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Results 53301-53350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
On the 28. Sep. Com. Morris’s squadron left Cagliari after having lain there ten days—did not...
Having failed, when I was last in the City of Washington, to procure satisfactory information,...
The Chinese Government have always been in the practice of desiring Foreigners of every...
1 January 1803, Department of State, Washington. “To enable me to view in its true light your...
1 January 1803, Department of State. “The Secretary of State has the honor to lay before the...
Letter not found. 1 January 1803. No. 12. Mentioned in Erving to JM, 30 Apr. 1803 . Discusses...
Although I being an entire stranger to you; yet I do pray the Most High Almighty propitious God...
In referring to that part of the letter addressed by me, on the 28th. of June last, to the...
The Director of the Mint of the United States begs leave respectfully to make his annual report...
53310[Parents and Boyhood] (Adams Papers)
My Father married Susanna Boylston in October 1734, and on the 19th of October 1735 I was born....
53311Memorandum Books, 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 1. Gave news carrier of Natl. Intelligencer 1.D. 2. Gave Edw. Frithey ord. on J. Barnes for...
1802. Aug. 31. courses run by mr Fitch . Beginning in the road in the Thoro’fare at the crossing...
[ Marietta, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, December, 1802. On January 17, 1803, Putnam...
31 December 1802, London. Acknowledges JM’s letter and expresses thanks for the early reply as...
Your letters of Nov. 30. & Dec. 14. have been duly recieved. commissions under the bankrupt act,...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Mr. D. Foster to dine with him on Monday next, the 3rd....
Th: Jefferson asks a consultation with the heads of departments tomorrow at 11. aclock, on the...
Though a blustering storm darkens the sunshine for a short space, yet it clears the atmosphere to...
I thank you for the mention you made in your’s of the 19th. of my subscription to the academy....
I have just recieved the inclosed from M Dunbar, which I think it proper to forward to you...
The enclosed will apprize you of my determination of conducting two newspapers in the Borough of...
I had intended last evening to have done myself the Honor this morning of Waiting on the...
Edmund Harrison presents his respectful acknowledgments to Mr. Jefferson,—thanks him for the...
In addition to the information accompanying my message of the 22d. instant, I now transmit the...
Altho’ an informal communication to the public, of the substance of the inclosed letter , may be...
To morrow morning I’ll give myself the honor of waiting upon you with the congratulations of the...
This Day I was in the Commissioners office where I saw the land Jobbers imposeing on the poore...
A disappointed politician you know is very apt to take refuge in a Garden. Accordingly I have...
A garden, you know, is a very usual refuge of a disappointed politician. Accordingly, I have...
The last letter which I had the honor to address to you (on the 29th ulto.) will give a general...
29 December 1802, London. No. 78. “In the Bill that after the holidays will be brought into...
29 December 1802, Georgetown. Transmits a regulation of the French government, which JM will...
Hints on the subject of Indian boundaries, suggested for consideration An object, becoming now of...
I have been vary anxious and try‘d to send these Bricks that I engaged to you. I have obtained...
I enclose a certificate, that the first volume of “Elements of useful knowledge” has been...
Letter not found. 28 December 1802, Saybrook. Acknowledged in Wagner to Hart, 14 Jan. 1803 (DNA:...
The Memorial and Petition of the Citizens of the Indiana Territory, by their Representatives in...
On the 14th. of September 1801. I had the Honor of addressing myself to your Excellency ⅌r. the...
J’ai L’honneur de vous adresser cy inclus une petition faites Entre tous Les membres de la...
The undersigned beg leave to recommend to the President of the United States John Rice Jones...
27 December 1802, Treasury Department. Requests a supply of sea letters for the use of vessels...
27 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 109. Refers to his no. 108 of 23 Dec. and encloses a “Copy of a...
I beg leave to referr to what I had the honor of writing you ⅌ my last No. 108 under 23d. Inst. &...
I lay before you a treaty which has been concluded between the state of New York and the Oneida...
I lay before you a treaty which has been agreed to by Commissioners duly authorised on the part...
In my message of the 15th. instant, I mentioned that plans and estimates of a Dry dock, for the...
The removal of Governor St Clair from Office has produced much Joy & triumph among the...
I wish you to give me credit for the map , and observations that accompanied it , which I...
26 December 1802, Department of State, Washington. “Being authorised to cause the laws of the...
I was desirous of speaking with you yesterday to request you to releive me from an embarrassment...