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Results 53491-53540 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The office of Cheif Judge in the Indiana Territory being vacated by the death of Mr. Wm Clarke I take the liberty of soliciting the appointment, or more properly speaking your nomination in favor of James Blair Esqr. of this town. Mr. Blair has officiated for several years in this State as Atto. General, which he is inclined to abandon on account of the too arduous duties imposed on the person...
Your favor of the 7th. to G. & J. inclosing 350$ came duly to hand; the receipt of which from pure inattention in myself , was not in course acknowledged: it has been in part, and shall be in full, applied as you direct. I am Dear Sir Your Very humble servt. RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson esqr.”; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Dec. and so recorded in SJL .
Will you be so good as to satisfy yourself and advise me on the following persons? Samuel Whittermore Surveyor & Inspector of Gloster to be removed and Zachariah Stevens to be put in his place. he is recommended by Capt Crowninshield. Nath. F. Fosdick Collector of Portland to be removed, and who to be put in his place? Would it do good or harm at Boston for mr Bradford the marshal of...
It is to be feared, that I shall be too troublesome. But deeming it of importance tht. the feelings, spirit, and measures of the people, especially at the head quarters of opposition principles , should be seasonably and correctly known, I am induced to ask your perusal of the inclosed. I should have personally waited on you, but from an idea, that at the present time, it would have been...
Altho’ the subject of the inclosed letter is at a distance from your local position, yet you may have opportunities of making enquiry from your colleagues & others, so indirectly as not to have it’s drift observed, how far it is expedient to make the removals proposed . the present state of parties in New York increases much the difficulty of obtaining and estimating information as to...
I have had your favour of the 30 th: ult o: several days; and have taken time to deliberate upon its contents— And first as to the chemical apparatus—If you have not already procured one, we shall spare you any further trouble about it, as we have succeeded in obtaining a large one here, which will quite supersede the want of D r: Woodhouse’s oeconomical preparations— If however you have...
In justice to the favor you rendered me towards prosecuting my invention for propelling boats, I take occasion to inform you, that, after deliberate and correct experiments—(done however with imperfect works, and yet intended to be improved, and altered, even as to mode ) I find the effect by hand, with the single stroke only, to justify the expected utility of the highest power that can be...
I latterly had the pleasure of the perruseal of a letter from the Secretary of War to my brother on the Subject of the post of Fort Jefferson on the Mississippi. his Answer to that letter completely discribed the place—A Military post & Tradeing Town there, must be Obvious to every man of Observation that is acquainted with the Geography of the Countrey—I was the more pleased as I had...
Benjamin Cheney was approved by the Senate both as Surveyor & Inspector James L. Shannonhouse was approved by them also both as Surveyor & Inspector.  therefore their commissions as Inspectors might have issued & may now. Thomas Worthington was nominated to the Senate at the last session as Supervisor of the Northwestern district, & so approved by them. on recurring to mr Gallatin’s note of...
Mr Guy Bryan Merchant of this City has made me acquainted with his intention of soliciting for his nephew Mr Morrison the appointment of Collector at Massac in the Indiana Territory. My particular respect for and knowledge of the character and circumstances of Mr. Bryan excite a wish that he may succeed if the office shall be vacant. Knowing as I do the scrupulous delicacy and integrity of Mr...
Mr. Hunter is returned from Kentucky and tells me that the account of the upper part of the Skull of the Mammoth being found at Barry’s Salt lick in Kentucky, is altogather a fabrication, no such bone found there—A New Englander detailed to me the same account except the difference of 2 pounds of the weight, as was afterwards published in a Virginia paper. I am infinitely obliged to you for...
The Gentlemen composing the Corps of Engineers thinking that, besides the Duties prescribed to them, as such, it would be the most acceptable Service they could at present render to their Country to collect and preserve, as far as possible, the military Science which must still exist, in a different State, among the Veterans of our revolutionary Contest, and those of our fellow Citizens who...
Th: Jefferson must trouble Mr. Barnes for 40. Dollars more in five dollar bills. Dec. 11. 1802. RC ( MHi ); addressed: “Mr. Barnes”; endorsed by Barnes as paid to Joseph Dougherty on 12 Dec. In his financial memoranda on 11 Dec. 1802, TJ recorded the receipt of $40 from Barnes. Later the same day, TJ gave $20 each to Martha Jefferson Randolph and Mary Jefferson Eppes ( MB James A. Bear, Jr.,...
