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Results 53781-53810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Il y a près de deux ans que j’eus l’honneur de vous entretenir de mon travail sur la vraie & unique methode d’enseigner les langues, que je crois avoir découverte—Je vous priais de vouloir bien être mon juge, touchant la maniere dont J’ai traité un sujet, toujours digne de l’attention du Philosophe, par l’influence qu’ont les Langues sur notre faculté de Penser, laquelle pour parler le langage...
To keep you in bank I inclose you one hundred and fifty dollars to be entered to my credit. I have this day drawn on you in favor of John Rogers of Albemarle for 43. D 91 c and in favor of Joseph Morin of Columbia for two hundred dollars, which please to honor when presented. Accept assurances of my friendly attachment & best wishes. PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson”;...
In the haste in which I was under the necessity of answering your letter of the 2d inst. I fear I could not do justice to my sense of the obligation I owe to your kindness. If any thing I have written should have borne the slightest appearance of false pride, or of a mercenary disposition, I have done the greatest injustice to my sentiments of respectful attachment to you, as a public, and as...
The proper Officer has rendered, in behalf of the State of Maryland, the enclosed Account of a quarters Interest due the 1st. Octo. last on the two Loans of $100,000 each by the said State for the use of the City of Washington—I have no monies in my hands wherewith I can pay the same, nor do I believe a sum sufficient for the purpose can at present be raised by a sale of the Lots in the City...
I have perused and considered the inclosed representation of James M. Lingan, the original proprietor of the Ground within an open space in front of Square No. 78 in the City of Washington bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, 20th. Street west and I. Street north, as also the enclosed three Letters from a Committee of the Citizens and House holders in that part of the City which lies west of the...
It will be more convenient to us to leave this on wednesday than monday it will occasion a delay of 2 days only, as this is a flying visit only to shew that we are in earnest with regard to Washington I have determined to leave the children all but Jefferson considering the lateness of the season and the bad weather we may reasonably expect in december. The short time [we] shall have to spend...
Although I have not the honour of being made known to you, I am impelled as a member of the convention now in session and as a real friend of your administration of the general governmt. to enclose you a paper containing the Governors speech, by which you will discover the temper and disposition of his mind; as well respecting the policy of the national Legislature towards the United States...
The enclosed letter for you has been left in the office of the Secretary of State, & I address it to Columbia, where I presume it will find you. I recd. during my absence in Virginia the letter in which you joined Mr. F. Maur[y] of N. York, on the subject of the french negroes on board the frigates from Gaudeloupe [ sic ]. The information was communicated to the President, and produced thro’...
8 November 1802, Treasury Department. Encloses a copy of a letter from the collector at Boston with John Marston’s and Isaiah Doane’s declarations concerning the Windsor . RC and enclosures ( DLC : Gallatin Papers). RC 1 p. Docketed by Wagner. The enclosed copy of Benjamin Lincoln to Gallatin, 27 Oct. 1802 (3 pp.), stated that U.S. laws gave Lincoln no power to expel the Windsor except by...
8 November 1802, Havana. “I have only time to say that the September Packet arrived here from Spain on Saturday Evening [6 Nov.], and brings an Edict of His Catholic Majesty, granting permission to import Lumber from the United States into this Island, in Spanish Vessels—and also to export in the said Vessels, Rum and Molasses, to the said States.” Will forward a copy as soon as the edict is...
By a French Brig Just about to get under way for New York, I h ave only time to say that the September Packet arrived here from Spain on Saturday Evening, and brings an Edict of His Catholic Majesty, granting permission to import Lumber from the United States into this Island, in Spanish Vessels—and also to export in the said Vessels, Rum and Molasses, to the said States. As soon as it is...
As the application of some natural principle, to the construction of a Standard of Measures, has been considered a Desideratum in Philosophic Research, the importance of the subject has induced me to spend some time in forming a Theory, applicable in practice, for obtaining a lineal standard, as nearly invariable as the case might require, or reason expect, in a state of being, where Nothing...
I have the honour to enclose to you herewith the Sioto Gazette from which you will find our convention has commenced its sitting—you will also see a communication made by Governor St Clair to the convention which is expressive of his wishes & opinions in this business—Having taken a very active part in obtaining the passage of the law of Congress for our admission I have felt very deeply...
I received Your Letter after your return in october to the city. I had written to you as soon as I supposed it probable You had returnd. the Letter I presume reachd you, soon after you wrote to me; I am glad to find your Health improved by your excursion I cannot however but repeat my apprehensions that you are not planted in a soil to flourish, to obtain reputation honour or profit; I regreet...
I wrote you yesterday that as the King goes from Barcelona to morrow on a Tour to Valencia, where he stays some time, and is afterwards to go to Carthagena where the King & Queen of Etruria are to embark for Leghorn, and it is uncertain when the Court are to return or can return to Madrid or Aranjuez or their fixed residences, or where Business can be done with them—that as Barcelona is...
