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Results 53751-53780 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The motives which induce the writer of a letter to withold his name are generally suspicious, but...
The inclosed was lately sent me by Col: Newton to be forwarded to you. Since my last R. Evers Lee...
It had been impressed on my mind, that the next meeting of the American Academy of Arts &...
In the month of July last I transmitted my concluding Account as Secretary to the late Board of...
After writing mine of this date I called on the Minister & Insisted on Some positive answer to my...
11 November 1802, London. Has “this day” drawn on JM in favor of Laurence Williams for $2,555 at...
11 November 1802, Málaga. Forwards a copy of his 20 Oct. dispatch. The board of health at Madrid...
I have this day drawn a Bill o f Exchange upon you for Two thousand five hundred and fifty five...
You will herewith, find inclosed, Copy of the Letter, I had last the Honor of addressing you on...
The repeated disopointments which I meet with, In my Consular appointments , has brought upon me...
I cannot permit my friend Mr. DuVall to leave this without offering you my sincere...
Observations on the force and obligation of the common law in the United States, on the occasion...
William Hardin rescued or prevented the arrest of certain persons charged with the murder of some...
Mem. If in a Case of Criminal jurisdiction there be not a Statute of Congress, defining the...
I beg leave to furnish you with the following answers to the questions which you have proposed to...
I have received a letter from Thomas Davis, Arnold Welles and Peter C. Brooks requesting that an...
Altho’ I do not consider it policy under present circumstances to overhaul and examine the...
France has cut the knot. The difficulties relative to Parma and Placentia that stopped the...
10 November 1802, Department of State. Acknowledges Hemphill’s 18 Oct. 1802 letter [not found]...
10 November 1802, Liverpool. Since writing his dispatch of 28 Sept. he has received JM’s of 26...
Since my letter of 28th. September I have had the Honor of yours of 26th. August & shall conform...
Je profite du passage du Citoyen Perrin Capitaine, aide de camp du Général en chef Leclerc, Pour...
To all whom it may concern. Greeting. Whereas a Committee appointed by and in behalf of the...
The Petition of the Subscriber respectfully sheweth. That being reduced by repeated misfortunes...
I had the honor some months since to address a letter of thanks to you for the intended honor of...
I have been honored with your letter of the 16th. Ulto. stating the refusal of the Collector of...
W Short sends his compts. to Mr Madison & incloses the queries wch. the auditor makes as to...
9 November 1802, Department of State. “In answer to your letter of the 3d. instant on the subject...
9 November 1802, Tunis. Notes that the accompanying letter dated 22 and 27 Oct. was sent on 27...
The letter accompanying this of 22d. a 27th. ult. went off for Gibraltar on the day of its date...