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Results 53351-53400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society We begg leave to address oúr selfs again to Your Excellency, and to begg for her favoúrs by the personall appearance of oúr Worthy frend Mr. Dumas, the Worthy Agent for Congress— He would be Kind enough to charge himself with this present, and we dare promitt oúr selfs from his frendship, that if yoúr Excellence already had some goodness for ús he will...
M. De Laage did me the favor to call on me with your’s of Mar. 2. I was happy to recieve him, and, as a commencement of intercourse I requested him to dine with us; but he was on his departure on a journey to Buckingham , and soon after his return, I sat out for Bedford from whence I am but just now returned. I shall soon now I hope find occasion to shew my respect to for M. De Laage and for...
Will you bear to read a letter that has nothing in it About politicks or War?—I will, without waiting for an answer to this question, trespass upon your patience by writing you one upon Another Subject. I was called on Saturday last to visit a patient About nine miles from Philadelphia. Being a holiday, I took my youngest son with me to drive me instead of my black Servant. After visiting my...
Resoln Ass. June. 8. 1780. the certificates of the purchasers to be a discount for any future taxes, or paimt. in 6. months, or loan off. certificates Selden. the Claibornes. Randolph. this was extended by the Executive to waggons & teams. Elliott & Southall. Act of assembly. sendg militia to So. Carola. power to impress. to be pd. in tobo. provn. still to be made by ass. Provision law ....
I have this day receiv d your letter of the 15 th instant. and I have no doubt by what I have learned, that one of the boxes of wine mentioned, belongs to Cap t Tingey — When Cap t Webster of the Ship Pilgrim entered here in March last, on his manifest were noted “six boxes sundries,” which he had taken on board from another Ship in Salem
I shall give my opinion on the subjects propos’d by your Excellency to your General Officers with as much brevity as they will admit. The first is. Whether a movement of the greater part of this Army to the Eastward under the present information and circumstances will be eligible? I cannot see the propriety of such a measure at present, or that it could be warranted from the State of...
There has just been unfolded at this place a scene of the blackest treason, Arnold has fled to the Enemy. André the British Adjt Genl is in our possession as a Spy. This capture unravelled the mystery. West Point was to have been the Sacrifice, all the dispositions have been made for the purpose and ’tis possible, tho’ not probable to night may still see the execution. The wind is fair, I came...
I have the honor to enclose you a post note of this Bank in your favor No. 1133 dated this day at ten days for Three hundred and sixty dollars, being the amount of the dividend for six Months ending the 30th of June last, on Twenty shares of the stock of the Bank of Pennsylvania standing in the name of Genl. Thaddeus Kosciusko .— With great respect, I am Sir, Your most Obt Servt. RC ( MHi );...
Colo. Freeman was unable to find a small boat and dispatched Lieut. Wilson with a serjeant and twelve in the large boat with four months provisions from the lst. of September: Extreme bad weather with rain and contrary winds rendered the passage up tedious, and to add to our retardment I was extremely unwell at the time of the boats arriving: a few days were necessary for recovery & a few more...
I have rec d yours of 28 June & thank you for the information it contains— In all domestick Disputes I wish our countrymen, may moderate their passions, & manifest as much mutual forbearance as possible. I dread the course of our elections if parties prevail. Every publick Man is in a dangerous & perplexed Situation at present, & as few obstacles should be thrown in his way & as much Candour &...
Since my letter to your Excellency of the 18th Instt I have been honored with the public & secret Resolves of Congress of the same date, the first empowering me to appoint Commissioners for the purposes therein mentioned, the las t prohibiting the exchange of Lieut t General Lord Cornwallis by composition—which is the only mode by which he can be exchanged, except for a Civil Character, we...
His Excellency directs me to reply to your Letter of the 16th of March—And to inform you that he consents to your request, to be absent from Camp until the first Day of May next—I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Presuming you are Presidt of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, I give you the trouble of the enclosed address. If I am mistaken, you will be so good as to hand it to the right person. Months ago, I received a number of blank Diplomas for my Signature, which was affixed & held in readiness for Mr Peck or his order. No call has yet been for them. If a good conveyance...
