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Results 5371-5420 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I lately received a pacquet from D r Bancroft, containing the inclosed for you.— By the date &c...
I do myself the pleasure to enclose for your perusal, a letter which I recd from the Hon Mr...
My last was on the 30th. October; Two Days ago I received by the hands of Mr. George Harrison...
I do myself the honour to lay before you, several letters received by yesterdays mails vz. two of...
We The Subjects of the United States having the misfortune of Being taken by the Cruisers of...
Your much esteemed favor of the 26th. ulto. was received, a few days since, when I was occupied...
I am favoured with your kind Letter of the 26 Instant and return you my sincere thanks for the...
I hope you will not deem it intrusion to address you upon a subject which is of great consequence...
There is a difficulty that persons labour under against whom malice or intrigue has been...
That you may excuse my vile manner of doing business, know that I am freezing in my little room...
Peut-être aurai-je l’honneur de répondre demain à l’invitation que vous m’avez faite avec tant...
Within a few days I have received your kind favours of 19. Feby: and 10. Decr: last; the first of...
I have the honour to transmit to Congress a Copy of a Resolution of the Legislature of this State...
I had the Honour, to forward to the Secretary of State, at the Federal City in America, a Copy of...
A number of respectable citizens of Washington County in the State of Maryland having convened in...
W Smith of N.H returns the enclosed letters with his respectful Compliments to the...
I have been much pleased and gratified with the publication of your correspondence while in...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Understanding that in Case of...
It was intimated to me the last evening that You had expressed an intention of making a change in...
I am Sorry that the time does not permit my reflecting any longer, upon the Subject in question,...
I began a long & confidential letter to you two weeks ago upon the Subject of one of your late...
Whereas the Commission given the Delegates in Congress Representing this State, by a Resolve of...
I have just recd. the inclosed papers from Mr Justice Hill a respectable Magistrate in the County...
My Father has been more affected with the distruction of Charlstown, than with any thing which...
While our sympathy is excited by the recent sufferings of the citizens of Philadelphia, we...
I did myself the honor of writing to you a few Days since. Last Night I received yours of the...
Dr Tufts has been consulted by me respecting the leaseing our places, and we have come to an...
I have been some time employed in writing a poem, entitled Greenfield Hill ; of a rural...
La même personne qui m’avoit donné l’avis, que vous m’aviez en partant laissé le maître de...
Since closing my other letter of this date, I have received a packet from Mr. Pitcairn, with the...
Your letter by M r: Paleske of 28 Feb y: though short gave me great pleasure as it was so long...
You may possibly wonder at my Silence in not writing you during so long a period and which might...
When I arrived here to Look for a Shelter against the dreadful Evils which threatened us in the...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the citizens of George Town, held this twenty first day...
your letter by M r. Lamb I received and wrote you shortly Afterwards Informing you of the...
I heartily congratulate you on your safe Return to Europe and thank you for your obliging Care of...
The Celebration of the Birth Day of 30 Oct. was more generally & cheerfully enjoyed & rejoiced in...
Permit me to request, that you will honor a set of my Reports with a place in your Library. If...
The ship Chesapeak, building at Balto. by the Citizens, is yet unprovided with a Commander. The...
“The Massachusetts election appears to agitate the Americans in Europe almost exclusively; of all...
I have this day transmitted to the Secretary of State, to be laid before you, a Certificate of...
I duly received your letter of the 21st. Ulto. inclosing one to yourself from Mr. Malcom. I...
I am honord with your 2d. letter of the 15th. instt. covering a letter from Messr. Wilson Marsh &...
To remind our friends of their Inattention and Neglect must give Pain. I am almost angry with...
My respect for you, (altho’ personally unknown) induces me to offer you herein enclosed, and to...
My Son Major Samuel Swett, who has served in the American Army attached to Gen. Izards Staff as a...
Impressed with a high sense of the important services you have rendered your country in the...
We duly received your letter of the 20 th of June, and now in consequence thereof send you a...
At the moment when Colo. Smith was leaving this Place Yesterday for England, the enclosed letter...
I receivd to day your letter of the 20th inst & immediately transmitted to the secretary of the...