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Results 5371-5380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Should it be thought presumptuous to address to you a pamphlet little worth your acceptance but for the occasion which gave it birth, it may yet be excused by the remembrance of your personal friendship for my Grandfather and your intimate connection with the glorious event it was attempted to commemorate. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Col Bernard Peyton deliverd me your letter I shall with pleasure introduce him to my friends & do what I can to serve his Interest—I am to see him again on his return.—We yesterday lost our President of the UPS. R Patterson, has been some time complaining, but I think his exertions (above his Strength), in the last meeting of the Genl Assembly, accelerated his departure—I am not as yet aware...
During my long absence from home my Dear Charles I could not write to you as it was difficult to procure conveniences for the purpose business and the chambers were not furnished in a suitable manner for those purposes— I am happy to learn from John that you are well and in very good spirits and I hope that the Commencement will pass without any unpleasant occurrence—I am very glad that Thomas...
Accept my congratulations my Dear George on your success in the performance of a task become unpleasant from its constant repetition and the almost impossibility of striking out something novel either to amuse or instruct—The line you adopted was very correct and gave more scope than the beaten topic’s usually appropriated to the day and avoided one of the evils into which fourth of July...
Your favor of the 14 th was rec d yesterday Your son in law, the son of D r Patterson the elder and D r Patterson the son himself have a right to every service I can render them. I have not hesitated then to write to the President on the subject of your lre and to add my testimony to your’s in favor of your friend and connection. there was one point unknown to myself and on which your lre was...
I inclose you a letter from Thomas Lieper, the Doyen, you know of the genuine republicans of Pensylva, who, on the prospect that the Director of the mint is about closing the term of his life, wishes that Doct r Patterson son of the Director, could be appointed his successor. my testimony in his favor is not from personal acquaintance, but from the information of others which is very highly in...
I duly received this morning your favour of the 18 th but that of the 2 d —in which you had the goodness to send me one document (the presscopy of my account,) and other information, no doubt partinent to my case has not arrived in Washington. I have examined the minutes kept at the post office here: and no mail dated the 2 d or 3 d was receiv’d from Charlottesville. I write this day to John...
Doctor Parr (Samuel) was delighted with your letter, and received me with the greatest kindness. I have now been two days with him. Tho’ not above 76 years of age, I soon discovered, that he was too infirm, to be of much service to us in the selection of professors. Tho’ he is our decided and warm friend, my interview with him has been the most discouraging. He has however been of great...
I was honoured with a letter from you in the Spring of the last year relative to the University. In it you were pleased to notice my “familiarity with the languages,” in which my letter to you was written. Your answer with a few letters enveloped in an Introduction from my friend M r Roane of King William County, I subsequently sent to M r Monroe; but have not received his answer. I am...
An apology may perhaps be thought necessary for one who, being a stranger to you probably even in name, takes the liberty, at this time, to claim your attention. But, if needed, I trust may be found in the community of feeling which must exist among all who take a deep interest in the respectability of the American character, & the reputation of American literature. Possibly you may have...