53364[Diary entry: 30 October 1797] (Washington Papers)
30. Wind brisk from No. Wt. & cold. Mer. at 54. Doctr. Stuart went away after breakfast. Mr. Cottineau & Lady, Mr. Rosseau & Lady, the Visct. D’Orleans, & Mr. De Colbert came to Dinner & returned to Alexa. afterwards. A Mr. Stockton from N. Jerseys came in the afternoon. mr. cottineau & lady : Denis Nicholas Cottineau de Kerloguen (c.1745–1808) was a Breton officer who had served with the...
Yesterday morning I had the honor to write to you from Philadelphia that a letter from Genl. Marshall had been received at the office of State expressing his respectful acknowledgements for the honor you had conferred on him in appointing him Secretary of State, which he had accepted. As this letter may not meet overtake you, I now repeat a peice of intelligence very important to the United...
Retranslation: reprinted from Nina N. Bashkina et al. , eds., The United States and Russia: the Beginning of Relations, 1765–1815 ([Washington, D.C., 1980]), p. 179. Question 1: Are all the nations of Europe, including those of the North, allowed to trade freely and safely with the United States of North America, to land on their coast, to frequent their ports, harbors, etc.? Answer: Yes....
Instead of proceeding to Washington immediately and of returning, as suggested by you, in the Course of a few days for the purpose of adjusting my private affairs, I have determined to postpone my removal until Saturday next. The state of the health of one of my sons irresistiby demands my immediate attention. Under the advice of the Physicians I will tomorrow take him and Mrs. Smith to a...
I wrote to you a Letter which will Accompany this with A design it should have gone by last Monday’s post, but he gave me the Slip. Nothing very Material has occured since. We had Yesterday very Agreable Accounts of A late Action in the Jersies. If it proves true, it is a good begining. Our Fleet is still in the harbour. We have had Easterly winds and thick weather almost constantly for A...
I have receivd your favours of the 18th & 20th Instt, and beg leave to refer you to Captn Stewarts Letter, knowing he writes fully, on matters relative to the light Horse. I expect to March tomorrow agreeable to my Orders. Woodwards Company of the first Regiment, coverd the Artificers of the 2d and left this the 22d to open the Road from hence to Pearsalls; which, by information, is almost...
I had some time ago the honor to lay before You a model of an instrument I had constructed, whereby three angles might be measured at the same time, in the same manner as by three persons with three different instruments, whereby as I flattered myself, the present method of ascertaining the longitude at sea might be much improved. I have since made several improvements to this instrument to...
I have received your communication of the 16th. inst. and am obliged to you for the extract from your Agent’s letter which it covered. The infraction of our treaty involved in the proceedings of the Intendant at New Orleans is as evident, as the consequences of persisting in it must be injurious and irritating. Mr. Pinckney has been charged to make the proper representations at Madrid, in...
I duly recd. the two pamphlets which you were so obliging as to inclose me; and had hoped ere this to have had the pleasure of reading them. From a glance at a few pages of the one on the Judiciary subject, I perceive that is very handsomely written at least. The subject of the other I have no doubt is handled in the elegant and philosophical manner so familiar to the pen of the Author. It is...
Jay Recüe votre lettre du 11 mars Dernier, par laquelle vous me dittes de tiré sur vous aux plustot possible. Je vient de donner une traite à Messieurs paschal et fils aux vingt mars pour estre payé le trente du meme mois sur vous de Deux cent Soixante et Douze livres, pour Sold de Compte avec vous que je vous Seré bien oblige de la payé. Et Donc je Suis bien faché de quoy je nay pas pouvüe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Titles of the Bills movd for by Ld. North 1st. That leave be given to bring in a Bill to enable his Majesty to appoint Commissioners with sufficient Powers to Treat, consult and agree upon means of quieting the Disorders now subsisting in certain of the Colonies, Plantations and Provinces in North America. 2d. That the Propositions be referrd to the...
In compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, & House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed this day, I have the honor of transmitting to you, certain resolutions with a request that you will be pleased to lay them before the Congress of the United States— Accept assurances of high consideration & esteem DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
53376[Diary entry: 5 February 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday 5th. Mercury at 18 in the morning—30 at Noon and 30 at Night. Ground very hard froze. Wind at So. Et.; raw & cold with great appearances of a change in the weather. After breakfast Doctr. La Moyeur went up to Alexandria and Doctr. Stuart and Mr. Jno. Dandridge to Abingdon. I rid to the Plantations at the Ferry, Frenchs Dogue run & Muddy hole. At the Ferry the Overseer had begun to sow...
I am not fond of encouraging an intercourse with the Enemy for the recovery of property; however, I shall not forbid it while conducted on principles which are fair and general. If the British Commander chuses to discriminate between the several species of property taken from the People, if he chuses to say he will restore all of one kind, and retain all of another, I am contented that...
The departure of the mail and my distance from the office leave me barely time to inclose you an order on the Treasury for 4870.D. to wit 4500.D. the principal of Gen l Kosciuzko ’s money in my hands, and 360.D. one years interest. the order is for 10.D. over to cover any fraction of interest. the high interest on this principal has made me anxious to get first rid of it, and I have informed...
The Doctor is not of opinion that McGregor is disabled from Serving, & therefore has not given a Certificate—McGregor says he was 47. when he last Enlisted (about a year ago) that he is unable to bear the fatigues of a march from a wound below the knee (which he shews)—There are now in the guard house of this garrison three men of Capt Henrys company confined for Drunkenness while on the...
53380[Diary entry: 12 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. Cloudy, & Misting forenoon. Hot Noon, & Rainy afternoon where I was at Hoes.
Your Journal beginning the third of the month has given me great pleasure. You are much to be envied and much to be pitied; such a variety of good Company is very desirable, but so much cerimoney and such fatigues must be rather burdensome.— We have received this morning the annunciation of Mr. Clays “GREAT UNKNOWN VOLUME OF GHENTISH HISTORY ” It will appear I presume at least as soon as the...
The inducement which you propose in order to engage Powell to bring up his accounts is approved.—so is also the idea of collecting men of talents about us, even in offices which do not need them. upon the principle of distribution also I doubt if the treasury should be given to Maryland . With respect to Doctr. Bache I must have conversation with you. as to the office of Post M. G. he might be...
As a little exercise of the pen, I have just been throwing out a small pamphlet, of a copy of which I beg your acceptance. While at the bar, I had often occasion to perceive and lament the existence of a spirit too dependent and colonial. This little tract aims, as far as it goes, at showing that it is not justifiable. I was happy to hear from Mr Monroe a day or two ago, that his health is...
The General I beleive yet at Loudoun very ill & Weak, some say worse than ever, tho. Capt. Cameron who kindly call’d just now to say how do you, says, he is expected tomorrow. This Gentn with the rest, has the highest Idea of your kind entertainment & manner of living. I am affraid provissions cannot be well spar’d from this place at this junture. It is not in my power to get Waggons here, I...
L : American Philosophical Society Madame La Comtesse D’houdetot fait Mille tendres amitiés a Monsieur franklin. Elle Le previens ainsy que Monsieur son fils qu’elle n’aura point de Musique aujourdhuy Chez Elle a Cause De La Maladie de Monsieur son frere aupres de qui Elle passera L’apres Midy. Elle ira Chercher Monsieur franklin Le plutot qu’il Luy sera possible Et Regrette fort D’estre...
Through your polite Attention to my Letter of the 20th. Instant I have received the Treasurers Dft, in our Bank at Sight, for the amount of the Dft. inclosed you, for Acceptance. I have also to acknowledge a remittance of One Hundred and Twenty Dollrs. from Alexr. Sheppard. As you will observe the Check is drawn in your favor, and payable to your order. I am necessitated to return it for your...
I am this moment arrived here very wet & fatigued. pray take some effectual measures to collect mr Brown , mr Granville Smith & mr Armistead & let them come to me. I am utterly disabled from doing any thing for want of instruments. Capt Spiller also should be on duty where his arms are, seeing to the selection of such as are fit for service & taking care of the whole. it is necessary...
