Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Vaughan, 3 June 1783

To John Vaughan1

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Passy June. 3. 1783

Dear Sir

I received a Pacquet you were so good as to bring for me from Philadelphia; but it contains no Letters later than the 13th. of January. As the Ministry here received Letters at the same time, & I believe brought also by you, that are as late as the 4th of April, I cannot but be surpriz’d that we have no fresh Letters by the same Ship that you came in.— Can you give me any Light on this Subject? You were acquainted with Mr Morris, & perhaps may have heard him say something of his having written, or intending to write by some other Vessel: or of giving his Letters to some other Passenger. I beg a Line from you on this Matter. My Love to the Family. I am ever Affectionately yours

B Franklin

Mr Jno Vaughan

Addressed: To / Mr John Vaughan / at Samuel Vaughan’s Esqe / Mercht / London

Endorsed: Dr. Franklin Passy June 3. 1783 Recd. 9 June ansd. 10th.

1Vaughan had recently returned from Philadelphia, where he had gone in the spring of 1782, hoping to establish himself and purchase land for his family. On March 20, 1783, he entered into a land speculation agreement with Robert Morris and Gouverneur Morris. The contract specified that Vaughan would “proceed with all convenient Speed to Europe” in order to borrow the necessary funds. He sailed for Ostend on April 12 and was in London by May 15, when he forwarded dispatches to Paris. Two days later he scrawled a hasty letter to WTF, telling him of the dispatches for BF and giving him news of the Baches: XXXVI, 450, 657–8; XXXVII, 391; Morris Papers, VII, 616–17, 690–1, 697; John Vaughan to WTF, May 17, 1783 (APS). Vaughan’s fundraising efforts were unsuccessful, and on June 2 he explained to Robert Morris why he was abandoning them: Morris Papers, VIII, 145–7.

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