53611From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 24–26 April 1791 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: to Tobias Lear, c.24–26 April 1791. On 15 May Lear wrote GW that he received a letter from GW that covered one to Mrs. Washington, “which she informed me was dated at Wilmington.” GW was in Wilmington, N.C., from 24 to 26 April.
53612To James Madison from J. Beale Bordley, 24 July 1798 (Madison Papers)
I have long wanted an opportunity for introducing to you my little Essays on Husbandry; especially because, as Mr. Volney informed me, your attentions are greatly in that way. With this by a Colo. Adams, are five Essays: Sketches on Rotations of Crops, last Edition—Answers to Queries of the Board of Agriculture, London—Design of a mere Grass Farm—Another on Pasturing & soiling Cattle—and one...
53613Memorandum from Thomas Munroe, 30 June 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Memdm. of Appropriation of 3d March 1803 for repairs or Alterations in the Capitol & other public buildings, and for keeping in repair the High way between the Same Unexpended balance on the 1t. Jany 1804 ⅌r Acct. returned to the Treasury $. 3,285.11 Recd. by the Superintendant ⅌r warrant 22d. February 1804 being the balance of said Appropriation 10,000. Ds 13,285.11 Paid sundries from 1....
53614From James Madison to James Monroe, 31 July 1815 (Madison Papers)
The rider bringing me the mail of this morning, is accompanyed by one who goes on to you. Perc[i]eving that his bag is entirely empty, I send a few of the newspapers which contain all the latest news. The communications from Detroit will put you in possession of the arrangements made by Col: But. on the subjects of Malden, Mackinac, & Isle au bois blanc. He appears to merit the character he...
53615To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 11 March 1783 (Adams Papers)
Vous verrez par la Copie ci-jointe d’une Lettre que Mr. le Duc de la Vauguyon a eu la bonté, avec ses complimens pour V. E., de m’envoyer, que Mr. votre fils étoit parti le 3 de Coppenhague. Mr. D’Asp, de son côté, est venu me lire une Lettre du B n. Sprengporten, Min e. de Suede à Coppenhague, qui lui marque l’avoir vu & entretenu le 25 fevr., & qu’il se disposoit alors à poursuivre Son...
53616General Orders, 12 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel Courtlandt, Major Darby For duty tomorrow the 2d Newhampshire regiment. At a General courtmartial of which Colonel Greaton is president Silas Rodgers a soldier of the 3d Massachusetts regt charged with desertion from the said regiment and John Murrow soldier of the 9th Massachusetts regiment also charged with desertion were found guilty in breach of arte 1st...
53617General Orders, 3 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers and men are by no means to be absent from camp—provisions for to day and to morrow are to be drawn and cooked immediately, and every thing held in readiness for marching at the shortest notice. The Brigadiers and Officers commanding brigades are, without loss of time, to provide themselves each with a guide well acquainted with the neighbouring country. The Waggons are to be in...
53618Enclosure: Description of Paintings, 22 April 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
1.° Un quadro perfettamente ben conservato; alto, piedi 3: pollici 8. largo, pi. 2: pol. 6½ Rappresenta S. Gerolamo nel deserto: ed è una figura itieramente ignuda, avendo solamente i lombi coperti d’un panno di porpora; siede legendo un libro posto dalla banda sinistra, dove si vede parimente un teschio, ed un leone sdrajato: tiene la mano sinistra quasi sul cuore, e colla drita accenna ad un...
53619James Rawlings to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
I have recv d your favour of 13 t Ins t with a draft on Col o Bernard Peyton for the amount of your quotas due to this society —. That draft has been duly honoured, and I have now to acknowledge the receipt, thro’ that medium of $89 77 100 in full of all demands of this society on your property at Monticello , and also in full of all claims up to and including the quota of 1823 on the building...
