John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Benjamin Franklin, 30 June 1781

From Benjamin Franklin

Passy June 30, 1781


You acquaint me that Bills have appear’d drawn on you in March last,1 and ask very properly if this can be reconciled to the obvious Dictates of Prudence & Policy?— It cannot. And if you are unable to pay them, they must be protested: For it will not be in my Power to help you. And I see that nothing will cure the Congress of this Madness of drawing upon the Pump at Aldgate, but such a Proof that its Well has a Bottom.—2 I have the honor to be, Sir, Your Excellency’s, most obedt & most humble Sevt.

B Franklin

His Exy J. Jay. Esqr.

LS, UkWC-A (EJ: 12963). Marked: “No. 13”. Addressed: “A son Excellence / M. Jay, Ministre Plenipoten-/ tiare / à Madrid”. Endorsed: “ . . . ansd. July”. See JJ’s reply of 13 July, below. LbkC, DLC: Franklin (EJ: 10327).

2On Aldgate Pump, see PBF description begins William B. Willcox et al., eds., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin (39 vols. to date; New Haven, Conn., 1959–) description ends , 35: 202.

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