Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Anderson, William Cocke, and William Dickson, 6 January 1803

From Joseph Anderson, William Cocke, and William Dickson

6th January 1803


We beg leave to recommend the following Gentlemen, as proper Characters to act as Commissioners of Bankruptcy within the State of Tennessee—

Edward Scott Esqr atty at Law, Mr John Crozier Merchant, Moses Fisk Esqr Atty at Law—and Mr. George M Deaderick Merchant—The two former of Knoxville—the two latter of Nashville—

with Sentiments of Very great respect—

Jos: Anderson

Wm. Cocke

Wm. Dickson

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); in Anderson’s hand, signed by all; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 7 Jan. received the same day and “Commrs bkrptcy” and so recorded in SJL; also endorsed by TJ: “Edward Scott John Crozier}Knoxville” and “Moses Fish—George Mc.Deaderick}Nashville.”

Born in North Carolina, William Dickson (1770–1816) moved to Tennessee in 1790. He studied and practiced medicine in Nashville for many years. A Republican, Dickson served as speaker of the state house of representatives from 1799 to 1801 and as a Tennessee congressman from 1801 to 1807 (Biog. Dir. Cong. description begins Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1989, Washington, D.C., 1989 description ends ; Harold D. Moser and others, eds., The Papers of Andrew Jackson, 8 vols. [Knoxville, 1980– ], 1:259n).

For an earlier recommendation and the appointment of bankruptcy commissioners for Tennessee, see Joseph Anderson’s letter to TJ of 10 Oct. 1802. At that time, Anderson recommended Samuel Donelson, not moses fisk; the other candidates were the same as above. TJ did not receive Anderson’s letter of 10 Oct. until 17 Nov. According to SJL, TJ wrote separate letters, now missing, to Anderson, Cocke, and Dickson on 18 Oct., requesting recommendations for bankruptcy commissioners (see TJ to Nathaniel Macon, 18 Oct.). The commissions for the Tennessee candidates were dated 28 Mch. (see Appendix I).

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