Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, 5 September 1802

From Gideon Granger

Suffield Septr: 5th. 1802.

Dear Sir

Yours of the 29th. Ulto: was received by the mail yesterday. The Inclosed Letter for Mr: Gerry I have forwarded under cover to Doctor Eustis. I feel perfectly satisfied of his Integrity, and under existing circumstances I tho’t the mark of confidence might not be all together useless. I have forwarded by this mail one of Mr: Bishop’s pamphlets. In my tour from Washington to Philadelphia I took the back road, Through Montgomery, Fredirek York, Lancaster, &c.—I found on the road a very general circulation of federal papers. They were to be seen at most of the Public houses while on the whole rout—say 190 miles, through the best farming Country, I saw but one republican Paper. This was not alltogether pleasing to One who believes that public Opinion will in a great measure be governed by that Vehicle of Intelligence. At Philadelphia I found the federalists of the City preparing to regain the representation of the City—but the Republicans were active and confident. In passing through New Jersey as opportunities presented I inquired & in evry instance I found them active and apparently next to certain of Success—In New York I breakfasted with Col. Burr—It is his opinion that the Republicans of New Jersey will carry the Elections—Not a word passed respecting what had happened in New York. I was prepared to converse, but not to open the conversation on that Subject. Luckily I met with DeWitt Clinton & had a lengthy conversation—he avers the Substantial facts charged in the Pamphlet can be proved. he says the State is perfectly Safe. he thinks the City is so too. from him I learned that Udna Hay felt certain of success in the Vermont Election.

At New haven I spent a day with Edwards & Bishop—They do not appear to believe the Charges agt: Col. Burr but say that being once proved he will be abandoned by All. In Connecticut the Republicans are making evry exertion without expecting success. The Attorney Genl.s family is visited with Sickness & misfortune. You will soon be visited by some principal People from New York & pardon me, Sir, for the liberty I take in reccommending caution & circumspection while in their company. The visit to me appears inexplicable. I am not alone in this opinion—

Your Sincere friend

Gidn Granger

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Sep. and so recorded in SJL.

BISHOP’S PAMPHLETS: see TJ to Granger, 29 Aug. 1802.

The New York PAMPHLET was A View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq. Vice-President of the United States, attributed to James Cheetham (see note to William Irvine to TJ, 18 July, and TJ to Granger, 15 Aug. 1802).

Udny HAY, Republican candidate in Vermont’s northwestern district in the race for a seat in the Eighth Congress, was defeated by Martin Chittenden. Hay won election to the Vermont General Assembly in 1802 (Randolph, Vt., Wanderer, 18 Sep. 1802; Biog. Dir. Cong. description begins Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774–1989, Washington, D.C., 1989 description ends ; Journal of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, at Their Session, Begun and Holden at Burlington, in the County of Chittenden, the Fourteenth Day of October, A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two [Bennington, 1802], 5).

YOU WILL SOON BE VISITED: on 9 Sep. (first letter), Gallatin informed TJ that Edward Livingston had gone to Virginia, but he did not indicate that the New York district attorney planned to visit Monticello.

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