I flatter myself from the known Kindness and Liberality of Your Character that You will excuse my taking the liberty of addressing You, though I am scarcely known to You, for the Purpose of saying a few Words in behalf of Mr. Jams Yard my particular Friend. You are no Doubt informed that He is a Man of distinguished Talents and of a very cultivated Mind; that He has been extensively engaged in...
Les bontés de pere dont vous avés eu la bonté de m’honorer depuis que je suis dans ce pays, jointes encore a la derniere preuve que vous venés de m’en donner, me pénétrent d’une trop grande reconnaissance pour que la crainte de vous importuner puisse L’emporter sur mon empressement a satis faire ce sentiment. J’ai reçu ce matin les 25. $. que vous avés chargé Mr. G Jefferson de me faire...
As it gives room for federal clamour for me ever to say any thing about an election, what I am now to say is confidential. Genl. Mason arrived here yesterday. I spoke to him on the subject of the resignation which he had meditated. he expressed great anxiety to withdraw, but finally said that if re-elected he would serve again. you can therefore affirm as a thing known to you through a single...
S. T. Mason arrived here yesterday. I had immediately a conversation with him on the resignation he had meditated. he finally promised to serve again if reelected, and that he would write to you to say so for him. lest he should delay it, I drop you this line, but you must not name me as the channel because of the ground it furnishes our enemies for clamour. accept assurances of my constant &...
With your Esteem’d favor of the 7 Curt. we received your Draft at sight on Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson for One Hundred and fifty Dollars. which is to the Credit of Mr Samuel Dyer of Albemarle Much obliged by your attention, We have the Honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your mo ob Serts RC ( MHi ); at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Dec. and so...
I have recd. your letter of the 4th. from the information I have received, there does not seem to remain a doubt, that American vessels are excluded from the carriage of Cotton of foreign growth to Great Britain for her consumption. How far the prohibition will effect cotton, the production of our western Country, shipped from New Orleans, is not equally clear; and it would therefore certainly...
10 December 1802, Leghorn. Reports that he received JM’s 12 Apr. letter [not found] and commission on his return from a tour of Trieste and northern Italy. The commission is for the island of Sicily rather than for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Hopes that Naples will be added, since if he is to gather intelligence, guard American interests, and obtain advantages for U.S. commerce, he should...
10 December 1802, Marseilles. Encloses copies of “official Letters” from the U.S. consuls at Tunis and Algiers. “Such Copies I Send to our Consuls on The Coast of Spain. The Letter from Tunis reached me Via Leghorn but This Moment I receive one direct from Consul Willm. Eaton of The 16th. ulto. with a Packett to your address wh. I Forward by This Mail according to his directions under Cover of...
10 December 1802, Providence. Encloses a semiannual report [not found] of American ships at Canton between 31 July 1801 and 1 Jan. 1802 which he recently received from his agent there. “Nothing particular accompanied the report.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Canton, vol. 1). 1 p. Docketed by Wagner as received 20 Dec. A full transcription of this document has been added to the digital edition.
Some time Since on my return here from a tour to Trieste and thro’ the North of Italy, I had the happiness of receiveing Mr. Madison’s Letter dated department of State April the 12th. 1802, Accompanying my Commission, which, tho’ the presumption is thro’ Some mistake, constitutes me consul of the United States only for the Island of Sicily, instead of the two Sicilies expected. I Accept with...
I have The honor to beg your reference to The inclosed Copies of official Letters I have receiv’d from our Consuls at Tunis & Algiers; Such Copies I Send to our Consuls on The Coast of Spain. The Letter from Tunis reached me Via Leghorn but This Moment I receive one direct from Consul Willm. Eaton of The 16th. ulto. with a Packett to your address wh. I Forward by This Mail according to his...
Enclosed I have the honour to forward to you a Semi-annual report of American Vessels entered at Canton between the 31st. of July 1801 and the 1st. of January 1802, received a few days past from my Agent there. Nothing particular accompanied the report. I have the honour to be very Respectfully Sir, your Obedient humble Servant. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was...
