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Results 53731-53760 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did my Self the Pleasure to write you a Postcrip in Spoues letter by mr Austin of New haven a few days Past but am now at Providence where an oppertunity Presents of Sending my letter to morrow that I write you again as the other may Miscary and if it does not it will inform you of all our health and the Continuance of our Sincere love and affection for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Gladly once more Welcom you To your own home though I Lament the occation hope by this you have Recoverd your Health and the Pheteiuge [Fatigue] of So Disagreeable a Tuor and have Resumd the Chearfull agreeable BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Pray God to Preserve you long a Blessing to your family Friends and Injurd Country. We have Disagreeable accounts from N. York...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you believe I grow Very Jealous of you. I fear the french Ladies have taken you intirely from us for we dont have a Single line from you this long Very long time the last letter I had was Recommending the two French Gentleman have wrote you of them hope that good Lady injoys health will long Continue a Blessing to all arround her. Yr good Sister has...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I did my Self the Pleasure to write you A few days Since by Count Segar by his Request, was exceedingly Pleasd with him and wisht him to Spend a good deal of time with us but they are So attentive to there Duty that they allow them Selves but little time to Ramble he Says his wife is Neighbour to you and She Visets you often you Play Chex with her but...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Have been favord with your letter by Count Segar, which he forwarded from Philadelphia he Came to Providence with the Army we Sent for him but was gone to Newport on his Return to Providence Ray was at home and waited on him he Sat a day to Come with Count Rhoshambow but it was a heavy Rain for three days, after that the first Coll went to Boston and he...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Greene Writes you in the Greatest hurry a Person waiting for his letter and Several Persons waiting to Do Business. I wrote you by Capt Jenkins two letter not expeckting the first to go hope they will both Come Safe and hope you will favor us with a line. When will you Come home we long to See you Exceedingly we have not had a line from you this year...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I do my Self the Pleasure to write you though I know of no opportunity to Send it. But a few days a go the inclosed was Sent to be forwade to you and as Im fond of writing to My Dear friend I have taken the incloseing of it upon my Self I Some Since wrote you of the Same Person by his mothers Request which if it has Come to hand Doubt not but you have taken...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Haveing an oppertunity from Providence to write you I Gladly Embrace it as I know it will give you Pleasure to hear we are Well, And have not fell in to the hands of the Britons as we have been fearfull we Should living So near the Shore and Spouce So Warm a Whigg— but them fears are at an End Since We are so Strongly guarded by our New Allies, Who we are...
Will you pardon one who feels like a culprit Merely because she is about to ask a favor—and that of a friend too whom she loves and admires? Surely it is not a crime to solicit a favor of one, Who is as Emenent for the goodness of his heart, as he is Celebrated for his abilities; and one too, who honors me by the appellation of friend. Yet if it is not? Why do I palputate—Why blush and condemn...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I a few days a go wrote you two Sides of a Sheet of Paper and Sent it to Newport to go by this oppertunity but have Since heard the Vesel has not gone from Providence and least my other letter Should fail I do my Self the Pleasure to write a few lines more Just to ask you how do you do my good Friend do you injoy health and Shall we ever be So happy as to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Some days Past Plast [Placed] you at home happy with your Dear Children and Sister. I am not able to find Words to tell you how Pleasd I am to have our Boy with you I wish he may Deserve Such Goodness God Will Reward you. Thank you for your Kind letter from New haven I Shall write you as Soon as I get home am Just going. I write to Ray but the letter...
The bearer Mr Miller will wait on you to learn the particulars of the transaction with Mr Royal Flint respecting the Certificate I obtained from Baron Glausbeck. I beg you will consider him as My particular friend and any information you can give on this or any other Subject relating to the affairs of My unfortunate family, who, as he will inform You (are all on float again) will greatly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Some times feel quite Bashfull Scribling a way to you So much but when troublesom a hint will do. But now I think of it it will Relax you for a moment from hard Study. How do you do Methinks Rather low Spirited. I have every letter Sayd or inquerd after Ray but Never of you of My Dear good Friend your Sister. Is She not extreem low Spirited for her? Dear...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this moment heard of an oppertunity of Writeing to you and though there geting my horses up to go home I must write you how do you do and that our family was well 12 days Past when I left them and Id the Pleasure of carreing your Dear Sister to her Granddaughters Greenes the day before I Came a way and Mrs. Collis. She is exceeding well and quite...
ALS : Yale University Library Welcom a Hundred times Welcom to our once happy Land. Are you in Health and allow me to ask you the old question over again if you are the Same good old Soul you used to be? Your arrival gives New Spring to all have heard mention it. When Shall We See you here? Do let it be as Soon as the Congress is adjournd or dont know but your good Sister and Self Shall mount...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a few days Since of your good Sisters Tolerable health and Poor Jennies Death Particuliars of our family &c but Mr Greenes writeing I must add a kind how do you do when did you here from Benny and is temple well and when do you Come to New england, and ask when this Shocking War will be at an end the Sceenes of Misery it has occationd is beyond...
