Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 8 September 1798

To John Jay

New York Sep. 8. 1798

Dear Sir

I beg your pardon for having omitted to attend earlier to the suggestion in your letter of the 30th. of August respecting the defence of our ports.

I am sincere in saying that a charge of this kind would on various accounts be unpleasant to me among the rest as likely to involve ill natured & foolish criticism. But I shall not decline the trust if you think proper to repose it provided the manutension of the money is no part of it, equally disposed to be useful to the public and to second you in the objects of your administration.

The idea of organising the volunteer companies in one corps is a good one & if Troupe* will act his appointment to the command will be eligible & satisfactory.

With true esteem & regard I have the honor to remain Dr Sr

Yr Obed S

A Hamilton

G Jay

ALS, Columbia University Libraries.

1Nathaniel Pendleton, who was born in Virginia, held the rank of lieutenant at the end of the American Revolution. He studied law in South Carolina and then moved to Georgia, where he was elected, but did not serve, as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. He was appointed chief justice of Georgia on January 23, 1789, and on September 26, 1789, the Senate confirmed his appointment as United States judge for the District of Georgia. In 1796 Pendleton moved to New York and practiced law. Pendleton was one of H’s seconds in the duel with Aaron Burr and was one of the executors of H’s estate.

Authorial notes

[The following note(s) appeared in the margins or otherwise outside the text flow in the original source, and have been moved here for purposes of the digital edition.]

* Pendleton1 would also be a good appointment

Index Entries