53711From John Adams to Abiel Holmes, 14 November 1807 (Adams Papers)
I am Sorry it is not in my power to give you much information relative to General Oglethorpe in complyance with your desire in your favour of the Eleventh of this Month. Recovering from a great Sickness in Paris in the Fall of the year after the Signature of the Definitive Treaty of Peace in 1783 I was advised by my Phesicians to take a Passage to Bath in England, for the purpose of Using the...
53712To Alexander Hamilton from Elisha Boudinot, 13 September 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
There are great exertions making to get the people to petition against the incorporation; several persons are employed to go about with petitions, and the people are deceived by the most absurd false-hoods. The only mode I thought of to counteract them, was to have petitions drawn, and hire a person calculated for the purpose to go round with them, and I am in hopes it will answer the purpose...
53713To George Washington from Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 27 July 1795 (Washington Papers)
In the afternoon of the day after your departure from Philada I went on board the vessel bound for Alexandria & did not reach the chesapeake ’till Saturday last & landed at Hampton yesterday morning. Owing to calms & head winds the passage was unusually long. On my arrival at Hampton I determined, as you thought it best, to visit my friends in New Kent in my way to Mount Vernon, & am...
53714[Diary entry: 2 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Lowering Morning—but Wind Westwardly & clear afterwards.
53715George Washington to George Clinton, 27 June 1779 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New Windsor, New York ] June 27, 1779 . Has sent men from infantry and cavalry to replace the militia. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
53716General Orders, 6 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
Brigade returns, regimentally digested to be made by the 10th instant at the Orderly-Office of the blankets which have been received by the troops since the 1st day of October last: Of the number now in possession of the men, distinguishing the good from the bad and of the deficiencies to complete each man with one, in such manner that the good bad and wanting will amount exactly to the number...
53717To George Washington from Henry Knox, 6 August 1791 (Washington Papers)
I have the honor to submit to you, Governor Blount’s report, relative to the treaty with the Cherokees, which he formed on the 2d instant—and also his request for leave of absence. I shall have the honor to wait upon you personally relative to this business, after you shall have read the papers. I have also the honor to submit Copies of the Instructions and Letters to Major General St Clair,...
53718To James Madison from the Chevalier Pierrugues, 2 October 1815 (Madison Papers)
Chargè par mon gouvernement de preparer la rectification et l’embelissement de la 2e. ville de france, je crus devoir Saisir cette occasion pour poser les bases d’un traité complet Sur l’art de Bâtir les villes. C’est de ce ier essai, Monsieur le president que j’ose vous offrir un exemplaire; veuillès bien ne pas dedaigner cet hommage dictè par ma haute admiration pour le peuple des etats...
53719James Madison to R. Meade, 3 June 1828 (Madison Papers)
I have recd. your letter of the 27. inclosing letters from Dr. Cooper & Mr DuPonceau, all recommending Mr Tracie for the Classical professorship in the University of Virga. The recommendations with several others in his favor will be duly laid before the Visitors at their meeting in July where it is probable that the Chair of Professor Long will be vacated & refilled. As there will be a number...
53720From George Washington to François-Joseph-Paul, comte de Grasse-Tilly, 23 October 1781 (Washington Papers)
Lord Cornwallis claims with great earnestness the accomplishment of the article of the Capitulation which engages to provide Transports for conveying the General and Staff Officers to New York. Mr de Grandchain was of opinion that Yr Excelly would probably destine to this service two of the Vessels surrendered to the Marine—but that there would be a difficulty in manning them. In these...