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Results 5341-5350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Permit me to introduce to you, the Rev d M r Marsh, who in returning to his native State of Massachusetts from Hampden, Sidney his late residence, calls to pay his respects to you & see the University.— M r Marsh, I understand, was a fellow Collegian of your correspondent M r Ticknor—and has devoted much of his attention to Classick literature.— CSmH : Jefferson File.
I have the pleasure of informing you of my arrival here, & thus having now approached so near to Monticello as to shew my fixed determination of attaining the point I have so long been aiming at, that it might suggest reasonable doubts of my determination. I here encounter a circumstance which will cause a few days delay however. Last year when Gen l Cocke was in Phila da , I was induced to...
In the course of my official practice, for my own government, and to promote facility and dispatch in the discharge of my public duty, I have thought it expedient to form an elementary digest of the criminal code of our Commonwealth, including all the crimes and offences, recognized by her laws, whether originating at common law or by Statute, with the adjudged cases under each, together with...
I have just had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 2d. instant. We had looked for the greater pleasure of giving a welcome about this time to you & Mrs. Monroe, understanding from Albemarle that you were to be there in a few days. We are very sorry for the uncertainty you intimate; but still hope that Mrs. Ms. health will not only permit you to make the journey, but her to join you in it....
As the reputed authour of a rejected address which was reported to the Jackson Convention in this town, I take the liberty of forwarding for your perusal a correct copy of it —a step that seems proper as parts of your publick conduct, & points of the constitution, are touched upon in the paper. As the paper was prepared at the request of the committee & its tone attempered by the wishes of...
I begin with begging your pardon for the liberty I have taken in addressing you on the subject of this letter. The favorable opinion of me, which you have manifested on more than one occasion, and the very high value which I set upon that opinion, has induced me thereto. It is respectfully to request, that you would be pleased to communicate that opinion to President Munro, with the veiw now...
I feel a high sense of y r liberality and justice both as a man and as a politician and knowing the cheerful promptness with which you are always pleas’d to communicate useful information, I take the liberty to ask the favor of a reply to the following questions. Was M r John Q. Adams Minister abroad at the time you were elected president of the United States; and was he recall’d from any...
This will be handed to you by my Son Edward T. Tayloe, whom I have pleasure in presenting to you. He is recently from Cambridge College, and is now reading law with Mr Lomax of Fredericksburg. As he would wish to form the acquaintance of the most distinguished men of our Country, as well as State, may I ask the favor of you to give him an introductory letter to Mr Jefferson. Be pleased to...
I at length am able to state to you that I am in possession of Thomas’s Digest of Coke and Littleton.—This is the work recommended by yourself as worthy of patronage—and, indeed, so far, as I am able to judge, I unhesitatingly pronounce it the greatest law-work I ever looked at. I have made a calculation of the expense of Printing, Binding and Paper, and find that to print it as it might be...
I intended soon after the adjournment of Congress to have visited albemarle, & to have passed some time with you, but there have been so many objects to attend to here, of one kind or other, that it has been impossible for me, to execute a purpose, which I had much at heart. A fortnight ago, I took my family to Loudon where they now are. My return here, was producd, by the arrival of genl....