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Dès que Vôtre Excellence juge convenable de ne rien changer aux arrangemens qui avoient été faits par M. le Colonel Laurens, pour l’Examen et réception, ainsi que pour constater la remise et l’Embarquement des Effets destinés pour le Service des Etats unis de L’Amérique M. de Corny, Commissaire principal des guerres, et M. Bertier, Commissaire ordinaire,...
By the best accounts which we can obtain the Enemy’s Works at York are already more respectable than we had reason to suppose, and as they continue to strengthen them with unremitting labour, we must look forward to a very serious operation. Genl Knox has for these reasons thought it prudent to increase his requisition for Shot and Shells. His letter accompanies this and I must intreat the...
Les nouvelles que Votre Excellence m’a fait parvenir par l’Aide de camp de M. de Rochambeau, sont des plus affligeantes: je connois peû le mal et les progrets que cette opération peut faire, mais je vois que notre position change par l’arrivée de L’amiral Digby. Les Enemies commencent a être à peu de choses prês égaux à nous; et il seroit imprudent á moy de me mettre dans une position á ne pas...
I have had the honor to inform your Excellency of my holding the Commission of Paymaster to the Continental Army in Virginia, On the 29th of July last I received Orders from the Honble Majr Genl the Marquis Lafayette to apply to the Executive for such terms of money as they pleased to put into my Hands to be subject to the Marquis’s Orders, I have at different times since received to the Amt...
I received your Favor ⅌ Messenger Kane—I have now to inform you that I arrived at this Place on the 14th and findg it necessary to have a personal Interview with the Count de Grasse, I paid him a Visit on Board the Ville de Paris, at Cape Henry—from whence I am just returned; after a very decisive Conversation with the Count, Upon Matters which may prove very interesting in our present...
On my Arrival at this Place, I found it would be attended with good Consequences for me to see Admiral DeGrasse in Person—this right I have performed & met the Count on Board the Ville de Paris at Cape Henry, from whence I am just returned— I am happy to inform Congress, that I found the French Admiral disposed in the best Manner, to give us all the Assistance in his Power, & perfectly to...
I hold myself exceedingly obliged to your Excellency for your favor of the 15th. The intelligence it contains is so important, that I immediately transmitted it to the Count de Grasse, whose superiority, ever supposing Digby should have arrived with ten ships will be considerable. I find every disposition in the Admiral to act with vigor and decision. Want of time obliges me to refer your...
Since the Evening before last I have not been able to procure the least intelligence from York neither have we had a Deserter from the Enemy since that time—I have had parties continually in the Hampton—Warwick & half way roads, who have been within sight of their Picketts, but some of the Enemy have been out—it is certain that the i r Number of Shipping is much diminished at York. but whether...
Your Letter of the 18th instt came to Hand while I was absent on a Visit to the Count de Grasse at Cape Henry—from whence I am just returned—I am very sensible of your Attention—& am sorry for the Embarrassments you met with—I hope they will soon be removed. The Legion of the Duke Lauzun is ordered to join the Troops now under your Comand—& you may soon Expect to see them—I wish you to be...
I had the Honor of addressing your Excellency the 20th since which time nothing material has taken place in this Quarter. Having received Intelligence on the Night of the 21st that the Enemy intended a grand Forage. Yesterday, moved the Militia Legion at 2 oClock in the Morning with Orders to take a position near Abington Church covering all the Roads leading from Gloster Town, & at five...
I had the honour of your favor without date this morning. I have a particular Satisfaction in assuring you, Sir, that the health of Mr. Adams has greatly recovered. I have shewn him your Letters. He is much obliged by your Kind attention, and has charged me to present you his Respects, and to inform you, that he should be very happy to See Mr. Dumas at Amsterdam, whenever it Shall be...
Musquetts Swords Bayonets Cartridge Boxes Gun Slings Gun Worms Screw Drivers Brushes and Prickers Drums Fifes Flints Cartridges Good 230 2 232 238 114 10
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will inform you of my safe Arrival at Lyons & of my Departure for Geneva tomorrow; I have taken the Liberty of addressing these two Letters to you which I shall request you to forward as soon as possible. M’r Jaume to whom I was recommended by Mess’rs Abbés & Chalus & Arnaud has treated me more like his son than like a person who is recommended to...