53620To James Madison from Thomas Storm and Others, 29 June 1816 (Madison Papers)
The death of John Smith Esqr. Marshall of New York has created a vacancy in the Office To which place we the undersignd recommend Jonathan E Robinson Esqr. of this City. Mr Robinson was bred a Lawyer has been an uniform and strenuous supporter of the Genl Government is a man of irreproachable Charracter and eminently qualified to fill the Station. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under...
53621To George Washington from Moses Hazen, 10 September 1781 (Washington Papers)
The unexpected rout of the Army destin’d for Virginia; induces me to sollicit your Excellencys favor in a Respectable Command—When I spoke to you on this subject at Springfield, I had not an Idea of the Troops marching this way. Your Excellency was then pleased to determin as was related to me by General Lincoln, that I should continue to Command my Own Regiment and to do Duty as Brigadier in...
53622[Diary entry: 28 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 28th. Went after an early breakfast to visit the duck Manufacture which appeared to be carrying on with spirit, and is in a prosperous way. They have manufactured 32 pieces of Duck of 39 or 40 yds. each in a week; and expect in a short time to encrease it to . They have 28 looms at work & 14 Girls spinning with Both hands (the flax being fastened to their waste). Children (girls)...
53623To Thomas Jefferson from William Duane, 28 February 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
A letter from Natchitoches now before me contains the following Statements, which I think it proper to communicate, tho’ it may probably be obtained from other quarters. The letter is from a gentleman of undoubted credit & integrity “Some interesting Events are likely soon to occur in this quarter. Our Spanish neighbors talk of nothing but independence and are determined to Effect it the...
53624From George Washington to John Hancock, September 1775 (Washington Papers)
A Gentleman this Instant ⟨put the⟩ Inclosed Gazette (containing ⟨the Addre⟩ss & Petition of the Lord Mayor, ⟨Aldermen⟩, & Commons of the City of London) into my hands, desiring I would forward it to you. I accordingly ⟨do⟩ so, and am with very great ⟨regards⟩ and esteem, Sir Yr Most Obedt & Most Hble Serv⟨t⟩ ALS , PHi : Conarroe Collection. The manuscript is torn in several places. This is...
53625To James Madison from John Drayton, 12 April 1809 (Madison Papers)
Through the politeness of my friend Paul Hamilton, Secretary of the Navy, I have the honor of presenting you, a copy of my View of So: Carolina; which, You will do me a favor, by accepting. It, was published, during my former administration; and, is not without many errors. But, still I hope, it contains information, not unworthy of your attention. I avail myself sir, of this opportunity, to...
53626To James Madison from Israel Whelen, 18 May 1801 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
18 May 1801, Philadelphia. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 13 May regarding George Washington cargo for Algiers; reports that timber, gunpowder, nails, and spikes are still to be procured. Pledges to do all in his power to hasten ship’s departure. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, Purveyor’s Office, Philadelphia). RC
536277th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Parsons, has recovered in a great measure from his illness: so that he was the chief part of this day in the office. I spent the evening in part with him. Play’d Backgammon, and draughts. At the former of these games he beats me; at the latter I beat him. I should suppose him to be a great proficient, at those games which require reflection, and a train of reasoning, which is very much the...
53628Martius. 1783. (Adams Papers)
5. Depart de Copenhague et l’10 arriveé à Hambourg. JA wrote to AA on 28 March , informing her that JQA had been impeded by “terrible Weather” on his journey from St. Petersburg and that “my Son has been another Source of Distress to me.” Receiving a letter from JQA dated 12 March from Hamburg, JA was hopeful that his son would arrive at The Hague by the end of March, but it was another three...
53629From John Adams to William Stephens Smith, 23 October 1815 (Adams Papers)
Cobbets Letter to Niles, inclosed in yours of the 17th, with some of his usual fooleries, contains many important facts and ingenious reflections, Sometimes lear I love Clergimen because they are often Sociable and Sensible Men, and sometimes learned: but the Priesthood Seems to have Something militant and belligerent in its nature. The high ones are always gladiators. Their Controversies are...
