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Results 53751-53800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favor of the 7th of this Instt did not come to my hands before 9 o’clock last Night—It was...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Gallatin to come half an hour before dinner to-day (say at 3.)...
Gen Washington (this instant returning from a Committee & finding Mrs Powell’s Card) begs leave...
I have received your Excellency’s Letters of the 24th & 30th of April last. In consequence of the...
Understanding that Mr. Alexander Moore is an applicant for the office of Register of Wills for...
I herewith transmit you an Extract of a Letter from Genl Ward which came to hand by last nights...
Orders for Mr Henry Armourer [Fort Loudoun, 24 June 1758 ] Sir, So soon as you have Compleated...
Note given to the Presidt. Mr. Genet’s declaration to the President at his reception, that France...
27 December 1811, Washington. “I lay before Congress copies of Resolutions entered into by the...
22 December 1802, Washington. “Being out of business for a length of time it is much my wish to...
Mr Pinkney presents his Complements to Mr. & Mrs. Adams and accepts with great pleasure the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Baron de Holzendorff not having been happy enough...
I improve the opportunity of Doctor Watkins to forward you a paper bundle I have just received...
I have just recieved your favor of the 8th. informing me that the board of Trustees for the...
I have maturely considered the questions raised by your letter of the 21 of January with the aid...
I am Sorry it is not in my power to give you much information relative to General Oglethorpe in...
There are great exertions making to get the people to petition against the incorporation; several...
In the afternoon of the day after your departure from Philada I went on board the vessel bound...
53769[Diary entry: 2 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Lowering Morning—but Wind Westwardly & clear afterwards.
[ New Windsor, New York ] June 27, 1779 . Has sent men from infantry and cavalry to replace the...
53771General Orders, 6 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
Brigade returns, regimentally digested to be made by the 10th instant at the Orderly-Office of...
I have the honor to submit to you, Governor Blount’s report, relative to the treaty with the...
Chargè par mon gouvernement de preparer la rectification et l’embelissement de la 2e. ville de...
I have recd. your letter of the 27. inclosing letters from Dr. Cooper & Mr DuPonceau, all...
Lord Cornwallis claims with great earnestness the accomplishment of the article of the...
In Answer to your Enquiry I can scarce say whether I am alive or dead: I have been so long...
I had the honor to address Your Excellency on the 28th ultimo. I beg leave to inform you that the...
In Answer to your Favor of this date: It remains with Congress alone to accept your Resignation....
You will be furnished from the Department of State with copies of the translation of the letter...
Whereas Your Petitionner Suddently Entred the service and in his Zeal for the Publick Safety of...
Your two letters of the 4th. & 7th. were recieved by the last mail. I now inclose you the rough...
Enclosed I return according to your direction a duplicate Number of the journals. Number 29 is...
The Secy of War has instructed me to digest & propose a plan for the organization and arrangement...
Paris , 7 June 1791 . Introducing M. Kellerman, nephew to De Marbois, who goes to America with De...
Yours of the 11 th is just recieved, and I repeat the sincere pleasure it has given me to see you...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, November 30, 1792. Announces “the completion of the light...
Your favor of the 17th instt has been duly received. My enquiries after your health have been...
The letters I have presumed to intrude on you have been too much filled with egotism, and I rely...
I embrace the earliest opportunity which I have had since my arrival at this place, of performing...
53790[Diary entry: 27 April 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Apl. 27th. Went to Church. In the Afternoon some Rain, & a great deal of severe Lightning...
I saw Baron de Grimm yesterday at Versailles, and he told me he had received an answer from the...
I have your favor of this date before me. If the waggon which Col. Armands party has taken was in...
You mention in yours of last evening, the blanks for the commissioners to run the Cherokee line...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 22 April 1794. GW wrote Pearce on 27 April that “Your...
On the 20th. Inst’ I recieved, and for the first Time saw, the fifth volume of Franklin’s works,...
The Inclosed Letter is just come to hand which his Excellency orders to be forwarded to you, that...
The first of January is past, and February half gone, without my receiving any money from you;...
In Obedience to Your Excellency’s Letter of this Morning, I have seen Mr Jacob Shoemaker, one of...
Mr Hary Grant was some years ago appointed Consul for Leith; but it is understood that he has...
Yours of the 11th. & 15th. Inst. were duly recieved, the former on the 18th. inst., the latter on...