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Results 53801-53850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I intended, on passing thro Maryland, to have done myself the Pleasure to have seen your...
It is to be feared from the Scarsity of the Craft which appears on the Bay—that you will not be...
The first division of the troops were embarked and ready to sail to -day at 12 o’clock, and are...
RC (Virginia State Library). In JM’s hand, except for the signatures of Jones, Bland, and...
I cannot swallow your prohibition with a good grace and yet I am glad I know the real cause of...
AL (draft), two copies: Library of Congress I have received your Letters of July 13, 14, 19, &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous écris cette lettre pour vous donner de mes nouvelles...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Il faut bien d’hardièsse pour ècrire a l’homme le plus...
I have this day been honored with yours of the 7th. Permit me to felicitate your Excellency on...
Meeting the enclosed Packet at this Place—I have taken the liberty to open it, expecting to find...
I am exceedingly sorry to be obliged to intrude a single moment on your Excellency’s time at a...
Calling on the Chevalier de la Luzerne a few days ago, to congratulate him on the arrival of the...
The Petition of Simeon Smith Michael Duning & William Scudder, Officers belonging to the...
Itt is sometime since any of your friends have had a line from you though many Vessells have...
LS : Bristol Rhode Island Historical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress I received yours of...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I have received your kind Letter of July 17. with its Duplicate,...
LS : National Archives; press copy and transcript: National Archives; incomplete copy: Library of...
LS : Yale University Library; AL (draft): Library of Congress I received the very obliging Letter...
LS : Yale University Library; AL (draft): Library of Congress Immediately on the Receipt of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai rien à ajouter, Monsieur à l’incluse, sinon, que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May I request Dr. Franklin’s acceptance of the publications...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Permettez que je réclame Votre protection pour avoir le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society From a Recolection of your former Attention and Kindness, I...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Bearer of this Mr Wanton Casey is the son of Mr...
You mention’d to me in Conversation that the Bill I formerly remitted you on Messrs Richards &...
Your Letter of the 22nd ult. arrived on the 5th instant, whereupon my Council being convened...
At the receit of your Letter I imparted your observations, concerning your Account, to Dr....
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing...
LS : American Philosophical Society You informed M. Franks in a late letter that the Capt. of the...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library, American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor to address a few lines to your Excellency by...
On Tuesday the 11th Inst. A Frigate appeared in the Offing Standing for Sandy Hook, When She come...
Under a Date of Aug. 24 I did myself the Pleasure to endeavour to convey to you later Information...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of receiving your obliging favor of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We take the liberty of inclosing you a letter for Mr. James...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honor of Receiving your Second and friendly...
53837General Orders, 15 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief takes the earliest Opportunity of testifying the satisfaction he feels on...
The Troops embarked, having been stopped on the Sailing of the Fleet from the Chesapeak, I have...
I had the Honor to receive your Excellencys Letter of the 4th of this Month—soon after my Arrival...
The Army here have already experienced a Want of Provisions, especially of the Bread kind—& I...
Inclosed I have the pleasure to transmit a letter from the Count DeGrasse; and am happy to inform...
Your Excellency has been informed, that on hearing the French Fleet had sailed from the Capes, I...
Upon information of the Sailing of the Fleet from the Chesapeak Bay, I gave Orders for the...
I have the honor to inform Congress, that I arrived at this place last evening; that soon, after...
The following intelligence, tho’ not derived thro’ any official or authentic channel, appears to...
I have to request you in the most earnest Manner to send forward all the Recruits that are...
Major General the Marquis de la Fayette has refered to me your letter of the 13th. I am not yet...
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Jameson, David Sepr. 15. 1781.” I...
The mail which was taken a few days ago at Hampton has probably deprived me of the pleasure of a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Colonel Johonnot Presents his Most Respectfull Compliments to...