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Results 53251-53300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
53251 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 8 January … 1803-01-08 The Constitution of the State of Ohio requiring that a man to be eligible to the Legislature...
53252 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 8 January … 1803-01-08 As I do not know where Mr. Short is at present, I take the liberty of inclosing you a letter for...
53253 Lovell, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Lovell, 8 January 1803 1803-01-08 Self Interest once forced me to intrude upon the busy moments of your Excellency, for the purpose...
53254 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 8 January 1803 1803-01-08 I yesterday received the enclosed Letter from the Treasurer of the Western Shore of the State of...
53255 Jefferson, Thomas Owl From Thomas Jefferson to Owl and Others, 8 January 1803 1803-01-08 I am happy to see you here , to take you by the hand, & to renew the assurances of our...
53256 Ruddock, Samuel A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel A. Ruddock, 8 January … 1803-01-08 Your Excellency will be pleased when you see that I am the son of John Ruddock Esq. of Boston,...
53257 Wirt, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Wirt, 8 January 1803 1803-01-08 I understand that the office of a judge for the Indiana Territory is vacant by the death of Mr....
53258 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 January 1803 1803-01-07 I expected to have had the pleasure of see[i]ng you before this in my route to New Yk., but a...
53259 Bird, Savage, and Bird Madison, James To James Madison from Bird, Savage, and Bird, 7 January … 1803-01-07 7 January 1803, London. Acknowledges JM’s 9 Nov. letter [not found] advising the firm that James...
53260 Gates, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 7 January 1803 1803-01-07 Feeling an irresistable impulse for the Glory of your Administration; & convinced your Friendship...
53261 Meade, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Meade, 7 January 1803 1803-01-07 I beg request You would Give me an appointment, [if it could?] be, for this City , it would be...
53262 Rodney, Caesar A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar A. Rodney, 7 January … 1803-01-07 I have received your favor of the 31. ulto. & thank you most sincerely for your attention &...
53263 Jefferson, Thomas Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 7 January 1803 1803-01-07 I submit for your approbation and consent a Convention entered into with the Choctaw nation of...
53264 Sewall, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Sewall, 6 January 1803 1803-01-06 I was considerably amused by a News paper publication some few Weeks since, Which Paper I have...
53265 Giles, William Branch Madison, James To James Madison from William Branch Giles, 6 January … 1803-01-06 6 January 1803, Amelia. Encloses a letter received from Thomas Worthington so JM may apprise the...
53266 Pichon, Louis-André Madison, James To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 6 January … 1803-01-06 6 January 1803, Georgetown. “By information received this evening by Mr. Pichon he is led to...
53267 Anderson, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Anderson, William … 1803-01-06 We beg leave to recommend the following Gentlemen, as proper Characters to act as Commissioners...
53268 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes 1803-01-06 Th: Jefferson will be obliged to mr Barnes for 20. or 30. D. in small bills. Jan. 6. 1802. i.e....
53269 Hart, Abijah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abijah Hart, 6 January 1803 1803-01-06 Possessing but little self confidence, it is with great diffidence that I address you, with an...
53270 Van Mannierck, Anthony Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Anthony Van Mannierck, 6 … 1803-01-06 Last March was a Year since I have made Application for the Consulship of Belgium without...
53271 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, John Quincy Thomas Boylston Adams to John Quincy Adams, 5 January … 1803-01-05 I received, yesterday, your favor of the 27 th: ult. and thank you, for the wholesome...
53272 Madison, James Humphreys, David From James Madison to David Humphreys, 5 January 1803 1803-01-05 The President has received the letter you addressed to him on the 1st. Inst. As the constitution...
53273 Christie, Gabriel Madison, James To James Madison from Gabriel Christie, 5 January 1803 … 1803-01-05 5 January 1803, Annapolis. Requests postponement of his son’s appointment as consul for Madeira...
53274 Lincoln, Levi Madison, James To James Madison from Levi Lincoln, 5 January 1803 … 1803-01-05 5 January 1803, Washington. Acknowledges JM’s 4 Jan. note with the enclosures. “Wm. Holliday...
53275 Connor, William Jefferson, Thomas Petition of William Connor, with Jefferson’s Order, 5 … 1803-01-05 William Conner of the County of Washington, and District of Columbia, petitioning, States—That at...
