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Results 5341-5350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am certainly very glad, Sir, that the Baron de Grimm with his 16 big tomes has been able to amuse You for a few hours, and So far at least one feels disposed to forgive him his philosophy, though upon the whole it may be senseless and unprofitable enough.—Indeed, I readily beleive, that You will also forgive him a few weak paragraphs about his holy Church philosophir, since he has indited so...
The letter you did me the honor to write to me, reached this place during my absence on a visit to my esteemed Parents and that beloved Sister, whose letter to me accidentally fell into your hands, and which you had the goodness to enclose.—I returned only a few days ago from Oldenbarneveld, or I should have embraced an earlier opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks for your kindness and...
Your Letter of March last I have but lately received. It was Sent by the Post, I suppose from Newport. When the Gentleman you recom­ mend in it, Monsr. Petry, comes here, it will give me pleasure to make Boston agreable to him. I wish we could have had more of your assistance in compleating the plan of government. Some of the alterations made in it after you left us, were by no means for the...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft) and two press copies: Library of Congress; two copies, press copy and transcript: National Archives; copy: Columbia University Library Mr. Grand has communicated to me a Letter from your Excellency to him, relating to certain Charges in your Account, on which you seem to desire to have my Opinion. As we are all new in these Matters, I consulted...
I did Myself the honor to write you, on the 3d. January last, from Newport,—Rhode Island; with sundry accompanying documents for your perusal, relative to the Claim of Myself & Family on the United States, as the Heirs and Representatives of the late Lieut. Colo. John Laurens. Myself and Son, soon afterwards, arrived here, to spend the remainder of the Winter and Spring, and attend to the...
I can Scarce persuade myself, that I Staÿ’d with you So manÿ daÿs—and conversed on So few, Subjects onlÿ, upon which I did want your information. I could onlÿ glance at your Librarÿ—had no time to Satisfÿ my greedy curiosity—and forgot even to look at the consolato del mare and other rare Publications in your possession but I am apprehensive, this would have been the case had I protracted my...
Account of Bills of Exchange drawn by the Comm rs. of Loans in America on Henry Laurence & John Adams Esq rs. at Amsterdam.— 1780 Feb y. 25 In whose favor Charles Harady N o. 5 . . . . 1100 . . . . . . . .   1.100 July  6 th. Joseph Carlton from T Smith 137 Bills of 550 Guilders N o. 32 @ 41— 44 @ 61— 65 @ 75 77 @ 79— 82 & 83— 86 @ 103 105 @ 139— 144 @ 152— 167 @ 190 192 & 193 . . . . . say...
I must answer your favours of Dec. 14 ult. and Jan the 3th. Want of time will once have the happy effect, to emportune you not with a Long Letter. How can you insinuate, that your correspondence is of no value? Is not every line of you then an act of kindness towards me? Not to saÿ, that I never received one, without some kind of instruction. But why Should I use any motif—to entreat you to...
Your favour was received last evening, and the subject of it shall receive immediate attention. For some time past, I have entertained the idea that the late Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, was a descendant from the well known Rev. William Tompson of Braintree. In November, last year, I communicated my conjecture to Mr. Baldwin, of Chelmsford, son of the late Col. L. Baldwin of Woburn, and...
Il nostro degno amico Sig r: Jefferson mi comunicò tempo fa i progressi di Vostr’ Eccellenza nella lingua toscana, e il suo desiderio ch’io Le scrivessi nella detta lingua, ogni qual volta mi prendessi la libertà d’incomodarla, facendo uso d’uno stile semplice e chiaro. Eecomi dunque ad obbedire ai suoi comandi, e secondo il solito per chieder favori. Il Sig r: Jefferson ed io abbiamo pensato,...