The inclosed letter from mr Patterson being just recieved I now forward it according to promise. I should certainly have been more gratified if his opinion of the utility of your proposed method of observing the eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites had been more favorable. having had no experience myself in the business of making observations at sea, I am not at all competent to decide on the...
I have received yours of the 18 ult. and regret most sincerely that proper recommendations have not been made for the Commissioners of Bankruptcy. This is in a great measure owing to the death of our much esteemed friend Mr. Johnson , who promised to name to you proper persons for the appointments Since receipt of yours, I have fortunately met with a friend from Newbern, in whom dependence may...
I have the honour to inclose You a copy of a Letter I have recieved from Mr Cevallos requesting a pasport for a Spanish packet Brigantine to enter the Port of Tripoli with her pilot & a sailor on board of the same nation. This request I did not think proper to refuse, knowing the friendly disposition of our Government towards Spain & the propriety of being on the most amicable footing with...
Not having recieved Mr Willis’s letter to me when I sealed my dispatches yesterday I now inclose you a copy of the said letter which I had made out & signed by him stating the reasons which induced him to be absent. These you will be able to judge of by reading his letter which states that his absence was unavoidably occasioned by disappointments which made his presence necessary for a short...
6 November 1802, Paris. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 11 June [not found] containing the standing instructions to consuls and vice-consuls, a circular letter to consuls and collectors of customs, the form of a bill of health, and his commission as commercial agent at Cette. Is grateful for the confidence JM and Jefferson have placed in him and will “strenuously endeavour to merit the same.”...
6 November 1802 , “ Near Natchez .” “The embarrassment of our trade at N: Orleans, still continues, private letters state, that American produce may be landed by paying a duty of 6 pCent, but not otherwise.” Encloses an extract in Spanish [not found] from the intendant’s proclamation, as “the translation, which was sent you is sufficiently faithful, but does not possess the strength of the...
6 November 1802 , “ Near Natchez .” “I have this day drawn upon you, for the sum of Eighty dollars, payable at five days sight to Ferdinand L. Claiborne, merchant at Natchez, or to his order.” Explains that he paid this sum to Samuel May “for going express from Natchez to Nashville, as will appear from the vouchers enclosed” [not found]. The letters that May carried “communicated the late...
6 November 1802, New York. Addresses JM at the request of his brother, John Murray Forbes. “I have received Letters from my Brother since his arrival in Hamburg mentioning the return of a Severe Rheumatick Complaint to which he has been some years Subject and expressing Serious apprehensions of the possibillity of his continuing at his post, particularly in Winter, owing to the climate, which...
Letter not found. 6 November 1802, Newport, Rhode Island. Mentioned in Jacob Wagner to A. Crary & Son, 19 Nov. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request for information about a spoliation case. Wagner replied that the case had been transmitted to the minister at Madrid “a long time ago” and while the claims negotiations with the Spanish government were “supposed to have eventuated in a...
I have had the honor to receive Your esteemed favour of the 16 June last, which contains the standing instructions to Consuls & vice–Consuls of the United States, a circular to the said Agents, another to Collectors of the Customs, with the form of a bill of health, and also my Commission, as Vice–Commercial Agent for the port of Cette, in the Mediterranean. Permit me Sir, to return You my...
At the desire of my Brother John M. Forbes (now of Hamburg) I take the liberty of addressing you. Informed of the friendly & important aid you gave him in his present consular Appointment, I feel a hope that you will not deem this intrusion improper. I have received Letters from my Brother since his arrival in Hamburg mentioning the return of a Severe Rheumatick Complaint to which he has been...
In the case of Crutchelow & John Williams , two of the murderers of the Indians who have fled, had the case happened in any of the states which proceed according to the forms of the English law, an indictment would be preferred to a grand jury, the witnesses called to appear, and on it’s being found a true bill, a capias issues, which being returned non est inventus, an Exigent goes out, on...
5 November 1802 , “ Near Natchez .” Sends such information as he has been able to collect in reply to JM’s inquiries of 26 July. In conformity with JM’s request, land claimants of the descriptions mentioned were invited by public advertisement to file “the particular Authority and extent of their respective claims, and the chain of Title derived to the present claimants from the Original...
5 November 1802, Gibraltar. No. 102. Has not received any letters from JM. Refers JM to his last, no. 101 [21 Oct. 1802] , and its enclosure. As mentioned in his no. 100 [17 Oct. 1802] the “Moorish Ship in question still remaind here, as 16 Moors had deserted her, since then the Capn: went for Tetuan and several of the Crew were dischargd.” Simpson lately wrote Captain Campbell that Alcayde...
Ca. 5 November 1802, Algiers. Reports that he sent a gift watch to the minister of marine and foreign affairs after the dey and prime minister had three times “Seriously demanded” an account of the vessel bearing U.S. annuities. “I seen the necesity of giving for Ansr. that I had private information that a Vessel was loading in Philadelphia for Algiers—further this day the dey Sent to the dean...