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Results 53461-53490 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The bearer of my letters (a servant of Mr. Morris) not going off till to-day I am enabled to add...
I inclose M r . Dallas’ publication relative to his interview with M r . Genet— At present I am...
A late law has been passed by the legislature of the state of New Jersey, for the express purpose...
I have before me several of your late letters, which tho’ not formally , have been substantially...
Our prospects here grow more unpleasant The more violent members of the Convention begin to act...
Letter not found : to John Jay, 23 Feb. 1779 . Jay wrote GW on 2 March (first letter): “accept my...
I am to acknowlege the honor of your Excellencys favors of the 4th and 5th, and shall apply the...
I have hitherto delayed troubling congress with any accounts from this quarter, from a hope, that...
I received, last week your friendly private Letter of the tenth—The assurance of the continuance...
The Convention adjourned on Saturday & I immediately went on Board the Steam Boat & arrived here...
Your letter of the 18 th . of November was transmitted to me a few days past by M r Harrison. I...
I have just seen in the English Newspapers that you and your Family are safe arrived in New York,...
If the Facts, which I have had the Honour to state to you in my preceeding Letters, are credited,...
I have the Pleasure to acquaint you that M rs . Duane is in a great Degree restord to her Health;...
I do myself the honor to transmit the inclosed extract of a letter which I have just received...
LS : Columbia University Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours by...
In my public Letter of this date, you will find every thing of an official Nature, which we are...
West Point, August 16, 1779. States that England’s rejection of the Spanish offer of mediation...
I should have acknowledged the receipt of your obliging & acceptable Letter of the 28th of Feby....
Upon the Receipt of the first of the inclosed Letters from D r Wren and M r Mawbrey, by Express,...
Your obliging Favor of the 24th Nov r is the only one that has reached me since your Departure...
Being at Bedford, when the Embargo expired, my Absence deprived me of the Pleasure of writing to...
I take the liberty to trouble you with some remarks on a matter which to me appears of not a...
Your favors of the 10 th June and 22 d August M r . Gansevoort delivered me on the 25 th ult: on...
I am sorry to find by your Letter by Cap t Young the only Letter I have rec d . from you since I...
Instructions to the Honorable John Jay Minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America...
Col. Morgan of the Virginia troops, who waits on Congress with his resignation will have the...
Soon after our meeting together in London, We had a Conference with the Secretary of State for...
By the late act for disbanding the twelve Regiments, the President of the United States had the...
Your very acceptable Favour of the 20 th . I received on Saturday last, in the Midst of the...