Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Jay, 9 October 1783

From James Jay9

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris Octobr. 9. 1783.


I expect to set out for England in a day or two, and propose to go by the way of Calais. I beg therefore you will send me a passport sometime to morrow by the petit Post. I have the honour, Sir, to be, Your Most Obt: & hble: Servt:

James Jay

Hotel de Chatillon Rue du Petit Bourbon prés St: Sulpice.—

His Excelly. Benjn: Franklin

Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiare des Etats Unis / de L’Amerique &c.— / a / Passy

Notation: James Jay. Oct. 9. 1783.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9This is the last known letter to BF from John Jay’s estranged older brother James, who was returning to England after unsuccessful business negotiations in France: Jay Papers, 111, 275–7, 490–1. James eventually moved to Springfield, N.J., and died there in 1815: DAB.

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