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Results 53431-53460 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Dans la Supposition que la lettre que j’avais pris la liberté d’adresser à Votre Excellence le 30 Nov. de Norfolk Vous soit parvenûe, je prie Votre Excellence de Vouloir bien me faire savoir l’heure, à laquelle je puisse jouir du Bonheur de Vous presenter mes Respects , et de recevoir de vos mains tout ce que j’ai sollicité par ladite lettre. Ne possedant pas encore la langue anglaise je dois...
I have received your several letters of 3d. 10 14 22 Augt. 6. 11. 22 Septr. 1 & 12 October last. The assurances you gave the Minister of Foreign Affairs at your interview, being such as are warranted by our friendly intercourse with Portugal and peculiarly proper to be made on the occasion, are entirely approved. From the civility shewn on your reception it is anticipated that your future...
I am induced by the very favorable information given me of the promising merits of Mr. Cabell, the young gentleman who will hand you this, to ask the favor of your friendly attentions to him. He visits France I understand partly on account of his health, but with a laudable view also to the advantage of his mind. On the supposition that he will proceed with little delay from Bourdeaux the port...
I recd. the inclosed letter this Morning. The Young Gentl. who writes it, is the Son of Colo. Nichs. Cabell of Amherst, & wishes to visit France, partly on account of his Health, & partly for his improvement. He is a young man of most unblemished Character, & a well informed excellent Mind. He would be greatly flattered by a line from you to Mr. Livingston, or to any other person whatever,...
The enclosed letter is from Captn. De Butts in whose vessel, and under whose command I sailed to France. I have known him since that time and believe him to be a very honest deserving man. This letter exhibits such a picture of unmerited misfortune & distress as is calculated to excite the simpathy of every benevolent mind. I send it to you to request you will be so kind as look into the...
Pay attention to oriental Pride— RC ( DLC ); undated; addressed: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. City Washington”; franked; postmarked 17 Dec.; endorsed by TJ as received from “Anon.” on 24 Dec. and so recorded in SJL with notation “oriental pride.”
Genl. Scott having intimated to me his intention to visit the federal city, I take the liberty to introduce him to yr. acquaintance as a very deserving and respectable citizen of this State. Tho’ not at present a member of the legislature, yet having been here several days he will be able to communicate to you such incidents of this place as merit attention.   The reelection of General Mason...
I nominate John Spence West , whose term as Marshal of North Carolina expired on the 10th. inst. to be reappointed Marshal of North Carolina. RC ( DNA : RG 46, EPEN , 7th Cong., 2d sess.); endorsed by a Senate clerk. PrC ( DLC ). Recorded in SJL with notation “nomn of West marshl N.C.” Meriwether Lewis brought TJ’s nomination of john spence west to the Senate on Monday, 20 Dec. The Senate...
I take the Liberty of addressing you on a Subject w h . is not a little interesting to me— on leaving Albany I committed to the Rev d . M r Ellison the Care & Education of a Son whom I think a good & promising Boy, and who is now ab t . 13 Years old. That ^On that^ Gentleman’s Death he returned to me— I have tried to ^As was my wish to have him^ placed here in a proper Situation near
Having in a private letter under Cover of one to Mr Low, of New York, communicated the result of yours on the subject of your return to the United States in a national ship, and having had nothing to add to my last several letters on other subjects, I have thus long delayed an Official answer to your letters numbered from 64 to 75, inclusive. I now acknowledge the receipt of them, and inclose...
16 December 1802, Treasury Department. Encloses a copy of a letter from the district attorney of Massachusetts regarding the Windsor . RC and enclosure ( DLC : Gallatin Papers). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin. Docketed by Wagner. For enclosure, see n. 1. Gallatin enclosed a copy of George Blake’s 1 Dec. 1802 letter (4 pp.) suggesting that, in this “novel and singular” case, the...
16 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 106. Forwards dispatches just received via a British frigate from Malta, “where Mr: Cathcart was with Comodor Morris, from whom I have Letters to the 1st: Inst.” Has learned “by a Vessel just arrived from Mahon” that a U.S. frigate was there for repairs to a damaged mast. “They do not know her Name or the Capns: it can be no other than the New York.” Adds in a...
16 December 1802, Middleburg, Loudoun County, Virginia. Had intended to deliver the enclosed papers [not found] in person “last week” but was prevented from going to Washington by business in Alexandria and Loudoun County. “The Serious sum which I have at Stake and its certain loss without the interferrence of Government will I hope be a Sufficient Apology for troubling you on the Occasion.”...
16 December 1802, Cádiz. Notes that Yznardy, who is now at Madrid, wrote to JM on “the 12th ultimo.” “By his orders I have to inform you that in consequence of the repeated information given by the spanish Consul General at Philadelphia to the spanish Court; orders are come down to all the Ports … ‘That any Vessels coming from the Port of Philada. are not to be admitted to Prat-tic, but...
16 December 1802, Paramaribo. Has received a letter from American consul Gardner at Demerara stating that he had heard Tufts was dead and had reported it as fact to the State Department. “So much folly is not often exhibited. Public Agents more than any other people, should ascertain reports before they circulate them.” While he was visiting some plantations to recover his health, a squadron...
