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Results 53751-53780 of 184,264 sorted by date (descending)
Rufus King , who for several years has resided with you as the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, having desired to return to America, we have yielded to his request. He will accordingly take his leave of you ; embracing that occasion to assure you of our friendship and sincere desire to preserve and strengthen the harmony and good understanding so happily subsisting between the...
I recieved last night your favor of the day before .   be assured that there is no sort of influence operating on me in what respects yourself; and that your situation & the means of relieving you from it has never been out of my mind. but we have, as you know, put down a great portion of the offices under the US. of those which remain, such as are in this district have been of too little...
Being informed that our Mediterranean Passports and papers of navigation have been recently counterfeited and used by persons not entitled to them, and being referred to you for explanations respecting it, permit me to request you to make a deposition reciting your knowledge of the subject as circumstantially as may be and especially what you know respecting the interest Mr. Willis the...
Inclosed is a letter to Governor St. Clair, from a copy which [is] also inclosed, you will find that his commission of Governor of the North Western Territory is to cease on his receipt of the notification. It is only to be added that no successor has yet been appointed and consequently that the functions of the Office devolve on you as Secretary of the said Territory. I have the Honor to be...
The President observing in an address lately delivered by you to the convention held at Chilicothe, an intemperance and indecorum of language towards the Legislature of the United States, and a disorganizing spirit and tendency of very evil example, and grossly violating the rules of conduct enjoined by your public station, determines that your commission of Governor of the North Western...
22 November 1802, Department of State. “The enclosed letter is intended for a supercargo in your employ now at New York or soon expected there. As it relates to public concerns, I beg you to facilitate the answer.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. The enclosure was probably JM to John Adams, 22 Nov. 1802 .
22 November 1802, Comptroller’s Office, Treasury Department. At Gallatin’s direction, encloses a certificate “in relation to the sum of” $2,800 in 8 percent stock of the U.S., “standing to the credit of Timothy Pickering Secretary of State, for the use of the United States.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p. Signed by David Rawn as acting comptroller. The enclosure (1 p.; docketed...
Letter not found. 22 November 1802, Boston. Acknowledged in Brent to Lowell, 3 Dec. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request for information regarding an error in the account of his late father, Judge John Lowell (see John Lowell to JM, 4 Aug. 1802 , PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series (4 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1986—)....
Will Genl. Dearborne be pleased to examine the inclosed with rigour & suggest any alterations he would think for the better. if he can return it tomorrow it will be desireable, because when individually examined by all the gentlemen, I propose to submit it to them collectively. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The Secretary at War”; with Dearborn’s reply at foot (see the next document ). Not recorded...
Yours of the 16th was recieved yesterday, and communicated to mr Gallatin. his answer is ‘if Doctr Bache will supply me with a list of medicines wanted, in conformity to my former request, I will have the purchase made, and the chest transmittted to his direction at New Orleans. our appropriation is so small that every necessary must be provided with the most rigorous economy.’ On the 1st....
The Secretary of War has the honor of proposing to the President of the United States, that Joseph Morgan , be appointed Superintendant of the Armoury at Springfield in the State of Massachusetts. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP ); in a clerk’s hand. After a brief term as master armorer at the Springfield Armory, joseph morgan was appointed superintendent of the facility on 23 Nov. 1802 and...
Will you be so obliging as to inform me whether the Journals and other papers relating to the several Indian Treaties, should accompany the respective Treaties when presented to you. with respectfull concideration I am Sir Your Huml. Servt Note by TJ : The Senate always expect a communication of all papers throwing light on the treaty, and have called for them when withheld. RC ( DLC );...
Je suis bien fâché de n’avoir point parmi mes livres celui dans lequel, Dumourier , donne si militairement sur les Oreilles, au Calottin Barruel, de tous les Aboyeurs contre les philosophes morts ou vivans, les plus sot & le plus fanatique—Je vais faire une recherche active pour vous le procurer en Français & J’espére réussir, s’il est en Philadelphie— Je deteste comme vous les traductions des...
The family arrived here yesterday morning , without accident. mr Lilly’s order for £40. his wages & £20. for Austin is good. I have lately remitted to John Perry the whole balance due him to the completion of the South East offices; and our bargain is, whenever a compleat job is done & settled it is to be paid for. he says the shop is done, and that it will amount to £60 although he always...
Your letter of the 12th instant with its enclosure I have had the honor to receive. Many of the circumstances related in the anonymous communication are within my knowlege—the Gentleman therein mentioned I am acquainted with, and tho’ I feel disposed to render him all the assistance in my power, I do not think it would be prudent in me to appoint him to a more important office.— I am, Sir,...