53630[Diary entry: 18 February 1767] (Washington Papers)
18. Frozen Morning. Thawing afterwards & pleasant tho somewhat Cool. Wind No. & No. Et.
53631From Thomas Jefferson to Markes Vandewall, 5 May 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson being on his departure for Monticello where he will be about a month, asks the favor of Colo. Vandevall to forward thither all letters coming for him after the reciept of this. he salutes him with respect. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
53632To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Étienne Boré and Others, 1 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Nous avons l’honneur de vous recommander au nom des habitans de la Louisiane, dont nous sommes en ce moment les organes, M.M. Derbigny, Destréhan et Sauvé, porteurs d’un Mémoire qui renferme les remontrances respectueuses de cette Colonie, au Congrès des Etats unis de l’Amérique. Nous ôsons nous flatter que Vous aurez la bonté de les accueillir favorablement, et qu’en applaudissant au motif de...
53633To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Walker, 3 September 1803 (Hamilton Papers)
Utica [ New York ], September 3, 1803 . “It unfortunately falls to my Lot to have the principal charge of the Estate of the late Mrs. Francis Bainbridge who in right of her Mother, Agatha Evans, was entitled to ⅔ of the Bradstreet Estate. From some of the papers and from some information I have reced it would appear that you have in your hands some Deeds or property belonging to this Estate....
53634From John Adams to Robert Walsh, Jr., 18 January 1820 (Adams Papers)
you have run me still deeper in your debt by the precious present, of your remarks on the Missouri question— I have read it with complete satisfaction— “And now I say take up the Bridge”— I heard in Paris a Tale—on some great day, there was a sublime procession, of Infantry and Cavalry in all the Pride and Pomp, and circumstances of grievous War—& the whole City was assemble to see it pass...
53635To John Adams from John Brown, 7 May 1800 (Adams Papers)
I take the Libberty to Recommend Genl. Wm. Allin of Providence State of Rhode Island as a Suteable Gentlemon to Conduct the Stamp Office at the seat of Government, he is an Active Accurate Man and Attentive to his Undertakeings and his morrel Carecter Stands Unimpeached, You’l please to Obsearve what he ses, in his Inclosed Letter to me on the Subject together with Genl. Schuylers Letter to him...
53636From George Washington to the United States Senate, 4 June 1790 (Washington Papers)
United States [New York] Gentlemen of the Senate, June 4th 1790. I nominate the following persons to be Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the United States of America for the Ports which are affixed to their names. viz. Cadiz Richard Harrison of Virginia to be Consul of the United States of America for the Port of Cadiz in the Kingdom of Spain, and for such parts of the said Kingdom as shall be...
53637From James Madison to the Governor of Virginia, 22 July 1792 (Madison Papers)
The Report of which the inclosed is an authentic copy having been made to the House of Representatives, it is possible that the Executive may not have been furnished with it by the Senators of this State. I take the liberty therefore of forwarding it and am with the highest respect & esteem Your most Obedt. hble servant RC and enclosures ( Vi : Executive Papers). The enclosures are clerks’...
53638From James Madison to James Monroe, 18 October 1813 (Madison Papers)
I have just recd. the gratifying confirmation of the late accts. from L. Ontario, with the important addition from Harrison of the 5th. inst: These successive events will be deeply felt by the Creeks & other Southern Indians, but not in time to prevent the sequel of the disaster at Fort Mimms or the heavy expence occasioned by the preparations for the Creek war. I shall soon be on the road for...
53639III. Appointment of Philip Freneau as Clerk, 16 August 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Department of state of the United States. Philip Freneau is hereby appointed Clerk for foreign languages in the office of Secretary of State with a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars a year, to commence from the time he shall take the requisite oaths of qualification. Given under my hand this 16th day of August. 1791. MS ( DLC ); entirely in TJ’s hand, containing on verso certificate of...
53640From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 23 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
It has been determined here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to repair to this place; as a small party would defend Edwards’s Fort. In consequence of which you are hereby ordered to proceed (as soon as you are joined by Ensign Hubbards party) to this place: and escort such of the inhabitants as are willing to come to this place. You must acquaint the people at...