The inclosed Dispatches have just come to hand by a British frigate from Malta where Mr: Cathcart was with Comodor Morris, from whom I have Letters to the 1st: Inst. By a Vessel just arrived from Mahon I find one of our frigates was there refitting having met some Damages in her Masts. They do not know her Name or the Capns: it can be no other than the New York. I have the honor to be Sir Your...
Mr. Joseph Yznardy Consul for this Port (actualy at Madrid) had the honor of writing you the 12th. ultimo; and by his orders I have to inform you that in consequence of the repeated information given by the spanish Consul General at Philadelphia to the spanish Court; orders are come down to all the Ports to the following purpose. “That any Vessels coming from the Port of Philada. are not to be...
Lately I recd. a Letter from Wm. P. Gardner Consul of the USA at Demarary informing me that he had heard that I had deceased, and that He had communicated that report as a fact to your Department. So much folly is not often exhibited. Public Agents more than any other People, should ascertain reports before they Circulate them. While I was visiting some Plantations with the view of recovering...
Beleiving that it will afford you pleasure, to see that we may soon expect to rival any European nation in the elegance of one of our principal manufactures, and proud of what can be done in our country, we have taken the liberty of forwarding to you (as the person who has done most for the encouragement of our manufactures) a specimen in Mr Linns poems , of American Type foundery, Paper...
Altho the Indiana Territory is entitled to the second grade of the ordinance—it depends on the voice of a majority of the freeholders—But no mode is pointed out by which this is to be ascertained—last session petitions came to me to reduce that Territory to its first grade. From the inclosd paper you find the people trying to come to the second grade—You will see Governor Harrisons letter to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Davis & his thanks for the information respecting Indiana. he had wished to see the law on the subject of it’s going into the 2d. grade of government, not knowing but it might have been rested on the President to do some act promotive of it, which he should willingly have done, as being a friend to the advancement of the territories to a freer state...
In my last I mentioned to you a Resolution which had been offered by Mr Smith & the probability of a substitute being adopted—I now enclose you a copy of the substitute passed yesterday with 25 dissenting voices only & those the most bitter of their party. It was not supposed by many members of the Legislature that we ought to have acted on this subject at all—Mr. Smith however placed us in a...
J. Franklin returns compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and acknowledges the receit of his note of the 14th Instant. J. Franklin has no personal acquantanc with Mr. West. But from the best information he is able to obtain, he is a man of good Charactor and demeanor in his office and a republican and no Doubt well qualified to Discharge the Duties of Marshall . RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); endorsed by...
Your favor of Nov. 30. has been duly recieved. the occlusion of the port of N. Orleans by the Spaniards, which is the subject of it, was calculated to give great alarm through the US. and especially the Western parts. information of it was recieved here from N. Orleans on the 6th. inst. and on the 8th. measures were taken to have the proceeding rectified. we think the evidence tolerably...
I am sorry I was undar the necessity of giving Mr. D. Carr a Draft On you for Six Hundred Dollars, this I did One Month later then you named to me woud. be convenient for you in the last payment, Augt., is the term named to him, resptg. the two first payments. I made engagements to meet Demand On the tenth of February & the tenth of March & I used every exertion in my power to get furthar time...
L’hommage que nous avons l’honneur de vous offrir est l’expression de notre cœur. vous êtes cher à tous les amis de l’humanité, et en vous faisant leurs légeres offrandes, ils s’acquittent bien foiblement de la réconnaissance qu’ils vous doivent. nous nous trouverions très heureux, monsieur le président, Si notre établissement nous fournissait l’occasion de vous faire connaître combien nous...
Convention between the Poutawatamies, Eel river Indns. Piankeshaws, Weaws, Kaskaskias & Kickapoos & Govr. Harrison for the US. at Vincennes Sep. 17. 1802. In considn that the US. relinquish all claim to lands ‘in the nbhood of Vincennes except the following described tract’ they cede to the US. the following described tract, viz. ‘beginning at Point Coupee on the Wabash river, thence running a...
The members of the house had arrived in sufficient numbers to form a House on Tuesday, the 7h. instant, but the Senate had not a quarum untill monday—(13h.). On that day they attempted to elect a President pro-tem. in the absence of the Vice President, who has not yet arrived but did not come to a choice. Mr. Tracy had 7 votes—Mr. Bradley—7—there were 2 featuring & 2 won blanks. Yesterday Mr....
A letter of mÿ frind Mr. Mifflin induces me to address you again few lines. Mr. Dobson returned him the Mss of the Achaic Republick, after many protestations of regard for the author the purchasers would not be sufficiently numerous to purchase an edition of this work It would answer extremely well in Europe—but he was under the necessity of declining the printing. Mr S. Bradford regretted...
J’ai reçu le 11 de ce mois la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 2. du dit mois en réponse à celles que je vous adressai il y a plusieurs mois sur les réclamations de feu Mr. de Beaumarchais & de Mr. de Rayneval. J’ai reçu le même jour, Monsieur, vôtre lettre du 9. rélative a la corvette française le Cassius. D’après ce que vous me faites l’honneur de me communiquer,...