The Memorial of Catherine Green, widow of Major General Green respectfully sheweth That in the month of March 1795 Messrs: Harris and Blackford, Merchants of Great Britain, obtained a final decree of the Court of Equity in Charleston against the heirs of General Green for a sum amounting to more than seven thousand pounds sterling, as surety for the House of Hunter, Banks & Co: the same being...
Mrs. Greene best and most respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and will consider herself under the highest obligations to him, if he will have the goodness to write to Mr. Morris giving such directions as he shall think proper, for her sons return to America. She will also thank Mr. Jefferson to direct the enclosed letter to Mr. Morris, as she is not acquainted with his address. Mrs....
I am grieved to think of the trouble I already have and am still likely to give you, and would gladly offer (if it were in my power), a suitable return for your disinterested goodness. I have written to Mr. Morris, my wish—to have George sent to England—either to my friend Mrs. Redwood, or to Mr. Pinkney, who is also my friend. If Sir you will have the goodness to make the necessary...
Letter not found : from Catharine Littlefield Greene, 26 Feb. 1781. On 22 March, GW wrote Greene: “I have also been hond with your favor of the 26th of Feby” ( DLC:GW ).
Coll Tilghman’s Letter of 14th instant, I received last night, wherein (by Your Excellency’s Command[)] he acquaints me of the agreeable Intelligence received from the Northward. Pursuant to your Request have communicated the Contents to Coll Smith & Commodore Hazelwood & desired them, to demonstrate our Joy on this glorious Occasion by discharging 13 Cannon from Fort Mifflin and the Navy at...
Having been Informed that Congress has Submited The Approving, or disapproving of the Arraingements of Regiments, to your Excellency; This Information (as the Arraingement of my Regiment has not been Established) causes me to take the freedom of Inclosing Such an Arraingement, as I wish to take place. Should it meet with your Approbation it wou’d be very pleasing to the Officers to know it, as...
When Genl Heath left this post, the Command of the American Troops devolved on me—The difficulty of geting Supplies of provisions has been such, that we have been often Almost Intirely without. This has greatly retarded the completion of the very Important work at Butt’s Hill, where the three Militia from the Massachusetts State have been Imployed; Their time of Service expires the first of...
Your Excellency I dare say has been informd of the evacuation of Fort Miflin, and the Gallant defence there made by Major Thayr. The evacuation of that Fort The removal of Our Navy. The movements of the British Fleet, and our own situation at present has put it wholly out of my Power to answer those important purposes for which your Excellency was pleased to order me to this Command. Our Fleet...
In compliance with your Excellencys Order recd By Express I have Directed Colonel Angell with his Regiment to join Genl Varnums Brigade with all possible dispach, my Regiment is now Crossing the Ferry I hope to reach the place Assign’d Tomorrow eveng Shall do all in my power to expedite the march. I am with the Greatest Respect Yr Excellency’s Most Obt Humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW .
Your Excellency’s letter of the 21st I received This Day and Observe the Levies in my Regiment are not to join the Army —I wish for Instructions how they are to get their pay, as well as for those for The War and the Officers. We are exceedingly bare of Cloaths both Officers and Soldiers my Lt Col. has wrote to the Cloather Genl how our Situation in that respect is and Sent him a return of Our...
19 February 1811, Warwick, Rhode Island. Introduces himself as a nephew of Nathanael Greene and solicits the consular position at Marseilles held by Stephen Cathalan. Knows that Jefferson was partial to Cathalan; “but Sir, has not the debt of gratitude that was due the Father of Mr Cathalan for his Services to this Country during the Revolution, been fully cancelled in the person of his Son?”...
Your Excellency’s Orders of the 15th Ult. I received on the 30th. Have Set my Regiment to work as Directed —The Q.M. will have Twelve Carpenters at work on the Boats the Day after Tomorrow, and will I trust Soon get them all repair’d We had previous to receiving Orders got Nearly Twenty done—The Departments being out of Money has caused an unavoidable Delay ’till this time—It wou’d have been...
I have the Honor to Inclose the return your Excellency last call’d on me for, Also the proceedings of A Court Martial held by Order of General Cornell The proceedings have been laid before The Governor. He Took the Advice of His Council as to the propriety of his Acting in the Mater, They were of Opinion he had no right to Act, and recommended my Sending the proceedings to your Excellency—I...
I arrived here on Saturday last with my Regiment, they were much Fatigued with the March as I forced Thirty five Miles one Day—They are now in high Spirits, and go to their duty with the greatest Cheerfulness—The Inclosed Return shews our Strength. I have found it necessary to contract the Fort—but it’s now too learge for our Numbers, as we have very little to expect from the Militia—I saw...