53881To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, [March 1784?] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardon Mon Illustre Docteur Si je ne vous ai pas envoyé plutôt La note Sur L’auteur de cette espece de Fourneau où on met le feu par dessus et où la flamme descend et remonte ensuite par un Tuyau de façon qu’on ne voit pas Sans étonnement la fumée Se precipiter en bas et passer ensuite dans le tuyau qui Sert à L’emporter. J’ai été Si occupé depuis Jeudy que...
53882John Jay: Account of Conversations with Franklin, [March 1784–April 1784] (Franklin Papers)
AD : Columbia University Library Doctr Franklin, who has lived long & much with Quakers, tells me that he thinks the far greater part of them approve of defensive tho not of offensive War— In the Course of the War wh. ended in 1748, It was thought necessary to erect a Battery at Pha. & a Lottery was made to defray part of the Expence— At that Time the Doctr. was of a fire Company of thirty...
53883To Benjamin Franklin from Matthew Ridley, 1 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Ridley fait à Monsr. Franklin Ses très humbles remerciements de l’envoy des 29. Vol. qui completent les 39. de L’encyclopedie dont le porteur lui comptera la valeur en 228 l.t. 12.— Au cas que Monsieur Franklin ait été muni du titre de la Souscription il obligera Mr. Ridley de vouloir bien le lui faire remettre à loccasion. This letter, in French,...
53884John Adams to Franklin and John Jay, 2 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I duely received the Letter, you did me the Honour to write me, on the Subject of a Treaty with Prussia and have communicated it to the Baron de Thuelemeier. The King agrees to take the Treaty with Sweeden for a Model and if your Excellencies have any Alterations to propose I should be obliged to you for the Communication of them. The Baron waits the...
53885To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Hewson, 2 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind letter of the 19. of March this morning, and thank you most heartily for it, tho; I confess it lowers our spirits, as it seems to take away the hope of seeing you here. The papers tell us you are soon to return to America, and I begin to fear you intend to do so without giving a look at poor Old England. I am much in your debt every...
53886To Benjamin Franklin from Amelia Barry, 3 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society After I had given Mr. Partridge a letter for you, it occurred to me that we are famous at this Place for making Hare-down Gloves. I take the liberty of entreating your acceptance of 2 pair. If you approve of them have the goodness to signify it to me by a line, and I shall think myself equally honored and obliged by being permitted to supply you with them...
53887To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Antoine de Rubigny de Berteval, 3 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis on ne peust plus reconnoisant de la bonté que vous avez Eut de repondre a La Lettre que Javois Eut L’honneur de vous Ecrire Je suis pleinement satisfait de votre reponse. Le 1e. moment ou mes affaire me permetront de quiter Je nauray rien de plus pressé que daller Vous presenter mon Respect. Jay L’honneur d’Estre avec Une grande consideration...
53888To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon, 4 March [i.e., April] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous dois mil remercimens mon bon papa de votre joli billét et de votre lettre aux auteurs du journal de paris, mais je vous en devrés deux mil, si vous y joignés l’avis a Ceux qui veulent passer en amérique, j’éspérois aller vous le demander aujourd’hui et m’etablir pour six ou sept mois a passy mais mon pauvre mari a la goutte aux deux jambes, et la...
53889To Benjamin Franklin from Charlotte de Cheminot, 4 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Madame de cheminot presente ces civiliteé a monsieur francklin et prend la liberteé de luy mender que demain Lundy 5 d’avril elle profitera de la permission quil a bien voulu luy donner daller dejeuner chez luy elle ŷ menera messieurs le roy gudin quointin qui sont penetree de cette marque de bonte de monsieur francklin. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur...
53890From Benjamin Franklin to John Witherspoon, 5 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Presbyterian Historical Society; copies: Columbia University Library, New Jersey Historical Society, New York Society Library I have received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 27th past. It would be a pleasure to me to see you here, but I cannot give you any Expectations of Success in the Project of obtaining Benefactions for your College. Last Year Messrs. Wheelock...
