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Results 5371-5380 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I think I gave you some Expectations of going out with you to your Place on the Forest on Saturday next. If I did, I hope you will be so good as to excuse me, till the Saturday following, or some other subsequent Day that may suit you, this being inconvenient to me; wherein you will oblige, Your very humble Servant Addressed: To / Mr Wright / at Smith, Wright &...
5372[Diary entry: 25 July 1765] (Washington Papers)
25. Began to Sow Do. at the Mill.
Extract: reprinted from Collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1 (1853), 126. Franklin’s letter is known only by this extract quoted in a letter from William Franklin to Charles Thomson, October 3, 1765. The New Jersey governor introduced the passage in these words: “As a farther proof that my father had no hand in the Stamp Act, I will give you an extract of a letter I...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote you pretty fully per Capt. Friend concerning your Family. I now send you the Extract of the Church Register, in which you will find the Names of your Father and Uncle. My Love to your Children. I am Madam, Your assured Friend and most obedient Servant See above, p. 200. On the search for Mrs. Hopkinson’s English relatives, see also above, pp....
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the short stay my mother made here I could not find time to write a letter, therefore I hop’d my verbal acknowledgments would be accepted, yet I did not intend my pen should neglect it’s duty. I really am much oblig’d to you for the trouble you took to gratify me, and notwithstanding the frequency of my obligations to you I always have great pleasure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I just beg Leave to accquaint You that Gilbert Elliot Esqr. is my Friend, and by a Letter I have received lately, from my Cousin, Lord Pitfour, one of the Senators of the College of Justice at Edinburgh dated the 1st. May. He has promised his Interest, to any Gentleman, who will be kind enough to point out to Him; any thing Wherein he Can Serve me. I Would...
5377[August 1765] (Adams Papers)
I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of Yesterday and last Night, at Boston. Is there any Evidence, that Mr. Oliver ever wrote to the Ministry, or to any Body in England any unfavourable Representations, of the People of this Province? Has he ever placed the Character of the People, their Manners, their Laws, their Principles in...
5378[August 1765] (Adams Papers)
Hannah Place vs. Atwood. Introduced into the family at 13. Constant Understanding that she should be paid. A Pittance left to ’em by their Uncle. He cutt . No particular Bargain for Wood or service. Hannah Atwood . Had one of em constantly as a Maid. My Husband promised to pay her. The fore part of the Time Mary worked, the latter Hannah. Hannah worked but very little abroad the whole Time....
Hovey . Justifies by Warrant. Generality. Turning Point, legality of Warrant. Void in itself. Broke open in the dead of Night. Damages. Thrown down on the Hearth. Stripd of her Cloathing. Not yet got rid of her Wounds as she saith. Fright. Weakness consequent. Bethiah and Wadsworth—Weakly. She never had got over it she says. Wadsworth. Hovey . Abel Chase of Nantucket married Mercy Mayhew,...
1762. 1762. June 1. C. Basset complains of Jerus ha Beth i a h junr. Lucinda Mahew and Mercy Chase and a Warrant issues without Seal and directed to Coroner and General who on said day serves it on all three and lets them go . Oct. 9. Coroner Allen serves it again on Jerusha and takes her before M. Mahew who binds her to Court and makes a Mittimus directed only to the Goaler. Oct. 25. Coroner