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Results 53551-53600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I was yesterday honoured with a Letter from Braintree dated the 25th of May last, and tho’ an...
Last Evening I recieved your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th. of this month, accompanied with a...
I had written the inclosed My Dear Betsey when the appearance of your father’s horses announcing...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Columbia...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We the Subscribers have taken the Libberty to Inform your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I cannot boast of the Honour of any Acquaintance with...
53557[Diary entry: 25 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
[25th.] The 25th. the American Troops marched in two Columns—Genl. Lincoln with the light...
Your Excellency’s letter of the 16th April was delivered to me, in the absence of Colo. Brodhead,...
A few days before your departure from the camp near Dobb’s ferry, the report of a board of...
Every circumstance militates to confirm me in opinion that your Excellency intends marching with...
Independant of the Answer to Your letter of the 15th, I Have Been Very Particular in a Second...
On the 27th Instant you will commence Your March from Dobb’s Ferry—with your Troops—on the Road...
You will take charge of the Clothing, the Boats, Intrenching Tools, and such other Stores as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme vous ignorez, peut-être, qu’il existe deux imprimeries...
53565[Diary entry: 26 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
[26th.] The 26th. the remainder of the French army, its baggage & Stores, moved from the ferry...
Since I wrote your Excellency by Colonel Morris nothing very material has taken place, except the...
Yours of yesterday reached me at this place. The Report to which you allude is with my Baggage;...
I have just been favored with your polite and friendly letter of July the 15th last, for which I...
I have the Honour to inform your Excellency, of my Appointment to the Command of the Troops...
53570Monday August 27th. 1781. (Adams Papers)
This day at about 10 o’clock A.M. we arriv’d at St. Petersburg having left Narva yesterday...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Chance enabled me the other day to take 5 Americans by the...
Your favr of the 11th did not reach me till yesterday morning—I so soon expect to see you that I...
Official accounts which I have received, giving me Reason to expect the arrival of a powerfull...
I have the Honor to inform Congress, that my Expectation of the Arrival of the Fleet of Monser...
In consequence of a total alteration in our Plans, & the movement of a large Body of Troops to...
Accounts brought by several Vessels to Philada and to the Eastward leave little doubt but that...
At the same time that I acknowledge the receipt of your first favour since you was appointed to...
By Intelligence which I have received since my Arrival at this Place, I find that the Enemy have...
Je reçois dans ce moment la lettre de V.E. Je ferai un sejour ici Selon Vos ordres avec la 1ère...
His Excellency desires me to inform you that he found the Road by Ogdens Iron Works difficult for...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison jr Esqr Philadelphia.”...
MSS ( NA : PCC , No. 59, III, 280–82, 295) and excerpts from texts of ordinance printed in JCC...
Copy: Library of Congress Herewith I send you No. 1 & 2. Triplicates of my Letters of the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society The Bearer, Mr Harrison, is a young Gentleman of good...
ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your Letter of the 25th Instant, acquainting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Of all the goods which I have at different times sent to...
53587[Diary entry: 28 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
28th. The American columns and 1st. division of the French Army arrived at the places assigned them.
53588General Orders, 28 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Henry Jackson was President Major Murnan of the Corps...
The inclosed are the Instructions which I meant to deliver verbally, with some...
Some particular Circumstances having produced an Alteration in my Plan of Operations—there will...
I am this Minute Informed that Eighteen Large Ships of War appeard Standing in from the Southward...
I am this Moment favored with yours of this Day. Some particular Business calls me for a few Days...
When I wrote to your Excellency, and requested your further directions, respecting the salted...
The Troops composing the Detat c hment under your Command may, till they are united with the...
Your favour of the 27th from Chatham, has just been delivered me by Coll Miles, and in...
To the Quarter Master General, or Deputy Qr Mr with the Army. In all cases on the present march,...
I do not find that the forc e upon Staten Island is large—or thrown over for any other purpose...
I was on my way to go and see your Excellency, when Cl Smith has given me your letter, I go back...
Having been authorized by Congress to proceed upon the exchange proposed by Mr Loring at your...
As the Army will march tomorrow Morning before you will probably have arrived, you will be...