I have received your letter of the 18th and have read Count read Rumford’s letter to Mr. King. For five or six years past I have been attentive to the character of this gentleman, and have read some of his essays. From these, I have formed an esteem for his genius, talents, enterprise & benevolence, which will secure him from me, in case of his return to his native Country, a reception as kind...
Permit me to revive a friendship, Once very dear to me, by addressing you upon a Subject highly interesting to the United States. The Commerce of our Country has suffered greatly by our Absurd Quarantine laws in the different States. These laws which admit the contagious nature of Our american yellow fever, have produced a reaction in the Governments of Europe which has rendered our Commerce...
The enclosed Letter I send to your care. The triffel which accompanies it I ask your acceptance of. I only wish that my ability was equal to the desire I have of serving you. But merrit like yours and that with which you are connected must look for its reward beyond this transitory scene where more permanant Blessings await it, than the gratitude of mortals can bestow. I sympathize with you in...
[ Tinmouth, Vermont, July 14, 1788. On this date Nathaniel Chipman wrote Hamilton that Kelly “writes by the same opportunity.” Letter not found. ]
En consequence des arrangemens pris entre moi et votre gouvernement, je vous addresse cy-jointe la note des sommes à acquitter. Des motifs de prudence tendant à prévenir dans notre comptabilité nationale tout embarras relatif au reversement de ces fonds sur le compte des diverses branches de l’administration me font desirer que vous receviez pour le montant des avances que vous alles faire...
53393[Diary entry: 24 September 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 24th. Thermometer at 62 in the morning—62 at Noon and 62 at Night. Wind at No. & No. Et. all day & tempestuous with allmost a constant rain.
The very obliging kindness his Excellency hath heard with, yesterday evening my observations on some parts of his answer to the extract of my instructions I had the honor to deliver him, has emboldened me to take the liberty of asking from him some few questions more, in hopes I shall be excused in case some of them may appear some what indiscreet, as his Excellency can answer to them so far...
Your favors of the 5th. & 6th. were duly recd. last evening. I return Mr. S.s letter; with the Addresses from Boston &c. and the proposed answer. The few changes which I have suggested, if proper will speak for themselves. It is a nice task to speak of war, so as to impress our own people with a dislike to it, and not impress foreign Govts. with the idea that they may take advantage of the...
St. Croix, March 19, 1772 . Discusses business conditions in St. Croix and asks for certain articles. Also requests “two or three poor boys,” and adds: “Have them bound in the most reasonable manner you can. I fancy you cant fail of geting them by applying at the Poor-House. I want them to put on plantations.” LC , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. The first third of this letter is in an...
53397[Diary entry: 2 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 2d. Thermometer at 55 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 67 at Night. Cloudy in the Morning & clear afterwards—Wind No. Et. in the forenoon & Southerly afterwards. Rid to all the Plantations. Sent 2 plows from Frenchs to Muddy hole—The other two preparing a piece of ground which had been twice plowed before on the side of the Meadow for Rye & grass Seeds—on which 1½ B. of Rye was sown and...
Mr H: Washington affords me a very good opportunity to inform you, that if your Crop enables you to supply me with a hundred Barrels of Corn over and above the quantity Contracted for, I shall be willing to take it on the terms I do the Five hundred Barrels; and that I shall be willing to receive a part of the whole at any time you may find it convenient to forward it, as the danger of Frost,...
It is with pleasure I acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 22d May received yesterday by Mr. Rutledge addressed to the President of the Agricultural Society accompanied with four Seeds of the Bread Fruit Tree, the greatest Attention will be paid to the raising this Fruit if they once Vegetate, but I am sorry to inform you that very few of the Seeds of the Rice which you sent by Mr....
24 March 1805, Philadelphia . Having given permission to Juan Bautista Bernabeu, Spanish consul in Baltimore, to travel to Spain, Yrujo has named Fausto de Foronda, vice-consul at Philadelphia, to deal with matters that might occur in Baltimore during Bernabeu’s absence. Yrujo tells JM this for his information so that he might grant the appropriate exequatur should he judge it necessary. RC (...