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Results 53701-53730 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received a few Days since a very obliging Letter from you. I have it not with me here, and...
RC (Virginia State Library). Entirely in JM’s hand, except for Jones’s and Bland’s signatures....
53703September 1781 (Washington Papers)
5th. The rear of the French army having reached Philadelphia and the Americans having passed...
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth...
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the Honour of...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je n’ai reçu l’honneur de votre Lettre que le 21 d’août...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Letter will be delivered to you by Coll. Dubuysson, an...
53709[Diary entry: 5 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
5th. The rear of the French army having reached Philadelphia and the Americans having passed...
An Indisposition for a few days past has prevented my riding out for the Better Intilligence—Your...
I have not been honored with a line from you since that of the 29. ulto from Trenton—The post...
Be so good as to commit the Box & Map herewith sent to some person in whom you can confide—to go...
With the highest Satisfaction, I do myself the Honor, to transmit to your Excellency, the...
With the highest Pleasure, I do myself the Honor to transmitt to your Excellen c y the inclosed...
Le Comte de Florida Blanca a eté bien mortifié de ne pas pouvoir recevoir la visite de M r de Jay...
Ce fut avec la plus grande satisfaction et reconnoissance, que je reçus, il y a quelque tems, de...
It was with the greatest satisfaction and gratitude that I received, some time ago from your...
Yesterday, my lovely wife, I wrote to you, inclosing you a letter in one to your father, to the...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I...
53720General Orders, 6 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
It is with the highest pleasure and satisfaction the Commander in Chief announces to the Army the...
I have receiv’d your Letter of 23d Augt, with its inclosures. Had you adverted to the plain...
The Savages have killed & taken three men since my last. Col. Gibson still continues to...
I thank you for your Favr of Yesterday—and have to inform that I am thus far on my Way to...
I wrote your Excly yesterday that my indisposition had prevented my going below for the Better...
Being informed that upon a Construction of my former Letter you have insisted on acting as D....
Colo. Broadhead having been Directed, in my Letter to him of this Date, to resign his Comand at...
His Excellency the Commander in Cheif had the pleasure to receive your favor announcing the...
I do myself the Honor to enclose You a list of the Vessels that have sailed from this port for...
I have been honored by your Excellencys Favor of the 2d Instant—& do myself the Pleasure to...
Every Day discovers to me the increasg Necessity of some Money for the Troops—I hope by this Time...