Abr Baldwin presents his respects to the President of the United States. I have consulted Genl. Merriwether on the subject of your note of yesterday : the persons recommended by Genl Jackson to be commissioners of Bankruptcy for Savannah are not particularly known to us: Mr Bullock has been Attorney General of the State, and Mr Williamson has been member of the General Assembly, we know of no...
It is with great pleasure I transmit to Dr. Gantt, through you, a portion of Vaccine Infection: It is from a very perfect pock of the 9th day, but is not however quite so recent as I could wish, being nearly three weeks old.—I have been disappointed, in several late instances, of obtaining matter, from the inattention of Parents allowing the Pock to be rubbed off at the period I had...
I some days ago wrote directions to mr Lilly for filling the Icehouse : but I forgot one previous requisite, which I must get you to have done. make a long square tube , open at both ends, 6. I. square within, & reaching from the bottom of the well of the icehouse up through the flat roof. the bottom of the tube to be notched thus to let water run into it at bottom. then make a square bucket...
I enclose all the notes & corrections I can make on the appointment list. The office of the Secy. of State can always give more precise description of the offices— Respectfully your obed. Servt. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as letter of “11” Dec. from the Treasury Department and “Nominations” and so recorded in SJL at 11 Dec. Enclosures: TJ’s...
Immediately on the reciept of your favor of Nov. 30. I directed a commission to issue to mr Judd under the bankrupt law. mr Granger had before spoken to me on the subject but added that you would write. I am extremely happy when I can recieve recommendations for office from characters in whom I have such entire confidence; as nothing chagrins me so much as when I have been led to an...
By the accompanying package , you will perceive, that the statements called for by the House of Representatives, in their resolution of the 5th. May , have been duly prepared, so far as the resolution respects this Department. Before I forward these statements to the Speaker, I deem it proper to submit them to you. I have the Honor to be, with the greatest respect & esteem Sir, your mo ob st...
Your favor of Sep. 30. found me here on the 17th. of October; since which the duplicate has been also recieved. I deferred answering until a new appointment should be made. this is at length done, and mr Duval’s commission issues to day, which is consequently the termination of yours, a substitute having been appointed to act till now. I am really sorry that circumstances different from what...
if you please to Let me have 30 thirty Dallors i have Sat op Shop in qeen Strith yours morst obeden Servent RC ( MHi ); addressed: “Tomos Jefferson president City Washington”; franked; postmarked 13 Dec.; endorsed by TJ as received 14 Dec. and so recorded in SJL . German immigrant Marten Wanscher of Alexandria did plaster work at Monticello from 1801 to 1802, and again for several months in...
In answer to your letter, intimating that the Corvette Cassius ought to be considered as that sort of property belonging to the French Republic, which ought to be restored, I have the honor to state, that after her abandonment in 1795 by Mr. Adet to the Government of the United States and after her acquittal by the Federal Court she was sold at public Auction by order of the Secretary of State...
9 December 1802, Department of State, Washington. States that the account in Cathalan’s 2 July letter has been transferred to the treasury for settlement. “As the money is receivable in this Country only, you will be pleased to authorize your correspondent to receive it for you on the settlement being made.” Suggests that in the meantime Cathalan forward the vouchers required to authenticate...
9 December 1802, Richmond. Monroe has advised him that the government will appoint commissioners to Spain to ascertain spoliation claims. “Having long had an inclination to visit Europe, the situation of my family as to health requiring such a trip and my resources being unable to meet the expences incident to such a trip, I have thought proper to make a tender of my services.… Success will...
9 December 1802, Frankfort. The death of William Clarke has left vacant the position of chief judge of the Indiana Territory. Recommends James Blair of Frankfort as a fit candidate for the post and asks JM’s aid and influence to induce the president to nominate him. Blair has been for “five or Six years past” attorney general for Kentucky and has discharged his duty “respectably and...
9 December 1802, Bordeaux. Transmits letters from Pinckney which he has been unable to send earlier “for want of a good and safe opportunity.” Has learned from friends in Europe and from American newspapers that the president has appointed him vice-agent for Bordeaux. Having received no official notice, doubts the authenticity of the reports. “A line from You upon This Subject will Infinitely...
