John Jay Papers

To John Jay from George Washington, 5 September 1794

From George Washington

Philadelphia 5th. Sepr. 1794

My dear Sir

This encloses a copy of my last—written,1 as you will readily perceive, with much haste as one indication of it, I omitted the stamp of privacy, but you would not, I am well persuaded, consider it as official nor in any other light than as the private sentiments very hastily thrown together of Your obedient and Affectionate

Go: Washington

ALS, DLC (EJ: 10633). LbkC, DLC: Washington.

1In this letter of 30 Aug. 1794, GW makes observations on the intrigues by Simcoe and other British officers on the frontier, particularly to sow dissent among the Indians. He believed that unless the British withdrew from the forts, trade between the nations would suffer and war would be inevitable. For the copy enclosed with this letter, see C, marked: “Duplicate,” NNC (EJ: 07255). For the original letter, see ALS, UkWC-A (EJ: 00043).

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