53938General Orders, 24 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
An accurate inspection of the Arms Accoutrements and Ammunition to be made immediately and the deficiences compleated—also a correct Return of the Troops that are disembarked to be made this day and delivered to the Adjutant General. The Continental Troops composing the Army in Virginia are to brigaded as follows viz. first. Colonel Voses Lieutenant Colonel Barbers and Lieutent Colo Gematts...
Your favor of the l4th Inst. has been duly received; the intelligence respecting the embarkation at New York & the arrival of Admiral Digby is very probably founded in reality, but his arrival, under our present circumstances, cannot I flatter myself have any influence on our projects or in the least retard our operations, while there are 36 french Ships of the Line in the Bay. Every thing has...
The enclosed papers were taken in a Dispatch Boat from Lord Cornwallis by the Brig. Sea Nymph of Phila. the 10th Inst. off Cape Charles, and now brought in here last Night. I have the honor to forward them for Your Excellency’s information. The French Troops and Delaware regiments embarked and Sailed from Annapolis on the evening of the 20th. There remains only one Vessel (exclusive of the...
Inclosed is Copy of a Resolution of Congress of the 5th inst. respecting the Conduct of Major Genl Howe while in Georgia—with Copy of the Instructions of the Genl Assembly of that State, in which is grounded the Resolution of Congress. These Papers I have lately received—and are now transmitted to you, that the necessary steps may be taken to pursue the Intentions of Congress by an Inquiry....
The constant Attention I have been obliged to pay to the March of the Troops—forwarding Stores—procuring Necessaries &c. for the Expedition in Contemplation with other unavoidable Circumstances, have prevented my giving an Answer to your private Letter, which I received at Philadelphia, before this Day. I am very sorry you have taken up the Matter in so serious a Light as seems to appear from...
By endeavoring to gain intelligence for the Baron de Steuben last January, I was made a prisoner by a party of Simpcoe’s Corps—After suffering the most ignominious treatment at different times on board different prison Ships, about a month ago I had my parole extended from the Town of Norfolk, to the State of Virginia, here to remain till exchanged, or my parole attired —By the information I...
The Commander in chief instructs me to inform you that the troops now arrived are to be debarked at the usual place—he wishes that the greatest possible assistance may be given to the Commanding Officers of the french troops on landing their men, by your flat bottomed boats and every other means in your power—it is of the utmost importance to facilitate & hasten the reunion of our forces at...
I have recd your favor of the 12th. You may be assured that should the proposal for the exchange of Genl Burgoyne be acceded to on the part of the enemy, every attention shall be paid to the rights of the southern Officers—my personal regard for you will make me particularly careful that no injustice shall be done to you—You have been misinformed as to any particular officers of your Rank...
Herewith you will receive my Affidavit with my Certificate agreeable to your Request in your Favour by Jupiter. If either of them from my Aversion to Prolixity shou’d not contain a due Portion of the Facts which came within my Knowledge, I hope you will not scruple to require my Attendance upon the Assembly, for be assured, that no Person will more readily step forth in Exculpation of injured...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Un Gentilhomme Normand qui est depuis 27. ans établi a pensilvanie et qui de la permission du congrés est venu voir sa famille, veut bien se charger de me procurer des grainnes de L’amerique Septemtrionnale pour assurer Le succès de Ses Soins il seroit necessaire d’avoir une recommandation auprés de Monsieur hancock pour qu’il veulle bien permettre qu’on...
53948[Diary entry: 25 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
25th. Admiral de Barras having Joined the Count de Grasse with the Squadron and Transports from Rhode Island, & the latter with some Frigates being sent to Baltimore for the remr. of the French army arrived this day at the usual port of debarkation above the College Creek and began to land the Troops from them.
53949General Orders, 25 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
All deserters and persons coming from the Enemys Lines are to be sent in the first instance to Head Quarters—No Horses, Arms or accoutrements are to be purchased from them except for the Public services, unless it is specified to the contrary in the written passes which will be granted to them by the Adjutant General—any persons of the above discription found without proper passes, with the...
I am honored with your favor of the sixth instant and agreeable to your instruction immediately ceased taking upon myself the Command of this post. I humbly beg your Excellencies pardon for having been mistaken as to your intention & I hope this misapprehension may not be considered as voluntary. Since the receipt of your Letter several disputes have arose respecting the person who was...