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Results 53701-53710 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received a few Days since a very obliging Letter from you. I have it not with me here, and therefore cannot mention the Date. I shall answer it particularly by the next Opportunity. This serves chiefly to cover the Communication of two Letters, which I have viewed, one from M r Adams, relative to the Propos’d Mediation. The other from some Merchants who possess Congress Drafts of a Late...
RC (Virginia State Library). Entirely in JM’s hand, except for Jones’s and Bland’s signatures. Docketed: “Delegates Sept. 4. recd 13th.” and “Genl Washington with a part of the American Army and the Count de Rochambeau with the whole of the French thus far on their way to Virginia.” “No. 8.” is written at the top of the letter. Yesterday’s post brought us no letter from your Excellency. We...
53703September 1781 (Washington Papers)
5th. The rear of the French army having reached Philadelphia and the Americans having passed it—the Stores having got up & every thing in a tolerable train here; I left this City for the head of Elk to hasten the Embarkation at that place and on my way—(at Chester)—received the agreeable news of the safe arrival of the Count de Grasse in the Bay of Chesapeake with 28 Sail of the line & four...
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “Yesterday … I wrote to you … to the care of Mr. Morris.” Letter not found. ]
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “Yesterday … I wrote to you, inclosing you a letter in one to your father, to the care of Mr. Morris.” Letter not found. ]
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me the 25th past, together with the valuable little Book of which you are the Author.— There can be no doubt but that a Gentleman of your Learning & Abilities might make a very useful Member of Society in our new Country, and meet with Encouragement there either as an Instructor in one of...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je n’ai reçu l’honneur de votre Lettre que le 21 d’août & si je ny pas répondu plutôt, c’est que je n’ai pu trouver de traducteur qu’à Strasbourg. Je ne Suis pas le Seul dans cette manufacture qui se plaigne du retardement des Lettres; nous en cherchons infructueusement les causes, c’est pourquoi, Monsieur, si jamais vous voulez bien me procurer...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Letter will be delivered to you by Coll. Dubuysson, an Officer of distinguished Merit and who has bled freely in the cause of America and wishes to return to it. I shall be obliged to you for your friendship and Attention to him. Enclosed you have a Letter from me to your old friend & acquaintance Governer Sharpe, which I beg you will Seal and forward...
53709[Diary entry: 5 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
5th. The rear of the French army having reached Philadelphia and the Americans having passed it—the Stores having got up & every thing in a tolerable train here; I left this City for the head of Elk to hasten the Embarkation at that place and on my way—(at Chester)—received the agreeable news of the safe arrival of the Count de Grasse in the Bay of Chesapeake with 28 Sail of the line & four...
An Indisposition for a few days past has prevented my riding out for the Better Intilligence—Your Excly is well informed that Intillegencers who live in the power of the Enemy must be delt with very guardedly on acct of there personal safety and to gain there confidance—I therefore dare not send a Messenger to them for fear of allarming them or Causing suspitions in Others. That has prevented...