53276 Coxe, John Redman Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Redman Coxe, 5 January … 1803-01-05 I have this morning procured a small quantity of Vaccine Infection, taken the 9th day of the...
53277 Dunbar, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Dunbar, 5 January 1803 1803-01-05 A series of bad health which has endured above twelve months has withdrawn much of my attention...
53278 Jefferson, Thomas House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the House of Representatives … 1803-01-05 Agreeably to the request of the House of Representatives I now transmit a statement of the...
53279 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Smith, 5 January 1803 1803-01-05 Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Genl. John Smith of N.Y. to dine with him on Friday next,...
53280 Dwight, Timothy Jay, John To John Jay from Timothy Dwight, 4 January 1803 1803-01-04 I have deferred answering your letter, that I might be able to answer it more to your...
53281 Hoomes, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Hoomes, 4 January 1803 1803-01-04 Inclosed is a receept from Colo. Newton for the 100$ you gave me for him. Calender refused to...
53282 Madison, James Lincoln, Levi From James Madison to Levi Lincoln, 4 January 1803 … 1803-01-04 4 January 1803, Department of State. “The Secretary of State requests the Attorney General to...
53283 Baker, John Martin Madison, James To James Madison from John Martin Baker, 4 January 1803 … 1803-01-04 4 January 1803, New York. Asks to be excused for again addressing JM. A convenient opportunity to...
53284 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino, 4 January 1803 … 1803-01-04 4 January 1803, Gibraltar. No. 110. “I beg leave to referr to my last dispatch No. 109 [27 Dec....
53285 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Madison, James To James Madison from Lafayette, 4 January 1803 1803-01-04 Letter not found. 4 January 1803, Paris. Offered for sale in Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 686...
53286 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino, 4 January 1803 1803-01-04 I beg leave to referr to my last dispatch No. 109 ⅌ this Conveyance of the Constellation frigate,...
53287 Eppes, John Wayles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Wayles Eppes, 4 January … 1803-01-04 Callender has been this day discharged from his recognizance by the County Court of Henerico—6...
53288 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 3 … 1803-01-03 I have recd your favor of the 15th of December.—I am not disappointed, through I regret the...
53289 Madison, James Ellery, William From James Madison to William Ellery, 3 January 1803 … 1803-01-03 3 January 1803, Department of State, Washington. “It appearing that the Ship Alnomac was...
53290 Austin, Jonathan L. Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan L. Austin, 3 January … 1803-01-03 3 January 1803, Boston. Has received JM’s 14 July 1802 letter [not found] naming him commissioner...
53291 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 3 … 1803-01-03 3 January 1803, Natchez. “The enclosed hand bill [not found] has this moment reached me; it has...
53292 Coppinger, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Coppinger, 3 January … 1803-01-03 The obliging and ready condecension with which your Excellency has been pleased to answer the...
53293 Dean, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Dean, 3 January 1803 1803-01-03 By a letter addressed to you by Isaac Williams Junr. War chief of the Wyandot Nation, you will...
53294 Jefferson, Thomas Dinsmore, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore, 3 January 1803 1803-01-03 I conclude absolutely to cover my terras with sheet iron , and have accordingly written to...
53295 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 3 January … 1803-01-03 I enclose the following papers vizt. a letter from the district attorney of Maryland on the...
53296 Hadwen, E. T. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from E. T. Hadwen, 3 January 1803 1803-01-03 [ Isle of Man ], 3 Jan. 1803 . Confined within the limits of a letter, he cannot say as much as...
53297 Kirby, Ephraim Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ephraim Kirby, 3 January 1803 1803-01-03 Accept my grateful acknowledgement of the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 10th....
53298 Reich, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Reich, 3 January 1803 1803-01-03 I beg your Excellencie’s pardon for troubling you again . The appearance of a reformed...
53299 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 2 January … 1803-01-02 I have now received the Port-Folio, to number 48 inclusive; excepting N: 47 which yet remains in...
53300 Eaton, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eaton, 2 January 1803 … 1803-01-02 2 January 1803, Tunis. “On the 28. Sep. Com. Morris’s squadron left Cagliari after having lain...