53891To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Trumbull, 5 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to introduce Messrs. Gerrey, and Buckingham, the Bearers to your kind notice to advise means for thier recovering some money due on some French Bills of Exchange, which they lost by accident and were accepted for payment premiture to thier presentation: probably you may put ’em in a way for to assert thier Rights if the evidence they have...
53892To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph (Jean) Dupas de Iden de Valnais, 5 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Valnais presents his Respects to Dtr. Franklin. He has the honor to inform his Excellency that Mrs. de Valnais is happily delivered this morning of a Son: Both are very well— Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur le Docteur Franklin / Ministre plenipotentiaire des / Etats Unis de L’Amerique du N. / auprés de la Cour de France / A Passy— The former French...
53893To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Price, 6 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been long intending to write to you, and I feel ashamed that I have not done it Sooner. Your letter wch: was brot: me by Mr Bingham gave me great pleasure. It inclosed a case for an air Balloon and a print wch:, in conformity to your desire, I deliver’d to the President of the Royal Society. Soon after Mr Bingham’s arrival, Mr Daggs brot: me your...
53894To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Laurens, 7 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Library of Congress; copy: University of South Carolina Library I had the honor of addressing you under the 31st Ulto, by the hands of my Son, who I hope will pay his Respects at Passy the present Day. This Morning I am favored with yours of the same Date, enclosing the several Copies of Papers from Congress, which you have enumerated, & also an open Letter to Charles Thompson Esqr, not...
53895From Benjamin Franklin to Madame Brillon, 8 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous ai envoyé, ma trés chere fille, par Mr. le Roy, l’Avis à ceux qui veulent passer en Amerique, que vous m’avez demandé, & j’ai joint les Remarques sur la Politesse des Sauvages. Avec ce Billet, je vous envoye plusieurs autres petites choses, dont on a imprimé quelques Exemplaires dans la Maison, seulement pour nos Amis. Je vous demande...
53896To Benjamin Franklin from John Shaffer, 8 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As the Marquis de la fayette is Kind Enough to Suply me with Every Nessary to Return to my Native Country, and as I intend to Leave paris in a day or two I beg you will Kind Enough to send me a Pasport for LOrent. As to the small Sum of Money you was Kind Enough to lend me you may be assured that as Soon As I arrive in America I will Reimburce you with...
53897David Hartley to the American Peace Commissioners, [9 April 1784] (Franklin Papers)
Two copies: National Archives; ALS (draft): Williams L. Clements Library I have received the honour of your Letter dated March 31. 1784 with the enclosures, wch. I have communicated to his Majesty’s Ministers. I have the Pleasure to inform you that the Ratification on our Part, is now making out, and that I have received orders to prepare for the Exchange at Paris with all convenient Speed....
53898To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Todd: Two Letters, 9 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
(I) Copy: American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received a long Letter by this Days post from the Baron d’Ogny Postmaster General of France relative to the Treaty between the two Kingdoms which will require mature Consideration and I am not at present enabled to answer it, but great Difficulties already occur with regard to the Letters from North...
53899John Adams to Franklin and John Jay, 10 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Inclosed is Copy of a Letter from the Baron de Thulemeier and Copy of a Project of a Treaty transmitted to me by order of the King of Prussia: I should be glad if your Excellencies would examine it, and write me your objections, and proposals of alterations, which I shall immediately communicate to his Majesty through his Minister. I presume too...
53900To Benjamin Franklin from Uriah Forrest, 10 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The enclosed came to my hands this day and as it appears to have met with rough treatment on it’s Passage I have done myself the Honor to put it under Cover. Shou’d there be any thing at this place which your Excellency can Charge me with that will be usefull to yourself or Our Country It will afford me real pleasure Being with all possible Respect Yr....
