Results 53721-53730 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
53721General Orders, 1 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial of the line to sit tomorrow 11 ôClock A.M. at the usual place for the trial of Colonel Ogden & such other persons as shall come before them, Coll Williams to preside. Members Lieutt Colonels Hay and Dabney, Majors Meriwether and Howard and a Captain from each brigade except Woodford’s which gives two. An officer from each brigade to superintend the sick in hospital at...
I beg leave of referring you to my last respects of the 2nd. July, wherewith I had the honor of transmitting you the semi-annual report of 1802. Since that time nothing has occurred at this city, which in my opinion deserved an immediate communication to the US. Under the 1st. December I have been favored again, with a circular letter from your Department, signed by M. Dan: Brent, under date...
To inform you that a large number of respectable citizens of the State of Tennessee are found to be within the limits of the Indian Claims. Justice requires that I should speak to you in plain and decided language. When I last had the honour to converse with you and Secretary of War on the subject, I felt myself highly pleased at the assurance you then gave me that you would take the matter...
I have rec d . your favor of the 30 th Ult. Your affectionate answer to my Letter of the 17 th Sep r . last reached me about a month after its Date. The Prospect I then and long afterwards had of being able to visit England (where the Death of a Relation gave me some private Business to transact) induced me from Time to Time to postpone writing to you. It so happened however that my continuing...
I want to form a Company for my Guard—In doing this I wish to be extremely cautious; because it is more than probable that in the Course of the Campaign, my Baggage, Papers, & other Matters of great public Import may be committed to the sole Care of these Men—This being premised, in order to impress you with proper Attention in the Choice, I have to request That you will immediately furnish me...
Letter not found: from Joshua Clayton, 23 Aug. 1793 (first letter). According to GW’s executive journal for 26 Aug. 1793, GW received a letter “from the Gov. of Delaware dated 23d informing that the prize from Ireland, made by the Little Democrat & Carmagnole & sent to New Castle, had the passengers (exceeding 400) detained on board by the authority of those vessels until all the B—h Goods on...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations & thanks to mr Reich for the Masonic medal he was so kind as to send him, and which is another proof of the superior talents of mr Reich in that art. what may be the destinies of the Mint is yet unknown: but he will be very happy to see mr Reich’s skill find full emploiment either privately or publicly in the US. PrC ( ViW : Tucker-Coleman Collection);...
I have lately understood that Mr Robert Young appointed Surveyor of Nottingham District Patuxent River has declined to accept the Appointment —I therefore take the Liberty to recommend to your Excellency Mr James Hopewell, a Friend of mine, a Gentleman who I think will discharge the Trust with the strictest Fidelity & punctuality, & who, being situated on the very Spot, at Town Creeke, is in...
The roads have been hitherto so bad, that we have been able to accomplish no more of our journey, than about 80 miles. Tomorrow we shall see Baltimore; and unless my arrangements miscarry, I shall revisit Richmond on Sunday se’ennight. For a few minutes this afternoon I thumbed the body of Maryland laws. In the preface to Bacon’s edition of them, I found a recital of an act of the Lords...
The enclosed is a copy of a letter from the President of the United States, which he requested me to communicate to you and the other gentlemen. I am Sir with the highest esteem your Huml. Servt. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC undated; date assigned on the basis of replies to Jefferson’s letter from Dearborn, Gallatin, and Smith dating from 14 to 16 Apr. ( DLC : Jefferson Papers);...