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Results 53361-53370 of 184,431 sorted by author
G Granger presents his Compliments to the President and informs him that Marbell Camden was the last Postmaster at Milton—his resignation was lately received. G Granger does not recollect the name of the Gentleman proposed for that office and prays the President to be kind enough to send the name by Bearer. RC ( DLC ); partially dated. MARBELL CAMDEN assumed the office of postmaster at Milton...
I do hereby certify that no evil or inconvenience has arisen to the public from the employment of persons of colour to drive the mail stages on the post road from New York to Philadelphia by Col. Ward, so far as has come to my knowledge. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I had the honor to receive yours of the 7th. Ulto. inclosing Mr. Stewards Letter to the Secretary of State. I feel myself unable to go into a detailed Statemt of the business as I cannot resort to the files and documents of the Genl. Post Office. I have therefore directed the Assistant Postmaster Genl. to State the business at large so that you, Sir, will be enabled to judge whether my conduct...
The extraordinary productions in the enclosed paper under the signatures of “A Western American” & “Americus” appear to be calculated to produce so much mischief, that I thought it my duty to transmit it for your perusal. I am at present confined by an inflamation upon the kidnies; and am Sir most respectfully Your Friend And Humble Servant— RC ( DLC ); in an unidentified hand, signed by...
Inclosed I transmit a Letter from Rufus Easton Esq with various other documents which relate to Louisinia. They were by him intrusted to my discretion and I presume you will not deem the perusal an Useless labor. I Am, Sir, your most Affectionate friend RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 21 Mch. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Rufus Easton to TJ, 17 Jan. , enclosing his confidential...
G Granger presents his Complimts to the President & returns the Letter from Mr. Ellery to Mr. Madison. he has permitted the Senators from R.I . to read the same. They appear to think the old Gentleman has coloured well. G Granger incloses a Letter he recd. from New York last mail from a very respectable Merchant in that City. Isaac Kibbe Esq. who is spoken of in the Letter was some 12 or 14...
G Granger Presents his Compliments to the President & Informs that Mr Pease’s Christian name is Seth; He is not and never was directly or indirectly interested in the Yazoo claim one cent—either as a purchaser, Indorsor, Surety agent or in any Other manner; nor were any one of his connections except myself—He is wholly free from debt, possessd of a farm of about 60 Acres in Connecticut, of 100...
Having completed all the business before me as Postmaster General and arranged evry thing confided to my care—I propose to Start on a visit to the Shores of Lake Erie on the 20th. My Absence will not exceed Seven weeks. I Am Sir Yours most affectionately DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have just received yours of the 30th. Ult: and given instructions to the Postmaster of the City if any Such bundles arrive for the future, to detain them and notify me, and you may be assured I shall keep them Carefully as well as apprise you of their being in my possession. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Granger; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq Monticello V a ”; endorsed by...
I have lately received a letter from Mr Abrahams, dated, “Fort Stoddert, June 25th”, in which he states, that he has been confined at New Orleans, by a fit of sickness, and that he has just arrived at Fort Stoddert: he also remarks, that while he was sick, all the horses that were placed on the route for the purpose of transporting the mail, had either died, or been stolen by the Indians—that...