James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gavino, 27 December 1802

From John Gavino, 27 December 1802

No. 109

Gibraltar 27. December 1802


I beg leave to referr to what I had the honor of writing you ⅌ my last No. 108 under 23d. Inst. & now transmit you anexd Copy of a Letter received from Consul Eaton of Tunis 9th: Ulto., I have also sent off to Capns. Murray & Campbell duplicates thereof.

A french Squadron of five large french Ships of War & a Brig whent past this day from the Westward Supposed to be from St: Domingo. I have the honor to be with respect, Sir Your most obedt. & most hl. Servt.

John Gavino

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