53761[Diary entry: 20 June 1798] (Washington Papers)
20. Morning—heavy, a good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Wind at East Mer. 70. Variable through...
53762Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 30 March 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
The inclosed letter came to my hands a few days before Francis left us, & was reserved to go by...
53763From George Washington to Brigadier General Jedediah Huntington, 8 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
On Rect of yours of the 23d Decemr I laid it before the Board of War for their direction. As the...
53764From George Washington to Colonel Timothy Pickering, 5 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
I enclose you a Copy of the Resolution of Congress of the 23d Janry on the subject of remounting...
53765From George Washington to Thomas Sim Lee, 25 July 1794 (Washington Papers)
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia July 25th 1794. This letter will accompany an official one from...
53766To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 27 July 1801 (Madison Papers)
I embrace a favourable opportunity offered by Mr. D’Arcy, who goes passenger in the Schooner Fox...
53767To John Adams from Richard Peters, 28 May 1789 (Adams Papers)
Until I met with your Letter to Day I could not conceive I had been so remiss as not before this...
53768To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Wharton, 14 August 1765 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of writing thee a few Lines on the 16...
53769To Thomas Jefferson from Patrick Gibson, 24 May 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Not having been able to procure any Syrop of Punch as directed in your letter of the 13th: Inst:...
53770To George Washington from the New York Convention, 18 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
SIR—The Convention are very happy to find, by the gentlemen that waited on your Excellency, that...