Mr. Latrobe presents his respectful Compliments to the President of the U. States: In preparing for his survey of the line of Potowmac Canal, Mr L. has obtained access to the records of the Commissioners, which happen to be perfect as to the levels of the Streets N. West of the Presidents house, & South of the large Street K and also as to those of some streets about the Capitol. The page...
Th: Jefferson asks Genl. Mason’s acceptance of three Paccan trees. the bearer brings two; the 3d. will be sent. RC ( CtHi ); addressed: “Genl. John Mason.” Not recorded in SJL .
The family arrived here yesterday morning without any accident, as Martha will probably inform you by her own letter. I inclose you a letter from Genl. Sumpter, lately recieved. I do not think the aspect flattering from his statement, altho’ he supposes no difficulty in an application to the legislature. but we know that applications to legislatures for special dispensations from law are...
I communicate for information a copy of the speech of Arthur St. Clair , governor of the territory N.W. of the Ohio, delivered to the Convention assembled under the act of Congress for enabling that territory to form a constitution & for it’s admission into the union, which copy has been transmitted to me through authentic channels.   This outrage on the justice and wisdom of the National...
21 November 1802, Department of State, Washington. “I subjoin the copy of a letter which I have lately received from the collector of the customs at New York concerning John Watkins who is stated in yours, of the 29. June last, to have been lost, in attempting to get on shore. It appears from the collectors letter that he has left no relation in this country. You will observe the injunctions...
21 November 1802, Rhodes Tavern. Presents a letter from Colonel Taylor and asks for JM’s business hours so he “may avoid intrusion at improper ones.” Thornton came to Washington on the same stage and “will have probably told you my errand to the City is to bring a model of my invention.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Dated “Sunday Morning”; date assigned on the basis of a similar letter Carter wrote to...
I hope that your administration will afford but few materials to historians; and we have already a favorable symptom in the difficulty under which we are to collect materials for a message. The things you want to be done are very few & seem confined to the following points— 1st. Countervailing duties if necessary . To this there can be no objection; but might not the advantage resulting from a...
A Sketch of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States for the year ending 30th Septer. 1802 Expenditures Civil department  Dollars 592,975. 3 Miscellaneous domestic expences 305,642.36 Intercourse with foreign nations 321,654.97 French convention 226,502.89 War & Indian departments 1,474,449.14 Naval establishment 1,035,355.— Public debt 8,310,753.17 (a) Do. do. due to Bank &...
I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the step by assigning a motive. My business to the City is an exhibition of a piece of invention for the purpose of procuring a Pattent; and considering it to be a curious piece of mechanism I flattered myself with an expectation you would honor it with your judgement if I had an oppty to bring forward a...
After a conflict with myself, of more than a week’s continuance, I have come to the determination of addressing you on the subject of my deplorable situation. I know that my invaluable friend, Overton Carr, has often applied to you in my behalf; but, as, among his other virtues, may be reckoned an unaffected modesty, he may not have delineated the extent of my distress. He may not have...
Please you permitt one of the truer your governement’s mildness and wisdom admirers remember himself respectfully to your Excellency, by the way of our respectable and amiable Senator Mr. Ellery now going away for the Congress? i am not ignorant of your time’s high price, and pretend not to Spend it, in vain, with a long and unuseful epistle; but being intitled to your Bounties by your Bounty...
Dr.  Thos. Jefferson in Act. with M. Lewis 6th. 1802. £ s d 1802 £. s d. Nov. 17th.  To ferriage at Georgetown 6 Nov. 16th. By Cash of
It is but lately that the return of the Secretary of the Navy has enabled me to answer your application for the place of Midshipman. he has examined and finds there is not a single vacancy at present: but they happen pretty frequently, and your name & that of another are set down for the two first vacancies, of which, when they happen you shall be apprised. Accept my salutations and best...
20 November 1802. Gives a brief history of the origin of Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais’s claim against the U.S. beginning with French cash advances to the U.S. and shipment of military supplies in 1776 and 1777. Encloses several documents illustrating the facts on which the treasury decision against Beaumarchais was based. Lists facts that are not in dispute by either party and states...
20 November 1802, Gibraltar. No. 103. Refers to his last, no. 102 of 5 Nov. , about the Moorish ship which continues laid up. “The last Letter recieved from Consul Simpson was under date of 11t: Inst:, had no answer from the Emperour regarding the Refference of the Certificates which was refused, & feard when came would be unpleasent.” Has received JM’s 26 Aug. circular and will attend to its...