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Results 53401-53450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The servant overtook Mr R. So that you received your tardy letters yesterday evening. I now send...
We arrived here on the 14th, all well, and found the accomodations on the road by Stevensburg,...
Mrs smith Louissa Mrs Otis Rush Peters & a number of young Ladies are just gone to Congress to...
Those of the family who could not attend yesterday at Cambridge yesterday as well as those who...
Letter not found: from William Fleming, 24 June 1756. On 21 July 1756 GW wrote to Fleming and...
By Direction of the Congress I now Transmitt you severall Resolutions pass’d yesterday, by which...
Quod ea, quæ præterlapso vernali tempore in literis meis. Excellentia Vestræ à me oblatis,...
You will no doubt, be surprised at receiving a Letter from one, whose Name you will scarcely be...
I send by this mail the last volume of the Register and inclose in this letter the title page and...
I should have wrote before according to promiss, but have been prevented the use of my Eyes by a...
On the 27th I received your favors of the 22d The address from the volunteer company of riflemen...
[ London, 22 Apr. 1786 . An entry in SJPL under this date reads: “Gen. Clarke. Sentiments here.”...
53413[Diary entry: 16 June 1798] (Washington Papers)
16. Morning—Calm, clear & Warm. Mer. at 72. Clear all day & calm till the afternoon then a brisk...
I have rec d . y e Letter w h . you did me y e Honor to write on the 15 Ap. last. Few...
Yesterday I recieved your favour dated the 1st Inst., and in pursuance of your Order have...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I wrote to you on the 9th. of March. I have not since...
I have attentively considered the matter in discussion between Col. Pickering and yourself —You...
The letter to Governor Matthews, will be prepared by the Secretary of State or myself, in...
534191765. Tuesday. Decr. 31st. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Jo. Bass’s and there read Yesterdays Paper. Walked in the Afternoon into the Common...
I recieved the Benné seed by the post, and am very much gratified by having it in my power to...
Under date of the 21 st July, I had the pleasure of addressing you; since when I am honored with...
Your Excellency’s Favours of the 1st and 3d instant have been duly received, and will be laid...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My long Silence has no doubt made you conclude, I had quite...
Tho conscious of the necessity of my apologizing for being too dilatory in a performance which I...
Ever Since the Glorious Peace which fixt the American Independance, have I wished for a...
I send you by this mail, a small box containing military figures for the practice of tactics,...
I wrote you last on the 14th. of July; since which I have recieved your several favors of July 8....
To a written Letter, one of you was civil enough to return me a verbal answer, that Doctor...
Since Captain Jordan has received an appointment it will be needless to enquire his Character of...
53430[Diary entry: 6 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. The rest of the Company remaining.
Press copy of ALS : Library of Congress Understanding that my Letter intended for you by General...
An Indented Servant-Man of mine run away, and was taken up coming on Shore from the french...
1 February 1804, Leghorn. No. 2. Enclosed his accounts with the U.S. up to 31 Dec. 1803 with his...
I have taken the liberty to send you by mail two books—Kentucky Productions, for your perusal and...
I received by the last post, Your Letters of the 14 th. 16 th 18 th & 19 th . The frequent and...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 15. Novr. last—and beg you to...
by request of my Brother Patrick Henry I write to inform you of his Dissagreeable situation...
I had wrote you several posts before my hearing you was returned. I should be very glad if you...
I have duly recd. your favor enclosing a Copy of your plan for a "National Bank." Having outlived...
The Commander in Chief has no other objection to your proposals for reinlisting the Recruits,...
I duly recieved your letter of Oct. 24. on the publication of an Ephemeris. I have long thought...
By some bad arrangement of the post, which has been detained two days upon the road, I did not...
I have not had the pleasure to receive a Line from you in Some time—Did you know what pleasure...
I have received your Letter and congratulate you on your Success, in obtaining a Loan from the...
Before the Arrival of your kind Letter by Wingrove I had heard, from various quarters, of your...
Considerable time has elapsed since the Executive of this State addressed the Commissioners of...
5344717th. (Adams Papers)
I set out for Haverhill between 3 and 4. this afternoon, and arrived at Mr. White’s, a little...
A promise to Spend two days with Mr Brent: delaid my arriveal in Frederickburg until the Seventh...
The Minister Plenipotentiary of France, complains that the Consuls of his Nation are exposed to...
16 May 1804, Office of Discount and Deposit, Washington. “The Letter which you did me the honor...