George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, 21 August 1781

Head Quarters Kings Ferry 21st Augt 1781.


I have this Moment the Honor of your Letter ⅌ Monsr Blanchard—I am very sorry for the Difficultys & Impediments which fall in the Way of your march—& hope they will decrease as you proceed.

I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency that My Troops arrived at the Ferry Yesterday & began to pass the River at 10 oClock in the morng & by Sunrise of this Day, they were all compleatly on this Side the River. I hope your Army will be enabled to cross with the same Facility when they arrive.

I have no News worthy Communication from any Quarter, Shall be happy in your Company Tomorrow at Dinner at my Quarters—& will meet you at the Ferry Tomorrow by 8 oClock, when we will either be furnished with some Cold repast en passant or will take you to my Quarters about 3 Miles from [the] Ferry, where you shall be introduced to a Warm Breakfast. I have the Honor to be [Dr]


DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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