Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Greene, [25 June 1782]

From Catharine Greene8

ALS: American Philosophical Society

[June 25, 1782]

My Very Dear Friend

I wrote you a few days Since9 of your good Sisters Tolerable health and Poor Jennies Death Particuliars of our family &c but Mr Greenes writeing I must add a kind how do you do when did you here from Benny and is temple well and when do you Come to New england, and ask when this Shocking War will be at an end the Sceenes of Misery it has occationd is beyond Discription our State has felt it Severely having So long a Sea Coast to guard but Ile not trouble you with the Disagreeables our hopes is now that the times is Just at hand when we Shall Drive them Root and Branch from our land. Our Children are Tollerable well I told you in my other letter Particulier of them that Ray was a Pretty Promising Lad at New haven Colledge Samey at lattin School 7 miles from home and that I wisht for A Peice of Beneys Drawing excuse the interlineing &c for I write hurried but beleive me your Very affectionate friend.

C Greene

I wonder if you get half the letters I write for you dont forbid me and I write again.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Enclosed in her husband’s letter of the same date.

9Her May 8 letter is above.

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