53901To Benjamin Franklin from Julien-David Le Roy, [10–11 April 1784] (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society This is the first known letter to Franklin from Julien-David Le Roy, one of the three brothers of Franklin’s close friend and neighbor Jean-Baptiste. Franklin had met the brothers during his first visit to Paris in 1767. Julien-David, though best known as an architect, was also an expert on ancient ship design and navigation. He had begun studying lateen...
53902To Benjamin Franklin from Valnais, 11 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have but this day Received the Billet your Excellency has honored me with. It is directed to the hotel d’angleterre & I Lodge at the hotel de Londres. Its not Coming Sooner is the Cause I have not answered before. I am penetrated with the warmest Sentiments of the most Respectful gratitude for your Kind attention for Mrs. de Valnais. She charges me to...
53903To Benjamin Franklin from La Condamine, 12 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Que je vous sçais gré, monsieur, d’avoir bien voulu prendre la peine de me répondre, malgré les grandes et importantes occupations dont je vous suppose environné! Vos travaux littéraires et politiques m’avoient inspiré pour vous, monsieur, de profonds sentimens de respect et d’estime; vous venez d’y ajoûter ceux de l’amour et de la reconnoissance; je vous...
53904To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 15 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je continue d’adresser à V.E. [Votre Excellence] la Lre. cijointe pour le Congrè’s, vous priant, M, après l’avoir lue de vouloir bien la fermer & lui donner cours par premier Navire qui fera voile pour le Continent. J’ai tiré le 5 de ce mois sur V.E. le semestre de mon salaire échu le 30 Juin prochain, savoir come à l’ordinaire £2700 tournois à une usance à...
53905To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Webb, 15 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the Liberty of writing to you by the favour of your Grandson sometime since —and It is only from very urgent Reasons that I am induc’d again to trouble you, which I hope you will be so good to pardon. I have not ever mentioned to you myself, any other part of my unfortunate History, but that of being intirely deprived of the Society of my amiable...
53906To Benjamin Franklin from Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje, 15 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Library of Congress We take the liberty to inform your Excellency that in consequence of the Success of the new Loan, his Excellency John Adams Esqr authorised us to open for acct of Congress, we have become in the Situation to pay due honor to every disposal, we have hitherto advice, his Excellency Robt. Morris Esqr. Super Intendant of Finance has been pleased to make on us. We have the...
53907Franklin and John Jay to Thomas Mifflin, 16 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and copy: National Archives; press copy of ALS : Library of Congress We duly received the Letters your Excellency did us the honour of writing to us the 14th of January by Colonel Harmar & Lieut. Col. David Franks, with the Ratification of the Definitive Treaty, the Proclamation, & the Recommendatory Resolves of Congress. On the Arrival of Col. Harmar, we immediately wrote to Mr Hartley,...
53908From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 16 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; press copy of ALS : Columbia University Library We duly receiv’d (Mr Jay & me) the Letters you did us the honour of writing to us the 27th of March & the 2d Instant. We shall transmit, as you desire, the Recommendation of Mr Browne to Congress; and enclos’d we send a Copy of the Treaty with Sweden. We expect Mr Hartley here very soon, to exchange the...
53909From Benjamin Franklin to Charles Thomson, 16 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Library of Congress I received your kind Letters by Colonel Harmar, & Lieut. Col. Franks; with the Dispatches in good Order; Triplicates of which are since come to hand. You will see by our Letter to the President, that we daily expect Mr Hartley from London with the British Ratification to exchange with us. There was no Difficulty occasion’d by the Lapse of the Term. I send you herewith...
53910To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Coffyn, 16 April 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 6th. inst, whereunto I beg leave to refer. This cheafly Serves to enclose a Copy of a letter I Just now received from my friend M. Bodin at Lille, to whom I wrote to enquire about the price of Bells. If that which was offer’d me here at 30 s. per pound all charges included, as mentioned in my Said letter,...