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Results 53701-53710 of 184,431 sorted by author
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To William F. Gray Dr 1818 Octo 23 For 30 No s Edinburgh Review from No 28 to No 58 inclusive } 37 50 Nov r
I this day forward to you, by the Mail Cart, a small bundle of Books , sent to my care by M r Milligan of George Town . Wishing them safe to hand RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Tho s Jefferson Esq. Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Mar. 1816 and so recorded in SJL . For the small bundle of books
I had intended to pay my respects to you at Monticello , but on my arrival here I found you had set off for the Mountain Top , and I could not, with any propriety, break in upon your important avocations there with a business so much of a personal and private nature. My object in taking the liberty to address you in this way, is, in the first place, to ask your attention to the accompanying...
I have the pleasure of acknowledging the rec t of your kind letter under date the 7 th Curt. —Accept my thanks for your friendly notice of my letter of the 3 rd Aug. — Since I was at Charlottesville , I have been strongly advised to the measure of establishing a Bookstore there; my own inclination favoured it; and, other motives being now strengthened by your approbation and friendly promise...
Agreably to your request I hand you, as above, statement of my acct. agt. you—bal. $13.29 including Rm. of paper and a Review sent this day. The Box containing Busts &c for Mr. Brower, shall be forwarded as you desire. Respectfully, Your obt. Sert. James Madison Esq To Wm. F. Gray Dr 1825 Feb 21. For No. 46 North Am. Review 1.25 Apl. 14  ” No 47 Do. Ditto 1.25 May 7  ” Nos. 80, & 81 Edinburgh...
I take the liberty of handing your acct. since the last settlement. Having a pressing occasion for money, if it be perfectly convenient to you—you would oblige me by remitting the amt. due—$46.37½. James Madison Esq. To Wm: F. Gray Dr. 1820 Mar. 13 For 1 Mosheims Ecclesiastical Hist. 18. Apl. 27 " 1 Quarterly Review No. 43  1.25 May 16 " No. 64 Edinburgh Review  1.25 June 29 " No. 65 Ditto...
By this day’s stage I send you a small Box that has been sent to my care from J. Milligan & Co of Geo. Town . Wishing it safe to hand RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 13 Dec. 1813 and so recorded in SJL .
I have within my reach, a Book entitled “Histoire Philosophique de la Révolution de France, depuis la premiere assemblée des Notables jusqu’ à la paix de Presburg; Par Ant. Fantin-Desodoards.” It is in ten Octavo Vols. and said to be the 5 th edition revised and corrected by the author, and printed in 1807.— I have not been able to find the title of this Book in any of my Catalogues. And not...
M r Joseph Miligan Bot. of William F. Gray 1 Marshall s Life of Washington $17.50 1 Stewart on the Mind 5.00 1 Cooper s Justinian 6.00 1 Walker
I anticipated the honor of delivering to you, a letter from the President of the United States; but recent information that you were absent from Monticello , and the advanced state of the season, have induced Mrs Gray and myself to defer paying our respects to you, until our return from charleston . as the letter may not be merely one of introduction, I have taken the liberty of enclosing it...