John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Adrienne Noailles de Lafayette, 13 August 1785

To Adrienne Noailles de Lafayette

New York 13 Augt 1785


I have recd. ye Letter wh. you did me ye Honor to write on the 15 Ap. last.1 Few Circumstances could have given ^me^ more Pleasure than the Discovery that such Evidence of my having a place in the Remembrance & good Opinion of a Lady, whose Esteem derives no less value from her Discernmt. than from the Delicacy of her Sentiments.

accept therefore Madam of my sincere and cordial acknowledgment for honoring me with a place among yr Correspondents, wh. was the more obliging, as ^you^ was to afford more Pleasure by, than you could expect to recieve from it. You know it is an old observation that Ladies write better Letters than Gentlemn. and therefore independent of other Considerations, a Correspondence between them is always so far on unequal Terms.

I can easily concieve that you whose Predilection for your Husband was always conspicuous, shd. experience so much Satisfaction at ^on^ seeing him return from this his Field of Glory with additional Honors; and I can with equal Ease form an Idea of his Emotions when on that on one that, as on former occasions, those Honors promoted him to higher Rank in your Estimation—2

Your Remarks on the Marquis’s [progressive?] Affection for his Children3 and the Value you set on domestic Enjoymts. must give ^be^ pleasure^sing^ to those who are capable of feeling their Force When I reflect that Kings and Fortune like Statuaries, often make great Men of ^[illegible]^ Lead of & such-like Materials, I set ^feel^ little Value of ^on^ ^Respect for^ factitious Rank. Nature however has made strong Destinction between Men and between Families, and indeed between Individuals of the same Species throughout Creation. Hence it happens that altho Titles ^crowns crosses^ and Ribands [are not always speaking the truth?] ^are but equivocal Badges of merit^ & therefore like Fame [are not always to be believed?] ^often proclaim more or less than the Truth^ yet when [particular?] ^& real^ Excellencies have for several Generations characterized a particular Family or Race, I think that Family or Race is more estimable than others not so distinguished for and for this good Reason vizt. that more may in general be expected from them—[where much?] ^In this as in other Cases^ much attention is generally ^commonly^ found where much may be ^is^ expected, and hence it appears to me exceedingly natural that such Parents should be in a particular Degree attached and attentive to such Children—I assure you I rejoice in the prospect you have of extending thro your Branch the Reputation of both your Families, and you have my best wishes that the latest Historian may say of your Descendants that all the Men were as valiant ^& worthy^ as [illegible] ^the ancestor who will probably be^ distinguished by the appellation of Americanus, and all the women as virtuous as his Lady—

If you was not what you are, I would not encourage the Desire you express of accompanying the Marquis on his next visit to this Country, for I am sure you would be disappointed. We have few amusements to relieve Travellers of that Weight of Time and Leisure wh. oppresses many of them. Our Men in Gen for the most part mind their Business, and our Women their Families, and if our Wives succeed (as most of them do) in “making Home man’s best Delight” Gallantry ^seldom^ draws few of their Husbands from them.

Our Customs in many Respects differ from yours and you know that whether with or without Reason we warm usually prefer those wh. H Education & Habit recommend. the pleasures of Paris and the pomp of Versailles are unknown here ^in our ^^this^^ Country^; and their votaries must experience unavoidably experience here a certain Vacuity or Blank ^here^ wh. nothing but good Sense, moderate Desires and a Relish for less splendid, less various but ^not^ less innocent or satisfactory Enjoymts., can supply. tho not a Frenchman, I shd nevertheless be too polite to tell these things to those whom they might restrain from visiting us. ^On you they will have a contrary Effect^ and It wd gratify the Friends of the Marqs. vizt. the Citizens of the United States, to have the Honor of a Visit from you, I flatter myself that Consideration will afford a strong additional Inducement—4

My little Family are ^is^ well. Mrs. Jay desires me to assure You of her Remembrance & Regard and permit me to add that I am with sincere Esteem & respectful attacht. Madam, Your most obt. & very hble servt.

The Marchhioness De la Fayette

Dft, NNC (EJ: 6768). Endorsed. HPJ, description begins Henry P. Johnston, ed., The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay (4 vols.; New York, 1890–93) description ends 3: 162–64, with omissions.

1Letter not found.

2For JJ’s earlier comment that the greatest gratification he derived from his appointment as president of Congress was its being an “additional recommendation” to SLJ’s esteem, see SLJ to JJ, 30 Dec. 1778, JJSP, description begins Elizabeth M. Nuxoll et al., eds., The Selected Papers of John Jay (3 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 2010—) description ends 1: 560–61

3The surviving Lafayette children included Anastasie Louise Pauline (b. 1777), George Washington (b. 1779) and Virginia (b. 1782). JJUP, 2 description begins Richard B. Morris et al., eds., John Jay, vol. 2, The Winning of the Peace: Unpublished Papers, 1780–1784 (New York, 1980) description ends : 462n7.

4This paragraph and the following one includes extensive illegible excisions and interlineations that have not been noted.

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