In transmitting To You The Inclosed letters from M r. Chs. Pinckney, which it has not been in my power to forward sooner for want of a good and safe opportunity, I beg leave To add That I have been Informed by several of my friends on The Continent, That it has pleased t he President of The U.S. To appoint me as Vice- a gent for This place; The American Newspapers have a lso related it: yet...
A friend of mine in France has asked of me to procure the seeds and plants below mentioned. as this may not be out of your line, and the plants abound in this neighborhood, I will ask the favor of you to make the collection, and pack them well and properly for the sea, labelling each article so substantially as not to be erased. the sooner they are ready the better. should you not have the...
The Petition of Laurence A. Dorsey a natural born Citizen of America. Respectully Sheweth That Your Petitioner for many years past has acted as Deputy of the Cape Fear District to John S. West Esquire Marshal of North Carolina: That he is informed that Mr. West will be out of Office, or that his term of appointment will expire on the tenth instant. Your Petitioner therefore, being (he flatters...
I recieved, my dear Sir, your note of yesterday, and am sensible of the friendly spirit which dictated it. but you must pardon me for repeating my request to inform me of the price of the wine. this is such a transaction of meum & tuum as must follow the same rules between us as between others. it is sufficient obligation to me to spare me so excellent a supply, and if not done on the usual &...
with Dr Mease’s respectful Compliments. [ Note by TJ :] Dec. 24. 1802.—subscribed to the work, to wit Domestic Encyclopedia 5. vols@ 2.50 D pr. volume. RC ( DLC ); undated; addressed: “The President of the uStates”; franked; postmarked 9 Dec.; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure not found, but see below. domestic encyclopedia : James Mease, a newly elected member of the American Philosophical Society,...
State of acct. between Genl. Hamilton and John McComb Junr. amt. of Contract for finishing the Dwelling House $1875–0 571 ds board as pr. agreement @ 3/ (done Last Year) 214–  amt. of Extra work is uncertain Dolls 2089–  1802 Cr June 2d By Cash recd $400 July By Cash 400 Sept. 12th “ Cash 400 Decm. 8th
Le Chevalier d’Irujo has the honor to present his complimt. to Mr. Jefferson, & in answer to his polite & friendly notte of yesterday concerning the amount of the champaing , to assure him, that his approbation of it will be for him the highest prize he can expect in this bargain—Le chevalier returns his sincere thanks to Mr. Jefferson for his generous offer of the Madeyra, & he will make use...
Having been informed the Commissioners are about to be appointed on the part of the US. to meet those of Spain for the settlement of Certain claims of the American Citizens, I Have taken the liberty of addressing you on the Subject, with a tender of my services.— I Have not thought it necessary to accompany this Letter with any Recommendations. I flatter myself however that on investigation my...
I have the pleasure now to inclose you a copy of the act of assembly which you desired. it could not be authenticated in any way: but I send you mr Carr’s letter, which assures me that it is an accurate copy. Accept assurances of my esteem & great respect. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Colo Thomas Newton”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosures: (1) Dabney Carr to TJ, 30 Nov., recorded in...
I have the honor to enclose two copies of a report made to me by B. H. Latrobe Esq on the subject of a Dry Dock, at this place, of a size sufficient to contain Twelve frigates of 44 guns—in which report he mentions the site that would, in his opinion, be the best—the works necessary to be erected, accompanied by Drawings—the means of supplying the Dock with Water—& the probable period it would...
About to address you it remindes of a day in which we had a personal acquaintance. It also brings fresh to memory the Monstrous Mistake under which I then Lay as to the Tendency of your Politicks . You Sir have Sience been Conspicuous. Your Policy has long Sience had my abprobation. Believe me all doubts are vanished and not even a Shaddow remains. I have never had my Sensations moer Tortured...
7 December 1802, Leghorn. Transmits several letters he was asked to forward. Four American seamen captured in the Franklin arrived “a few days since.” He provided them with clothing and put them on board the Syren and Little Robert , both bound for Philadelphia. The number of Tripolitan corsairs out, coupled with the lack of fear of American captains, have “increased my apprehensions for their...