5361From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 18 July 1780 (Adams Papers)
I have just received the Court Gazette with Clintons Proclamations. I would give any Thing I had...
5362From John Adams to John Jay, 21 February 1788 (Adams Papers)
Yesterday I had my Audience of Leave of His Majesty. I Shall not trouble you with any...
5363[April 22. Wednesday 1778] (Adams Papers)
April 22. Wednesday 1778 Dined at home and spent the day on Business with Mr. Lee.
5364From John Adams to Thomas Crafts, Jr., 25 [May] 1790 (Adams Papers)
I have received with a mixture of pleasure and gloomy melancholy your favour of the 17 th. What...
5365Adams’ Abstract of Title: Middlesex Superior Court, Cambridge, October 1772 (Adams Papers)
1756. Novr. Deed from Jonas Prescott to Jonas Jnr. of Gift. ¼th. 1749. Aug. 17th. from Jonas to...
5366I. Draft Proposed Prussian-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce, with a Contemporary Translation, 9 April 1784 (Adams Papers)
[ 9 April 1784 ] [ 9 April 1784 ] Traité D’Amitie et de Commerce, conclu entre Sa Majeste le Roi...
5367From John Adams to Thomas Truxtun, 30 November 1802 (Adams Papers)
I have many apologies to make for omitting so long to acknowledge the receipt of your obliging...
536817 [i.e. 18] Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
17 i.e. 18 Tuesday.
5369From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 10 September 1783 (Adams Papers)
It has ever been my intention to come in Person to the Hague, and take Leave of their High...
53701781. Monday. Jan. 15. (Adams Papers)
Visited old Mr. Crommelin and Mr. De Neufville. There is a wonderful Consternation among the...