Adams Papers

From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 18 August 1781

To Edmund Jenings

Amsterdam Aug. 18. 1781

Dr. Sir

I have received your favour of 11. will take measures to repay the 20£. The ode is very fine. I shall be happy if the News is confirmed, that your Nephew has Succeeded. But have no News from America.

The Pou, I read, nine months ago with Contempt and Disgust. I would not have gone through it, if it had not been merely to know that I had read it, as I think it a Duty to read every Thing which relates to America.

An Engagement there has been, in the old Style. A good Hint this to our Ennemies. It would bring them to reason, if they were what they are not, rational Creatures.1 Parkers own Account is enough to shew that the Dutch did their Duty: But will not Parker be shot, for not doing his?

The Empress of Russia has invited their High mightinesses to the Congress qui doit etre a Vienne.2 But what Says the King of England?

I thank you Sir for the Books on publick Happiness, which I received safe, but have not Seen the Gentleman. Have not yet received the Books from Ostend. My Regards to Mr. Lee.3


A A.4

RC (Adams Papers). LbC (Adams Papers).

1In both the recipient’s and Letterbook copies the remainder of the paragraph is interlined. For the Battle of the Doggerbank, see JA’s letter of 18 Aug. to the president of Congress, note 1, above.

2See JA’s letter of 16 Aug. to the president of Congress, calendared above.

3In the Letterbook this paragraph is followed by one that JA canceled: “I feel that there is not a motion made by an American upon the Continent but what is immediately known in London, among certain Circles, and bandied about in Such a manner, that the Ministry know it, as well as they. There is not a paragraph, which is inserted in the London courant, but what is directly told from what quarter it comes. Your Name and your Neighbours, are mentioned.” The editors have been unable to find any reference in the London Courant to Jenings or his associates in Brussels, including William Lee and Alice DeLancey Izard.

4It was very unusual for JA to sign a letter with a pseudonym; AA was Edward Bridgen’s designation for JA in his letter of 13 July, descriptive note, above.

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